error while running "sanity init" command in a Next.js project, failed at "Resolving dependencies" - sanity

I tried to run sanity init in a Next.js project and got the following error:
Error message image:

Try to use npm install or yarn install.


Error when trying to do 'expo build:android'

In the Terminal I get the following error after running the expo build:android command:
Error: Can't find react-native in package.json dependencies
Error: react-native is not installed. Please run `npm install` or `yarn` in your project directory.
There is an error with your project. See above logs for information.Error: There is an error with your project. See above logs for information.
Terminal error picture
I have already tried to update npm version, npm install, and I also tried npm install -g eas-cli
Are there certain steps anyone thinks I should do?
Follow below guide
Delete node_modules folder in root folder
npm install (If you are using yarn use yarn install)

Error executing "react-native link realm"

I am trying to install realm to a react-native project (on Windows). I executed the following commands.
npm install --save realm
react-native link realm
I got the following error message - where <Project-Folder> is my project folder.
error EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir '<Project-Folder>/android/app/build/intermediates/signing_config/debug/out/signing-config.json'
The problem was resolved by executing the following command in Admin mode, i.e. you need to open cmd.exe as Administrator.
react-native link realm

How to fix error in "Copying template" when making project?

I'm generating a new project using React-Native in Command Prompt but I get an error when I use the following command:
react-native init Style
This is the result I get:
√ Downloading template
× Copying template
error Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\rncli-init-template-srEvW0\node_modules\react-native\template.config'
error EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir 'D:\FUSI\React Native\Style'. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir 'D:\FUSI\React Native\Style'
at Object.rmdirSync (fs.js:684:3)
at rmdirSync (D:\FUSI\React Native\node_modules\fs-extra\lib\remove\rimraf.js:276:13)
at Object.rimrafSync [as removeSync] (D:\FUSI\React Native\node_modules\fs-extra\lib\remove\rimraf.js:252:7)
at Object.initialize [as func] (D:\FUSI\React Native\node_modules\react-native\node_modules#react-native-community\cli\build\commands\init\init.js:295:26)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
How can I fix this error?
Mustafa AK had it right. What worked for me is adding the --npm flag at the end of the command.
I followed the tutorial exactly how it was laid out on the React website and was running into the same error. For whatever reason, if you have yarn and npm installed the command to create a new project will not work. So you have to add the --npm flag to get it to only use npm and this will work.
npx react-native init AwesomeProject --npm
This Same error comes with me. But I solved by following ways...
First, uninstall the node from your system and download the latest version of node and install it.
2.after installation of the latest version of node you need to write the command in your command prompt
npm install -g react-native-cli
Now go to your project directory
cd your-react-native-project directory
now create your react-native project
react-native init your-project-name.
Be sure uninstall global react-native/cli as described react-native tutorials
Try to use --npm end of init command if you had yarn and npm both.
npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescript --npm
Note: If you have both yarn and npm installed on your machine, React Native CLI will always try to use yarn, so even if you use npx utility, only react-native executable will be installed using npm and the rest of the work will be delegated to yarn. You can force usage of npm adding --npm flag to the command.

Errors when trying to run react-native on ios

so I developed an app in react-native, already runs and tested on Android, but now its the ios part.
I'm working with react native version 0.60.3, on MacOS, using yarn as package manager.
I'm running "react-native start --reset cache".
then running "react-native run-ios:" on a separate console,
and getting this error:
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with, by opening app.xcworkspace.
error: Unable to resolve build file: XCBCore.BuildFile (missingTargetProductReference(...))
so then im trying to run with Xcode and i get this error on the "react-native start --reset-cache" console:
Error: Unable to resolve module ./index from /Users/nono/work/myapp/.: The module ./index could not be found from /Users/nono/work/myapp/.. Indeed, none of these files exist:
* /Users/nono/work/app/index(.native||.ios.js|.native.js|.js|.ios.json|.native.json|.json|.ios.ts|.native.ts|.ts|.ios.tsx|.native.tsx|.tsx)
and this error on the iphone simulator :
I'm desperate ... please help!
now the first error doesn’t occur.
I only get the "Unable to resolve './index' ... "
Try to run the following commands on terminal:
npm install
cd ios; pod install; cd../
react-native link
try this:
Stop the MetroBundler/launchPackager
Delete node_modules
rm -rf node_modules
Change the version on your package.json
"react-native": "0.59.1",
"react-native": "0.58.6",
Then clean the watchman
watchman watch-del-all
Run npm install again:
npm install
And try to run your project, in my case:
react-native run-ios
My bad. I accidentally deleted the index.js ..

React-native error in react-native-vector-icons module/MaterialIcons

When i try to run app react-native-vector-icons modules gives following error.
Error: While resolving module `react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons`,
the Haste package `react-native-vector-icons` was found.
When i uninstall package my project works fine.
Run this command :
rm ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/fixtures/files/package.json
And restart packager