Vue3 objects from Array only rendering after making a small change in component - vue.js

Experiencing a strange rendering issue. I am grabbing user data from localForage located in my Vuex store in a promise in the following component:
<h1>Users available for test {{ $ }}</h1>
<div v-if="this.import_complete">
import UserList from './UserList.vue';
export default {
name: 'UserManagement',
components: {
data: () => ({
users: [],
import_complete: false,
mounted() {
)).then((value) => {
this.users = value;
this.import_complete = true;
Since it's a promise, I am setting a boolean import_complete to true, and a div in the template is only passing through the data as a prop when this boolean is true
Next, I am consuming the data in another template, in a for loop.
<v-banner v-for="user in this.users" :key="user.index">
{{ user.index }} {{ }} {{ user.profile }}
<template v-slot:actions>
<v-btn text color="primary">Open usering analysis</v-btn>
<v-btn text color="warning" #click="deleteUser(user.index)">Delete</v-btn>
export default {
name: 'UserList',
props: {
users: Object,
methods: {
deleteUser(index) {
this.$store.dispatch('delete_user', index);
mounted() {
console.log('mounted user list, here come the users');
The thing is, the first time it doesn't show anything. Only when I make a tiny change in the last component (can be an Enter followed by a save command) and suddenly the users are displayed on the page.
Interestingly, in the first scenario, the user's array is already filled, I see it in the console (created in the mount method) as well in the Chrome developer Vue tab.
It's probably some kind of Vue thing I am missing? Does someone have a clue?
I've changed the code to this, so directly invoking the localForage. It seems to work, but I would still like to understand why the other code won't work.
this.test = this.$store.getters.getTestByTestId(this.$route.params.testId);, key) => {
if (key === (`user${this.$route.params.userId}`)) {
this.user = value;
}).then(() => {
this.dataReady = true;
}).catch((err) => {
// This code runs if there were any errors


How do have unique variables for each dynamically created buttons/text fields?

I'm trying to create buttons and vue element inputs for each item on the page. I'm iterating through the items and rendering them with v-for and so I decided to expand on that and do it for both the rest as well. The problem i'm having is that I need to to bind textInput as well as displayTextbox to each one and i'm not sure how to achieve that.
currently all the input text in the el-inputs are bound to the same variable, and clicking to display the inputs will display them all at once.
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<icon #click="showTextbox"/>
<el-input v-if="displayTextbox" v-model="textInput" />
<el-button v-if="displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
displayTextbox = false,
textInput = '',
methods: {
confirm() {
// todo send request here
this.displayTextbox = false;
showTextbox() {
this.displayTextbox = true;
EDIT: with the help of #kissu here's the updated and working version
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in itemDataList" :key="">
<icon #click="showTextbox("/>
<El-Input v-if="item.displayTextbox" v-model="item.textInput" />
<El-Button v-if="item.displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm(" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="item.item.uuid" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
itemDataList = [],
methods: {
confirm(id) {
const selected = this.itemDataList.find(
(item) => === id,
selected.displayTextbox = false;
// todo send request here
showTextbox(id) {
(item) => === id,
).displayTextbox = true;
populateItemData() {
this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
id: item.uuid + index,
displayTextbox: false,
textInput: '',
item: item,
created() {
// items prop is obtained from parent component vuex
// generate itemDataList before DOM is rendered so we can render it correctly
[assuming you're using Vue2]
If you want to interact with multiple displayTextbox + textInput state, you will need to have an array of objects with a specific key tied to each one of them like in this example.
As of right now, you do have only 1 state for them all, meaning that as you can see: you can toggle it for all or none only.
You'll need to refactor it with an object as in my above example to allow a case-per-case iteration on each state individually.
PS: :key="index" is not a valid solution, you should never use the index of a v-for as explained here.
PS2: please follow the conventions in terms of component naming in your template.
Also, I'm not sure how deep you were planning to go with your components since we don't know the internals of <ItemDisplay :data-id="" />.
But if you also want to manage the labels for each of your inputs, you can do that with nanoid, that way you will be able to have unique UUIDs for each one of your inputs, quite useful.
Use an array to store the values, like this:
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<el-input v-model="textInputs[index]" />
export default {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
textInputs: []

beforeRouteLeave doesn't work imediately when using with modal and emit function

I have a Vue application with many child components. In my case, I have some parent-child components like this. The problem is that in some child components, I have a section to edit information. In case the user has entered some information and router to another page but has not saved it, a modal will be displayed to warn the user. I followed the instructions on beforeRouteLeave and it work well but I got a problem. When I click the Yes button from the modal, I'll emit a function #yes='confirm' to the parent component. In the confirm function, I'll set this.isConfirm = true. Then I check this variable inside beforeRouteLeave to confirm navigate. But in fact, when I press the Yes button in modal, the screen doesn't redirect immediately. I have to click one more time to redirect. Help me with this case
You can create a base component like the following one - and then inherit (extend) from it all your page/route-level components where you want to implement the functionality (warning about unsaved data):
<div />
import events, { PAGE_LEAVE } from '#/events';
export default
name: 'BasePageLeave',
beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next)
events.$emit(PAGE_LEAVE, to, from, next);
events.js is simply a global event bus.
Then, in your page-level component you will do something like this:
.... your template ....
<!-- Unsaved changes -->
<ConfirmPageLeave :value="modified" />
import BasePage from 'src/components/BasePageLeave';
import ConfirmPageLeave from 'src/components/dialogs/ConfirmPageLeave';
export default
name: 'MyRouteName',
extends: BasePage,
return {
modified: false,
... the data that you want to track and show a warning
deep: true,
this.modified = true;
The ConfirmPageLeave component is the modal dialog which will be shown when the data is modified AND the user tries to navigate away:
<v-dialog v-model="showUnsavedWarning" persistent>
<v-card flat>
<v-card-title class="pa-2">
<v-spacer />
<v-btn icon #click="showUnsavedWarning = false">
<v-card-text class="pt-2 pb-3 text-h6">
<div class="text-h4 pb-4">{{ $t('confirm_page_leave') }}</div>
<div>{{ $t('unsaved_changes') }}</div>
<v-card-actions class="justify-center px-3 pb-3">
<v-btn class="mr-4 px-4" outlined large tile #click="showUnsavedWarning = false">{{ $t('go_back') }}</v-btn>
<v-btn class="ml-4 px-4" large tile depressed color="error" #click="ignoreUnsaved">{{ $t('ignore_changes') }}</v-btn>
import events, { PAGE_LEAVE } from '#/events';
export default
name: 'ConfirmPageLeave',
// whether the monitored data has been modified
type: Boolean,
default: false
return {
showUnsavedWarning: false,
nextRoute: null,
if (!newVal)
this.nextRoute = null;
events.$on(PAGE_LEAVE, this.discard);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.pageLeave);
events.$off(PAGE_LEAVE, this.discard);
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.pageLeave);
discard(to, from, next)
if (this.value)
this.nextRoute = next;
this.showUnsavedWarning = true;
else next();
if (this.value)
const confirmationMsg = this.$t('leave_page');
(e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMsg;
return confirmationMsg;
this.showUnsavedWarning = false;
if (this.nextRoute) this.nextRoute();
"en": {
"confirm_page_leave": "Unsaved changes",
"unsaved_changes": "If you leave this page, any unsaved changes will be lost.",
"ignore_changes": "Leave page",
"go_back": "Cancel",
"leave_page": "You're leaving the page but there are unsaved changes.\nPress OK to ignore changes and leave the page or CANCEL to stay on the page."

Vue: How to change a value of state and use it in other page and change page structure at starting by it?

In this project, we can login from login.vue by clicking login button and if it is success then we can see Lnb.vue in dashboard.vue
I thought if i code like this then pageSso will be 1 when I check the checkbox in login.vue in Lnb.vue then it will not show only "Account" menu.
When I used console.log(pageSso) at mounted cycle it showed pageSso was 0. What would be the problem?
export const state = () => ({
pageSso: 0,
export const getters = {
pageSso: (state) => state.pageSso,
export const mutations = {
setPageSso(state, data) {
console.log('mutations setPageSso data', data)
state.pageSso = data
export const actions = {
}, data) {
console.log('actions setPageSso data', data)
commit('setPageSso', data)
false-value="0" >SSO checkbox
<button class="point" #click="submit">login</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
sso: '',
computed: {},
methods: {
submit() {
this.$store.dispatch('store/setPageSso', this.sso)
//this.$store.dispatch('store/login', data)
<div class="base flex">
<Lnb />
<div class="main">
<Gnb />
<nuxt-child />
import Lnb from '#/components/Lnb'
import Gnb from '#/components/Gnb'
export default {
components: {
mounted() {},
<li :class="{ active: navbarState == 7 ? true : false }">
<a href="/dashboard/settings">
<img src="../assets/images/ico_settings.svg" alt="icon" /> Settings
<li v-show="pageSso != 1" :class="{ active: navbarState == 8 ? true : false }">
<a href="/dashboard/user">
<img src="../assets/images/ico_user.svg" alt="icon" />
import {
} from 'vuex'
export default {
data() {
return {}
computed: {
...mapState('store', {
// navbarState: (state) => state.navbarState,
pageSso: (state) => state.pageSso,
mounted() {
console.log('pageSso ->', this.pageSso);
methods: {
Your console.log(pageSso) logs 0 because the mounted hook of Lnb.vue happens once, and it happens when the component is inserted into the DOM.
You insert Lnb into the DOM unconditionally in this line of dashboard.vue:
<Lnb />
and this is roughly when it's mounted hook is triggered.
Your pageSso seems to be changed only after you triggered the submit() method, which — I guess — happens way later, when you submit the login form.
Your Lnb.vue currently is always mounted. If you don't want to show it until pageSso is equal to 1, add a v-if on it in dashboard.vue like this:
<Lnb v-if="pageSso === 1" />
You currently don't have pageSso variable in dashboard.vue, you must take it from the store.
N.B.: Mind the difference between v-show and v-if directives: v-show only hides the component with display: none; while v-if actually removes or inserts the component from/to the DOM. With v-show, the component gets mounted even if you don't see it. With v-if, the component's mounted hook will fire each time the condition evaluates to true.

Vue Mounting Component removing div

I am trying to mount a component on a function, it works fine. However I've got it setup so that it destroys the div after X amount of seconds. Then when I try and add the compoent again its removed the base div. I'm not sure how to fix this though...
<b-alert show dismissible variant="danger">
<i class="mdi mdi-block-helper mr-2"></i>{{ text }}
export default {
name: "alertDanager",
props: {
text: null
created() {
setTimeout(() => this.destoryEl(), 5000);
methods: {
destoryEl() {
Spawning the component in
const DangerAlertExtended = Vue.extend(dangerAlert);
const error = new DangerAlertExtended({ propsData: { text: "Error message" } });
I'm not sure how to make it stop overwriting the #error div...
Why not let v-if exclude it from the DOM instead of removing the element? Alternatively, it could be hidden but remain in the DOM with v-show (that's probably what I would do, unless there's a specific reason you need for it to not be in the DOM). I think it's generally better to let Vue manage the DOM rather than manipulate yourself.
<div v-if="showAlert">
<b-alert show dismissible variant="danger">
<i class="mdi mdi-block-helper mr-2"></i>{{ text }}
export default {
name: "alertDanager",
props: {
text: null,
showAlert: true
created() {
setTimeout(() => this.hideAlert(), 5000);
methods: {
hideAlert() {
this.showAlert = false

How to share ajax results between two components with the first one using the second?

First of all, I'm a beginner with VueJS, so I may presenting you a bunch of non-sens. :-) I read all the beginner doc, but I'm still stuck for this case.
I have 2 template component managed by a functionnal component:
<h2>PageSpeed performance score: {{ results.score }}.</h2>
The second one, using the first one (the first one is needed to be used elsewhere to display score only:
<template v-if="results">
<hosting-performance-score :results="results"/>
v-for="(result, rule) in results.rules"
v-if="result.ruleImpact > 0"
class="panel panel-default"
<div class="panel-heading">{{ result.localizedRuleName }}</div>
<div class="panel-body">
{{ result.summary.format }}
<b>{{ result.ruleImpact }}</b>
class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"
import HostingPerformanceScore from './HostingPerformanceScore';
export default {
components: {
And then, the functional one with the AJAX logic:
import axios from 'axios';
import axiosRetry from 'axios-retry';
import HostingPerformanceScore from './HostingPerformanceScore';
import HostingPerformancePage from './HostingPerformancePage';
export default {
functional: true,
props: {
scoreOnly: {
default: false,
type: Boolean,
slug: {
required: true,
type: String,
data: () => ({
results: null,
created() {
axios.get(Routing.generate('hosting_performance_pagespeed', {
slug: this.slug,
})).then((response) => {
this.results = {
rules: Object.entries( => {
const result = entry[1];
result.ruleName = entry[0];
return result;
}).sort((result1, result2) => result1.ruleImpact < result2.ruleImpact),
render: (createElement, context) => {
return createElement(
context.props.scoreOnly ? HostingPerformanceScore : HostingPerformancePage,,
The issue is: I can't access the result and I don't know how to pass it properly: Property or method "results" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
Or maybe functional components are not designed for this, but I don't know how to achieve it otherway. How would you do it?
Thanks! :-)
You appear to have this a little backwards in terms of which components can be functional and which not.
Since your HostingPerformanceScore and HostingPerformancePage components are really only rendering data, they can be functional components by just rendering props they accept.
Your other component has to maintain state, and so it cannot be a functional component.
I put together an example of how this might work.
<template functional>
<h2 v-if="props.results">
PageSpeed performance score: {{ props.results.score }}.
<template functional>
<h2>Hosting Performance Page</h2>
<HostingPerformanceScore :results="props.results"/>
import HostingPerformanceScore from "./HostingPerformanceScore.vue";
export default {
components: {
<HostingPerformanceScore :results="results" v-if="scoreOnly" />
<HostingPerformancePage :results="results" v-else />
import HostingPerformancePage from "./HostingPerformancePage.vue";
import HostingPerformanceScore from "./HostingPerformanceScore.vue";
export default {
props: {
scoreOnly: Boolean
data() {
return {
results: null
created() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.results = {
score: Math.random()
}, 1000);
components: {
And here is a working example.