vuexy vuejs laravel crud operation using sidebar - vue.js

I am using vuexy vuejs Laravel admin template
I am new in vuejs and I want to implement crud operation using theme stander using sidebar
does any one implemented crud operation using vuexy vuejs Laravel admin template using sidebar
I am using MongoDB is data base
I want to use one single sidebar and want to perform crud operation


Vue.js 3 runtime component compiler

I want to create a fully customized Vue.js application and what I want is to save Vue.js component in database and load the corresponding Vue.js component based on the user.
That will make the app fully customized and I can customize component for each user individually.
Is there any library can compile Vue.js 3 component (composition API) on the fly?

How to use existing cumulocity widget in custom widget

I created a custom widget using angular 10, Now I wanted to add a datapoint list in the configuration(edit) and access it
I am using c8y-data-point-list directive but my angular application not able to find this selector/associated component.
so my first question is how to use the existing angularJs component in angular? how to import it?
is it possible?
I also want to use more widget in a custom widget from ng1-module, how to achieve it?
c8y-data-point-list is not in the official list of cumulocity components, so it's not possible to use it.
Also the highest version of angular would be the 8th, as they currently only support it and still use angularJS components.

How to dynamically change the style in vue single page component for templating

I want to create a SPA with the white labeling capability and I am wondering if there is a way for me to dynamically change the styles tag inside a single page VueJS component?
I think I can manage the template dynamically by using something like
<div v-if="condition"></div>
But is there similar scheme available for styles ?
Can it be done without using Server Side Rendering?

How to utilize Angular 4 components when creating Leaflet Extended Control?

I am working now a few weeks with Leaflet and Angular CLI on a project involving geo map and in-door maps (Leaflet custom maps).
The application is conceptually very simple. I have to provide the user with a list of in-door locations (e.g. room) in a form of a simple location tree table, where, on user click, a new in-door map must be called. Also, I have to make a custom search box with a few filtering options for searching through sets of structured data and plotting the data on the maps in a form of Leaflet markers.
The question I have is the following: What would be the best way to implement the 2 above mentioned controls (location tree and search box), taking into account the nature of the app and the technology I am working with (Leaflet library and Angular CLI (angular 4.x))?
From my point of view, I can see 2 options by now:
1) Create the controls (location tree and search box with filters) using Leaflet L.control.extended (negative(-): seems to me that I have to statically type html in the L.control.extended 'onAdd' function in order to create the controls -> no possible Angular 4 templating engine advantages)
2) Create the controls using Angular 4 Component's templates, in Angular 4 fashion, neglecting the very existence of Leaflet L.control.extended (negative: It seems to me that this option unnecessary complicates the app + intuitively seems wrong since Leaflet extended control seems 'as born' for such types of problems)
It would be great if I could dynamically nest Angular component inside Leaflet custom control somehow. Any suggestions?

Where can I put a Django custom template tag to get it used by a customised Django admin template?

I have a customised version of base-site.html which is kept in templates/admin.
I would like to use a custom template tag in base-site.html.
Normally I would put a custom template tag in a templatetags package within an app.
In this case, the template is rendered for the admin app, which is outside of my source tree.
Where should I put a custom template tag, so that the admin app uses it when rendering my custom base-site.html?
I just put the custom template tag in with all the application custom template tags and it worked without any trouble.