PostgreSQL subqueries as values - sql

I am trying to use a postgreSQL INSERT query with a subquery as parameter value. This is to find the corresponding user_id from an accompanying auth_token in user_info tabel first and then create a new entry in a different table with the corresponding user_id.
My query looks something like this
INSERT INTO user_movies(user_id, date, time, movie, rating)
VALUES ((SELECT user_id FROM user_info where auth_token = $1),$2,$3,$4,$5)
I know that a query such as this will work with a single value
INSERT INTO user_movies(user_id)
SELECT user_id FROM user_info where auth_token = $1
but how do I allow for multiples input values. Is this even possible in postgreSQL.
I am also using nodejs to run this query -> therefore the $ as placeholders.

To expand on my comment (it is probably a solution, IIUC): Easiest in this case would be to make the inner query return all the values. So, assuming columns from the inner query have the right names, you could just
INSERT INTO user_movies(user_id, date, time, movie, rating)
SELECT user_id,$2,$3,$4,$5 FROM user_info where auth_token = $1
Note this form is also without VALUES, it uses a query instead.
Edited 20220424: a_horse_with_no_name removed the useless brackets around SELECT ... that appeared in my original version; thanks!

YOu could try uising where IN clause
INSERT INTO user_movies(user_id)
SELECT user_id
FROM user_info
WHERE auth_token IN ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)


How to combine these two Postgresql queries?

I want to insert into a first table, then update a second table with the returned (DB generated) UUID of the inserted row before finally returning the result of the insert.
The insert query looks like this:
INSERT INTO public.organisations ("name")
This will return a row with name, data and id. Data is an empty JSON and can be ignored, id is the UUID used below.
The update query looks like this, with <orgId> indicating the UUID generated and returned by the above insert and <userId> indicating a value passed in from code:
UPDATE public.users
SET id_organisation = <orgID>, last_modified_by = <userID>
WHERE id = <userID>;
Both of these queries work but I do not know how to string them together and return the output of the first query.
Is it possible to do this or would I be better just running two queries?
Use CTEs:
with i as (
INSERT INTO public.organisations ("name")
UPDATE public.users
SET id_organisation = (SELECT FROM i LIMIT 1), last_modified_by = <userID>
WHERE id=<userID>;
Note that this uses a subquery with LIMIT -- this guarantees that at most one row is returned.
Here is a db<>fiddle illustrating that the syntax works.

Determine the values of a long list which are not existing in a postgres table

Provided there is a long list of values, which happen to be values of attributes of records in a postgres-database.
I would like to create a query which finds out which of these values can not be found in the database.
I have no right to execute DDL-Statements and I would like to avoid procedural code.
the table might be
ID Integer,
attr varchar(30)
The list might be something like (but longer, about 240000 values)
Using sed I can create and execute a statement
select count(*) from Test where attr in ('TestValue0',
This statement shows me, that not all of these values can be found in Test.
How can I formulate a query which tells me which of these uniq-values can not be found in the postgres-database?
For what you want to do, you can use left join, not in or not exists. But the key is that you need a derived table with the values you care about:
select v.attr
from (values ('TestValue0'), ('TestValue1'), ('TestValue2'), ('TestValue3')
) v attr
where not exists (select 1 from test t where t.attr = v.attr);

Insert into a specific row of a table

I am trying to select the row in a table where the id = user and once I have that row I want to insert into the docId column the value docId. To do this I have tried this:
INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id='"+user+"')); (docId) VALUES ('"+docId+"')
but this does not work
I think you want:
update users
set docId = ?
where id = ?
Do not munge the query string with parameter values. These only cause unexpected syntax errors and make the code vulnerable to SQL injection. Learn to use parameters.
Try INSERT INTO TableNmae(SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id='value') and (docId) = ('value1'))

SQL Server where column in where clause is null

Let's say that we have a table named Data with Id and Weather columns. Other columns in that table are not important to this problem. The Weather column can be null.
I want to display all rows where Weather fits a condition, but if there is a null value in weather then display null value.
My SQL so far:
FROM Data d
WHERE (d.Weather LIKE '%'+COALESCE(NULLIF('',''),'sunny')+'%' OR d.Weather IS NULL)
My results are wrong, because that statement also shows values where Weather is null if condition is not correct (let's say that users mistyped wrong).
I found similar topic, but there I do not find appropriate answer.
SQL WHERE clause not returning rows when field has NULL value
Please help me out.
Your query is correct for the general task of treating NULLs as a match. If you wish to suppress NULLs when there are no other results, you can add an AND EXISTS ... condition to your query, like this:
FROM Data d
WHERE d.Weather LIKE '%'+COALESCE(NULLIF('',''),'sunny')+'%'
OR (d.Weather IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Data dd WHERE dd.Weather LIKE '%'+COALESCE(NULLIF('',''),'sunny')+'%'))
The additional condition ensures that NULLs are treated as matches only if other matching records exist.
You can also use a common table expression to avoid duplicating the query, like this:
WITH cte (id, weather) AS
FROM Data d
WHERE d.Weather LIKE '%'+COALESCE(NULLIF('',''),'sunny')+'%'
statement show also values where Wether is null if condition is not correct (let say that users typed wrong sunny).
This suggests that the constant 'sunny' is coming from end-user's input. If that is the case, you need to parameterize your query to avoid SQL injection attacks.

How to give the output of the first query(which has two values) as the input to the second?

i get 2 names as the output of the first query....
eg: paul,peter
now this should be the input for the second query,
which has to display paul's and peter's email ids....
For nested queries I would strongly recommend WITH clause. It makes long complex queries order of magnitude easier to understand / construct / modify:
w_users AS( -- you can name it whatever you want
FROM users
WHERE < long condition here >
w_other_subquery AS(
SELECT email_id
FROM ...
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM w_users)
You can use like this
Just use the IN clause '=' is used for matching one result
You can use In Command to get result
SELECT email FROM tableName WHERE (Name IN ('paul', 'peter'))