modify superblock block count - ext4

My "backup" disk is slightly smaller than my original disk resulting in an slightly incomplete dd copy
I now want to fix the wrong number of blocks designated in the superblock ... yes with potential data loss.
I will resort to creating a fs in place with the same block info but with the correct size and then store the superblock for later patching ... but there oughta be a way to resize with dataloss... sheesh
The question is:
how to manipulate the ext4 superblock?
which program ?
and maybe which limitations?
and no resize2fs doesn't seem to work on that anymore ...


Cache block swap between different ways

I am trying to achieve a kind of functionality in cache which will swap the blocks within the same set but different ways. For example, data stored in way 0 will be moved to way 1 and the data was stored in way 1 then is moved to way 0. The block should not be evicted from the cache during this swapping.
The cache model is the classic set-associative cache (not Ruby).
I noticed cache_blk.hh tells what kind of data is stored in a cache block, so I wrote something in base_tag as below to perform the content swapping.
for (int i=0;i<blk_size;i++)
*(blkA->data + i)=*(blkB->data + i);
This modification caused data corruption, so it did not work correctly. Can someone give me some suggestions about this?
Many Thanks!

how ext4 works with fallocate

Recently, I am testing the proper usage of ext4 filesystem. what is my expert is that:
when system crashed, the data had been write return ok can not loss, but metadate can.
Here is my usage:
1. call fallocate to alloc centain space
fallocate(fd, 0, 0, 4*1024*1024); //4MB
2. call fsync(fd) let data and metadata write to disks
3. then i call function to randomly write the file with 4k size(random data but not 0). with O_DRICT flagļ¼Œbut not call fsync. I log the offset with return write ok.
4. check the offset that logged. but i find in some offset, read 4k data, is 0. It seems mean that offset isn't used like hole files.
My question is that:
<1. why after calling fallocate and fsync the metadata of the file still seems
indicate some blocks is not used, so when read it return null. It is my understand .
<2. have other api to call, can make sure that in allocate space with file is not holes ,after that when write data return ok with O_DIRECT can make sure the data will not be loss even the system crashed.
Only writing to the file space can eliminate the hole. Without writing, there is no dirty page and fsync simply does nothing.
I am wondering how did you execute you step 4. It seems that you did it by a manual crash, did you? If you read it after write without a crash, it should not be zero, provided you wrote non-zeros. If you read it after a crash, zero can happen if disk cache existed. However, this kind of zero is not like holes, they are zeros read from the disk (very probably the disk contains zeros).

How do EMACS Lisp programmers read text files for non-editing purposes?

What do EMACS Lisp programmers do, when they want to write something roughly the equivalent of...
for line in open("foo.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines():
...(split on ws and call a fn, or whatever)...
When I look in the EMACS lisp help, I see functions about opening files into text editing buffers -- not exactly what I was intending. I suppose I could write functions to visit the lines of the file, but if I did that, I wouldn't want the user to see it, and besides, it doesn't seem very efficient from a text-processing standpoint.
I think a more direct translation of the original Python code is as follows:
(insert-file-contents "foo.txt")
(while (search-forward-regexp "\\(.*\\)\n?" nil t)
; do something with this line in (match-string 1)
I think with-temp-buffer/insert-file-contents is generally preferable to with-current-buffer/find-file-noselect, because the former guarantees that you're working with a fresh copy of the entire file contents. With the latter construction, if you happen to already have a buffer visiting the target file, then that buffer is returned by find-file-noselect, so if that buffer has been narrowed, you'll only see that part of the file when you process it.
Keep in mind that it may very well be more convenient not to process the file line-by-line. For example, this is an expression that returns a list of all sequences of consecutive digits in the file:
(insert-file-contents "foo.txt")
(loop while (search-forward-regexp "[0-9]+" nil t)
collect (match-string 0)))
(require 'cl) first to bring in the loop macro.
Yes, that is what you want to do: visit the file in a buffer, and operate on the text in that buffer.
You do not have to display the buffer, i.e., the user need not see it.
And as for efficiency: manipulating text in a buffer is typically the most efficient way to manipulate text.
You can visit a file in a buffer in several ways. You might want to use an existing file buffer for this, depending on the use case. That is, if the file is already "open" in Emacs then you might want to use its buffer.
Or you might want to disregard any existing file buffer for an already "open" file, and read the file anew into a new buffer. For that, as #Sean mentions, you can use insert-file-contents with a buffer that you create. You can create the buffer using with-temp-buffer or generate-new-buffer, depending, again, on what you want/need to do with it.
If you do want to reuse a buffer that is already visiting the file, you can test whether it has been modified in memory, whether it is narrowed, etc., and do whatever is appropriate for your use case. You can check whether there is already a buffer visiting the file (using any path/file name) using function find-buffer-visiting.
To visit the file, taking advantage of any existing buffer that is visiting it, you can use find-file-noselect. That function returns the buffer that visits the file, so you can pass that buffer as the first argument to with-current-buffer. Here is a simple example.
(with-current-buffer (let ((enable-local-variables ())) (find-file-noselect file))
;; Do some stuff with the text in the buffer.
;; Optionally save the buffer back to the file.
(The binding of enable-local-variables to nil is a minor optimization, for the common case where you don't need to bother with buffer-local variables.)

GPUImage capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter only working for the last filter

In my application I am using a stack of 3 filters and adding that to a stillCamera. I am trying to take the image from filter1, its an empty filter so it returns the actual image.
[stillCamera addTarget:filter1];
[filter1 addTarget:filter2];
[filter2 addTarget:filter3];
[filter3 addTarget:cameraView];
When I call capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter, it only ever returns an image when I pass it filter3 like below.
[stillCamera capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter:filter3 with...
The two examples below never return images
[stillCamera capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter:filter1 with...
[stillCamera capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter:filter2 with...
Am I doing something wrong? As a fix I am using:
[filter1 imageFromCurrentlyProcessedOutput]
Is there any difference between calling capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter and imageFromCurrentlyProcessedOutput?
I think this is a side effect of a memory conservation optimization I tried to put in place last year. For very large images, like photos, what I try to do is destroy the framebuffer that backs each filter as the filtered image progresses through the filter chain. The idea is to try to minimize memory spikes by only having one or two copies of the large image in memory at any point in time.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work as intended much of the time, and because the framebuffers are deleted as the image progresses, only the last filter in the chain ends up having a valid framebuffer to read from. I'm probably going to yank this optimization out at some point in the near future in favor of an internal framebuffer and texture cache, but I'm not sure what can be done in the meantime to read from these intermediary filters in a chain.

File reading and checksums in go. Difference between methods

Recently I'm into creating checksums for files in go. My code is working with small and big files. I tried two methods, the first uses ioutil.ReadFile("filename") and the second is working with os.Open("filename").
The first function is working with the io/ioutil and works for small files. When I try to copy a big file my ram gets blastet and for a 1.5GB iso it uses 3GB of ram.
func byteCopy(fileToCopy string) {
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileToCopy) //1.5GB file
omg(err) //error handling function
ioutil.WriteFile("2.iso", file, 0777)
Even worse when I want to create a checksum with crypto/sha512 and io/ioutil.
It will never finish and abort because it runs out of memory.
func ioutilHash() {
file, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(iso)
h := sha512.New()
fmt.Printf("%x", h.Sum(file))
When using the function below everything works fine.
func ioHash() {
f, err := os.Open(iso) //iso is a big ~ 1.5tb file
omg(err) //error handling function
defer f.Close()
h := sha512.New()
io.Copy(h, f)
fmt.Printf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
My Question:
Why is the ioutil.ReadFile() function not working right? The 1.5GB file should not fill my 16GB of ram. I don't know where to look right now.
Could somebody explain the differences between the methods? I don't get it with reading the go-doc and examples.
Having usable code is nice, but understanding why its working is way above that.
Thanks in advance!
The following code doesn't do what you think it does.
func ioutilHash() {
file, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(iso)
h := sha512.New()
fmt.Printf("%x", h.Sum(file))
This first reads your 1.5GB iso. As jnml pointed out, it continuously makes bigger and bigger buffers to fill it. In the end, And total buffer size is no less than 1.5GB and no greater than 1.875GB (by the current implementation).
However, after that you then make another buffer! h.Sum(file) doesn't hash file. It appends the current hash to file! This may or may not cause yet another allocation.
The real problem is that you are taking that file, now appended with the hash, and printing it with %x. Fmt actually pre-computes using the same type of method jnml pointed out that ioutil.ReadAll used. So it constantly allocated bigger and bigger buffers to store the hex of your file. Since each letter is 4 bits, that means we are talking about no less than a 3GB buffer for that and no greater than 3.75GB.
This means your active buffers may be as big 5.625GB. Combine that with the GC not being perfect and not removing all the intermediate buffers, and it could very easily fill your space.
The correct way to write that code would have been.
func ioutilHash() {
file, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(iso)
h := sha512.New()
fmt.Printf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
This doesn't do nearly the number the allocations.
The bottom line is that ReadFile is rarely what you want to use. IO streaming (using readers and writers) is always the best way when it is an option. Not only do you allocate much less when you use io.Copy, you also hash and read the disk concurrently. In your ReadFile example, the two resources are used synchronously when they don't depend on each other.
ioutil.ReadFile is working right. It's your fault to abuse the system resources by using that function for things you know are huge.
ioutil.ReadFile is a handy helper for files you're pretty sure in advance that they're going to be small. Like configuration files, most source code files etc. (Actually it's optimizing things for files <= 1e9 bytes, but that's an implementation detail and not part of the API contract. Your 1.5GB file forces it to use slice growing and thus allocating more than one big buffer for your data in the process of reading the file.)
Even your other approach using os.File is not okay. You definitely should be using the "bufio" package for sequential processing of large files, see bufio.NewReader.