Steps or Procedure to create and authenticate web SDK - authentication

I tried searching in various places, googling about how I can create and authenticate an SDK which I can use as a starting point. Here is what I am trying to achieve.
My Application:
I am creating a saas similar to firebase, supabase etc., where a user signs up on my application and adds some data, say a todo list.
Now, I would have to provide a client SDK(javascript) and server SDK(python, nodejs). Using this the customer should be able to add the SDK to his own application (Customer Application) and be able to access the data that My Application provides.
To do this, when the SDK is used in the Customer Application, I need to authenticate and get the user details, roles and provide the data from My Application. How can I do this?
I have seen that there is some kind of Client key and Server key generated in My Application. These keys can be used by the customer in his application and initialize the sdk using the Client key.
What kind of auth mechanism is this
How is the Client key and Server key generated securely
Any link/pointers to resources will be very helpful.

We use JWT based auth that encode certain Postgres user roles. You can find more information on it here:


Azure application key replacement in app service

I have similar question that was posted earlier in No application keys for Azure Mobile Apps - what's a simple replacement?.
But there doesn't seem to be any satisfying answer on that issue.
I just want to restrict the access to the the azure custom api & db tables with a simple key/code in my mobile client application. I dont want the users to be forced to login to their fb/google etc accounts.
The "new" app service/mobile app seems only to work with authentication where the user/client sign in using google/fb .
Is there any way to accomplish the "old" application key behaviour in this "new" app service?
The application key was removed as it does not provide any real security. If you are using the Node.js backend, check out

Authentication of mobile apps using Identity server

What is the reference architecture for adding authentication and authorization to a mobile application. Do I need access tokens infrastructure or can I just use validation of a token data using private-public key pair. Do I need a dedicated Identity server(like wso2 identity server) incase I also want to release a developer API.
Thanks in advnace
Things I have tried: I have worked on a project which uses the PKI based validation for every request(token data encrypted at client, token and encrypted data sent over to the server with every request and server decrypts to validate the client) this is a custom implementation, this I feel not the best way to do this, done some basic research to find the right way to do it. Found OpenAM and WSO2 IS, which can connect against multiple user store. They support token based authentication and policy based access control among other features.
What I'am looking for here: Am I on the right track, shall I goahead evaluating the two products, given that I also want to use the same platform another part of the same application which is web-based.

Web API Security using Individual User Accounts and Custom Storage Provider

I am developing a REST based application using Web Api 2. On the project, I elected to use the individual user accounts option when I created my project. On the frontend, I am using a combination of angularjs and ios interfaces to interact with web api. I would like a user to enter their credentials and upon successful authentication, receive a jwt token(SSL) that they can use as long as the ticket hasn't expired. I read an article outlining how to create a custom storage provider, which I need as my user schema is different from identity.
What is the recommended approach to this scenario?
Can someone provide an example of how to setup .net individual accounts for authenticating users trying to access web api action methods? As stated above, the user interface is angularjs.

Webhook + Server-side Authentication

I have a user provide me the organization he wants to Sync with our system. We create the hooks afterwards for each App of the Organization.
The only workaround I found is to ask for each App ID and Token or the username authentication.
How can a Webhook be authentified to have the right to get items from all Apps at the same time? (like a server-side authentication)
There are a couple of options: The best is to contact Podio support and get an increased trust level for your API key. Then app tokens can be retrieved through the API and you can fully automate hook creation.
The alternative is to create a user that's a member of all spaces which you can authenticate as using password-based authentication.

Authenticating against a realtime-server used in a Symfony2 project

I recently started a new project using different carefully-chosen technologies, my project is built as follow :
The approach is API-Centric, which means I'm building a website and an iOS app communicating with an API written using Symfony2. I've successfully managed to write my API, and it is perfectly working.
To gain access to the services provided by the API, the main actors (the website users, the iOS app users and the developers) can authenticate theirself in several ways :
Clients can gain access with a login/password couple through the website interface which is communicating directly with the API through AJAX to validate the provided credentials and set a session. So, when someones logs in our website, they have automatically access to the API as well.
Developers can authenticate theirself through the API using HTTP-Basic over SSL, which will as well generate a session and give them access to the services they are authorized to call.
Also, Developers and clients can gain access to the website and the API using their facebook account through the Facebook Connect functionality. This deletes the step where each actor has to create an account on our website.
So basically, the credentials are provided either through HTTP-Basic or using the Facebook Login functionality.
Now that my authentication system is working and that my clients are able to access the website, I would like them to connect to a real-time server when they log in. Like in Facebook or Google+ if you want where the real-time server manages chat and push informations.
In this case i'm using Node.js and the powerfull library to manage everything that deals with the real-time side.
Of course, the real-time service will need some credentials to authenticate the user since he is authenticated to the Symfony security system with a session but is not authenticated against the real-time server.
A solution I've been thinking about would be to use the PdoSessionStorage in my API (Symfony side) and store all the active sessions in a database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Doing so, I would be able to send to my real-time server the session id generated by symfony and check on the database if the session id provided is correct or not. If he is I'll let the user access the services provided by my real-time server and associate his session with an identity.
But I really don;t know if this is a good solution and I would like some more experienced advices on this and on how to deal with this issue.
Note : For some reasons, I cannot implement OAuth even if it could be a solution to solve this issue using a Single Sign On approach.