Facing permission related issue while scanning Firefox in Tosca - permissions

I'm facing a module scanning issue in Tosca application - unable to scan Firefox web browser. The error message is: Firefox cannot be accessed by the scan. Please make sure that the permissions are set accordingly. I also made changes in the Task Manager, but I'm still facing the same issue.


I CAN log into Jira through proxy. I CAN get to login page from local host. Authentication fails ONLY from local host

I'm having the strangest problem with Jira.
We were in the process of setting up links between Jira and Confluence and everything seemed to be working. After a restart of the machine we had some startup issues due to disabled plugs. We resolved this by deleting the rows indicating inactive plugins in the MySql database.
Everything seemed to be working. Could log into Jira. Could log into Confluence. Could connect from each to the other using application linker widget in the upper left corner of the applications.
While trying to embed some Jira into a Confluence page a user got an error and we checked the Application links.
Application link from Jira to Confluence looks good.
Application link from Confluence to Jira looks like this.
If I log onto the host machine and try to log into Jira as http://localhost:8080 i get this very strange behavior:
http://localhost:8080 brings up my Jira log on page.
If I try to log on as userX I get a try again screen.
If I try to log on as userY I get a try again screen WITH A CAPCHA.
BOTH logons DO WORK if I try to logon from https://jira.myorg.com!!!
Really confused why I can access the application but authentication fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm still seeing this strange behavior but I've solved the problem by changing the application url to the outward facing one (https://jira.myorg.com). At one point this didn't work (that's why we used http://localhost:8080 in the first place, jira and confluence are on the same server). It seems to not need this at this point.
We did delete and recreate the links from scratch also. This is mention as a suggestion in the documentation if you are having problems with the links.

Azure DevOps VSTest,Site Currently unavailable message and times out despite being up

Currently using Selenium + ChromeDriver to execute automated functional tests through Azure DevOps VsTest task but whenever the task tries to execute tests pointing to a website in NetCore, it times out very quickly and sometimes (a lot of times) I get the standard error message from the registered screenshot on error of "This site can't be reached".
I tried running this locally and pointing to the same website but this issue doesn't seem to happen at all and I've got no clue on what's going on due to the big inconsistency between the results that the VsTest task provides.
I also tried opening Chrome on the machine that executes the task but it seems to open the URL fine there.
One thing to note is that the website I'm using uses Windows Authentication mechanism and I'm sending my credentials directly through the URL with https:\\credentialuserexample1:credentialpassexample2#thewebsiteaddress.com and it seems to open the page without issue there too.

What typically causes "uwsgi-body-read:...Client closed connection" error?

One of our clients is triggering this error when trying to use our site's file upload functionality:
[uwsgi-body-read] Error reading 65536 bytes.
Content-Length: 543426 consumed: 233 left: 543193
message: Client closed connection
Every other user that has tested uploading the same file has not been able to reproduce this issue even with same OS (Windows) and browser (Chrome). I searched but was unable to find an explanation of the "Client closed connection" error, so I am not clear what the usual causes are. Is there a particular category of issue that typically causes these errors in uWSGI?
I found this github issue which seems to suggest that the problem is related to Safari or IE, but the client is using Chrome on Windows, and we have been unable to reproduce with that same setup. We are using version 2.0.18 of uWSGI.
I was able to get on a call with the client and figured out what the issue was: he was trying to upload a file out of a shared drive. The file when chosen from a shared drive on a windows machine would fail, triggering the uwsgi-body-read error on the backend. When the file was dragged to the desktop and chosen from there, the upload succeeded without issue. The issue is potentially related to windows, because I was able to upload from a shared NAS from a Mac. My team has not yet investigated the issue further.

IE 10 not using AppCache after browser closed

I wrote an application using the HTML5 Cache Manifest and I'm having a problem using it in IE 10.
I used Fiddler to witness the manifest file being downloaded and all resources fetched on the initial load of the application. If I disable my network adapter to force the machine offline, the application continues to work as expected as long as I don't close the browser window.
However, when I close the browser window, then attempt to re-open the page from a favorite, IE 10 tells me "You're not connected to a network". Obviously I know that, I'm trying to use the app offline. These exact steps work in Chrome.
Is this behavior by design? Is there a workaround? I can't test with IE 11 right now...is this different in IE 11?
Hearing of some issues of the appcache clearing if your company utilizes gpo settings and has "empty temporary internet files folder when browser is closed" enabled.
Did you find the answer to this? I have the same problem. I did get a bit further though. I found that if you go to the IE10 File menu option and tick Work Offline then try and access your cached app it loads the page but I still have an issue as it does not appear to be using the javascript file that should also be cached. All works ok on Google Chrome but our clients are restricted to IE so Chrome is not an option.

Google Chrome err_failed chrome (err2) - Web App

I'm a web application developer, who runs a site http://myfav.es. We've been struggling with this issue for about a month now.
We use the HTML application cache spec - www.w3.org/TR/offline-webapps/ - with dynamically generated manifest files - myfav.es/personal.manifest - to speed page delivery. These dynamically generated manifest files use proper headers, and PHP to serve up custom manifests for users.
We also use gzip compression to serve the site from a linux/apache host.
For the life-cycle of our site, users report getting a err_failed similar to this screenshot in chrome. twitpic.com/272237.
This error is intermittent, occuring once every 200-300 visits, but will persists on every page refresh, including hard refreshes, which presumably means that an error using app cache is causing them to continuously load a failed version of the site. However, mysteriously JUST clearing cookies causes the error to fix itself.
I'm completely out of ideas on how to approach this error, and googling the error message appears to get a ton of confused users with voodoo-ish approaches to solving it. I've personally seen the error, along with a number of complaint from other users of chrome, so I'm fairly certain it cannot be caused by a particular user having abnormal settings or browser preferences.
Does anyone have any insight into the cause of this browser error and its origins? Whether its likely server-side or a byproduct of app design?