how does file reading ( streaming ) really work in mule? - mule

Am trying to understand how streaming works w.r.t mule 4.4.
Am reading a large file and am using 'Repeating file store stream' as streaming strategy
'In memory size' = 128 KB
The file is 24 MB and for sake of argument lets say 1000 records is equivalent to 128 KB
so about 1000 records will be stored in memory and rest all will be written to file store by mule .
Here's the flow:
At stage#1 we are reading a file
At stage#2 we are logging payload - so I am assuming initially 128KB worth of data is logged and internally mule will move rest of the data from file storage to in memory and this data will be written to log.
Question : so does the heap memory increase from 128KB to 24 MB ?
I am assuming no , but needed confirmation ?
At stage#3 we are using transform script to create a json payload
So what happens here :
so now is the json payload all in memory now ? ( say 24 MB ) ?
what has happened to the stream ?
so really I am struggling to understand how stream is beneficial if during transformation the data is stored in memory ?

It really depends on how each component works but usually logging means to load the full payload in memory. Having said that, logging 'big' payloads is considered a bad practice and you should avoid doing it in the first place. Even a few KBs logs are really not a good idea. Logs are not intended to be used that way. Using logs, as any computational operation, have a cost in processing and resource usage. I have seen several times people causing out of memory errors or performance issues because of excessive logging.
The case with the Transform component is different. In some cases it is able to benefit from streaming, depending on the format used and the script. Sequential access to records is required for streaming to work. If you try an indexed access to the 24MB payload it will probably load the entire payload in memory (example payload[14203]). Also referencing the payload more than once in a step may fail. Streamed records are consumed after being read so it is not possible to use them twice.
Streaming for Dataweave needs to be enabled (it is not the default) by using the property streaming=true.
You can find more details in the documentation for DataWeave Streaming and Mule Streaming.


How to enrich events using a very large database with azure stream analytics?

I'm in the process of analyzing Azure Stream Analytics to replace a stream processing solutions based on NiFi with some REST microservices.
One step is the enrichment of sensor data form a very large database of sensors (>120Gb).
Is it possible with Azure Stream Analytics? I tried with a very small subset of the data (60Mb) and couldn't even get it to run.
Job logs give me warnings of memory usage being too high. Tried scaling to 36 stream units to see if it was even possible, to no avail.
What strategies do I have to make it work?
If I deterministically (via a hash function) partition the input stream using N partitions by ID and then partition the database using the same hash function (to get id on stream and ID on database to the same partition) can I make this work? Do I need to create several separated stream analytics jobs do be able to do that?
I suppose I can use 5Gb chunks, but I could not get it to work with ADSL Gen2 datalake. Does it really only works with Azure SQL?
Stream Analytics supports reference datasets of up to 5GB. Please note that large reference datasets come with the downside of making jobs/nodes restarts very slow (up to 20 minutes for the ref data to be distributed; restarts that may be user initiated, for service updates, or various errors).
If you can downsize that 120Gb to 5Gb (scoping only the columns and rows you need, converting to types that are smaller in size), then you should be able to run that workload. Sadly we don't support partitioned reference data yet. This means that as of now, if you have to use ASA, and can't reduce those 120Gb, then you will have to deploy 1 distinct job for each subset of stream/reference data.
Now I'm surprised you couldn't get a 60Mb ref data to run, if you have details on what exactly went wrong, I'm happy to provide guidance.

PubSub topic with binary data to BigQuery

I'm expected to have thousands of sensors sending telemetry data at 10FPS with around 1KB of binary data per frame, using IOT Core, meaning I'll get it via PubSub. I'd like to get that data to BigQuery, and no processing is needed.
As Dataflow don't have a template capable of dealing with binary data, and working with it seems a bit cumbersome, I'd like to try to avoid it and go full serverless.
Question is, what's my best alternative?
I've thought about Cloud Run service running an express app to accept the data from PubSub, and using global variable to accumulate around 500 rows in ram, then dump it using BigQuery's insert() method (NodeJS client).
How reasonable is that? Will I gain something from accumulation, or should I just insert to bigquery every single incoming row?
Streaming Ingestion
If your requirement is to analyze high volumes of continuously arriving data with near-real-time dashboards and queries, streaming inserts would be a good choice. The quotas and limits for streaming inserts can be found here.
Since you are using the Node.js client library, use the BigQuery legacy streaming API's insert() method as you have already mentioned. The insert() method streams one row at a time irrespective of accumulation of rows.
For new projects, the BigQuery Storage Write API is recommended as it is cheaper and has an enriched feature set than the legacy API does. The BigQuery Storage Write API only supports Java, Python and Go(in preview) client libraries currently.
Batch Ingestion
If your requirement is to load large, bounded data sets that don’t have to be processed in real-time, prefer batch loading. BigQuery batch load jobs are free. You only pay for storing and querying the data but not for loading the data. Refer to quotas and limits for batch load jobs here. Some more key points on batch loading jobs have been quoted from this article.
Load performance is best effort
Since the compute used for loading data is made available from a shared pool at no cost to the user,
BigQuery does not make guarantees on performance and available
capacity of this shared pool. This is governed by the fair scheduler
allocating resources among load jobs that may be competing with loads
from other users or projects. Quotas for load jobs are in place to
minimize the impact.
Load jobs do not consume query capacity
Slots used for querying data are distinct from the slots used for ingestion. Hence, data
ingestion does not impact query performance.
ACID semantics
For data loaded through the bq load command, queries will either reflect the presence of all or none of the data .
Queries never scan partial data.

Aerospike: Device Overload Error when size of map is too big

We got "device overload" error after the program ran successfully on production for a few months. And we find that some maps' sizes are very big, which may be bigger than 1,000.
After I inspected the source code, I found that the reason of "devcie overload" is that the write queue is beyond limitations, and the length of the write queue is related to the effiency of processing.
So I checked the "particle_map" file, and I suspect that the whole map will be rewritten even if we just want to insert one pair of KV into the map.
But I am not so sure about this. Any advice ?
So I checked the "particle_map" file, and I suspect that the whole map will be rewritten even if we just want to insert one pair of KV into the map.
You are correct. When using persistence, Aerospike does not update records in-place. Each update/insert is buffered into an in-memory write-block which, when full, is queued to be written to disk. This queue allows for short bursts that exceed your disks max IO but if the burst is sustained for too long the server will begin to fail the writes with the 'device overload' error you have mentioned. How far behind the disk is allowed to get is controlled by the max-write-cache namespace storage-engine parameter.
You can find more about our storage layer at

Event Hub, Stream Analytics and Data Lake pipe questions

After reading this article I decided to take a shot on building a pipe of data ingestion. Everything works well. I was able to send data to Event Hub, that is ingested by Stream Analytics and sent to Data Lake. But, I have a few questions regarding some things that seem odd to me. I would appreciate if someone more experienced than me is able to answer.
Here is the SQL inside my Stream Analytics
Now, for the questions:
Should I store 100% of my data in a single file, try to split it in multiple files, or try to achieve one-file-per-object? Stream Analytics is storing all the data inside a single file, as a huge JSON array. I tried setting {date} and {time} as variables, but it is still a huge single file everyday.
Is there a way to enforce Stream Analytics to write every entry from Event Hub on its own file? Or maybe limit the size of the file?
Is there a way to set the name of the file from Stream Analytics? If so, is there a way to override a file if a name already exists?
I also noticed the file is available as soon as it is created, and it is written in real time, in a way I can see data truncation inside it when I download/display the file. Also, before it finishes, it is not a valid JSON. What happens if I query a Data Lake file (through U-SQL) while it is being written? Is it smart enough to ignore the last entry, or understand it as an array of objects that is incomplete?
Is it better to store the JSON data as an array or each object in a new line?
Maybe I am taking a bad approach on my issue, but I have a huge dataset in Google Datastore (NoSQL solution from Google). I only have access to the Datastore, with an account with limited permissions. I need to store this data on a Data Lake. So I made an application that streams the data from Datastore to Event Hub, that is ingested by Stream Analytics, who writes down the files inside the Data Lake. It is my first time using the three technologies, but seems to be the best solution. It is my go-to alternative to ETL chaos.
I am sorry for making so much questions. I hope someone helps me out.
Thanks in advance.
I am only going to answer the file aspect:
It is normally better to produce larger files for later processing than many very small files. Given you are using JSON, I would suggest to limit the files to a size that your JSON extractor will be able to manage without running out of memory (if you decide to use a DOM based parser).
I will leave that to an ASA expert.
The answer depends here on how ASA writes the JSON. Clients can append to files and U-SQL should only see the data in a file that has been added in sealed extents. So if ASA makes sure that extents align with the end of a JSON document, you should be only seeing a valid JSON document. If it does not, then you may fail.
That depends on how you plan on processing the data. Note that if you write it as part of an array, you will have to wait until the array is "closed", or your JSON parser will most likely fail. For parallelization and be more "flexible", I would probably get one JSON document per line.

Which storage is good for read performance

I have a custom data file. Reading this file with high speed on my local computer. Reading speed is avarage is 0.5 ms in my tests(simple read operations with seeking). I want to use same operation on azure. Tried to use Blob Storage with following steps:
Create cloud storage account
Create blob client
Get container
Get blob reference
OpenRead stream
This steps takes approximatelly 10-15 seconds. It's a readonly file. What can i do for increse reading performance? What is the best storage for a large number of read operations. In this time reading speed is more important for me. I do not want to use data file with web/worker role. I must be on the cloud storage.
You would have to analyze your access patterns to debug this issue further. For example, OpenRead gives you a stream that is easy to work with, but its read-ahead buffering strategy might not be optimal if you are seeking within the file. By default, the stream will buffer 4MB at a time, but it has to discard this buffer if the caller seeks beyond that 4MB range. Depending on how much you read after each seek, you might want to reduce the read-ahead buffer size or use DownloadRangeToStream API directly. Or, if your blob is small enough, you can download it in one shot using DownloadToStream API and then handle it in memory.
I would recommend using Fiddler to watch what requests your application makes to Azure Storage and see whether that is the best approach for your scenario. If you see that each individual request is taking a long time, you can enable Azure Storage Analytics to analyze the E2E latency and Server latency for those requests. Please refer to the Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage article for more information on how to interpret Analytics data.