Msbuild target is not executed in incremental builds - msbuild

I have a target, that compiles scss into css files in Msbuild.
The issue is that when I build the project the target is often not executed. As I found out, the problem is incremental builds - so msbuild decides to skip executing the task. How do I correctly configure Inputs/Outputs for incremental build to work properly with Target?
I have:
Input files, that are located in \Styles\. There can be a lot of files with folders there with extension *.scss
Output file is one wwwroot\css\main.css
My take on msbuild configuration:
<SCSSFiles Include="Styles\**\*.scss" />
<CSSFile Include="wwwroot\css\main.css" />
<Target Name="CompileGlobalSass" BeforeTargets="Compile" Inputs="#(SCSSFiles)" Outputs="#(CSSFile)">
<Message Text="++++++++++ Compiling global SCSS files" Importance="high" />
<Exec Command="npm run sass -- Styles:wwwroot/css" />
When I try to test this, I right click on my project and select Build. The first time I see my custom message. Then I change any scss file and select Build again - now the message is not displayed and my changes are not transpiled into main.css

Do you want incremental builds will not ignore modified scss files in the Styles folder? If the scss file is modified, click Build, the CompileGlobalSass target will be executed?
You can try adding <UpToDateCheckInput Include="Styles/**/*.scss"/> in your project file.


MSBuild: How to get custom generated files after regular build process to be treated as content build output

I'm using MSBuild SDK style projects with VS 2019. I'm trying to run a custom file generation tool which depends on the output of the build of the current project. The files should be treated as if it was regular content for which CopyToOutputDirectory is set. In dependent projects I expect the files to be part of the output directory as well. The solution I now have works, but not from clean builds, which is obviously not acceptable.
I currently have this in the project file:
<Target Name="Generation" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="GeneratedFiles" />
<Content Include="$(TargetDir)\GeneratedFiles.*.xml">
This works, but only for non-clean builds.
The reason the Generation target doesn't work is because the logic that performs the copies, based on the presence and value of the CopyToOutputDirectory metadata, runs as part of the 'CoreBuild'. The Generation target has AfterTargets="AfterBuild". It runs after the build (and the copying) has already been completed.
The Generation target doesn't work for the first build and it doesn't work for subsequent incremental builds either.
The question description says that the files are copied for an incremental build. While it may be true that the files are copied, they can't be getting copied because of the Generation target. Without seeing the complete project file, I assume there is another place in the project where the CopyToOutputDirectory metadata is being set for the files.
To have the Generation target run after compilation and before files are copied, the following can be used:
<Target Name="Generation" AfterTargets="AfterCompile" BeforeTargets="GetCopyFilesToOutputDirectoryItems">
The GetCopyFilesToOutputDirectoryItems is publicly documented and it runs before another publicly documented target named CopyFilesToOutputDirectory. The CopyFilesToOutputDirectory is defined with a DependsOnTargets attribute which runs a set of targets that perform the actually copying. This means that the file copies are completed before the CopyFilesToOutputDirectory target is completed.
To ensure the correct order, BeforeTargets="GetCopyFilesToOutputDirectoryItems" is used and not BeforeTargets="CopyFilesToOutputDirectory".
If the scenario were different and <Exec Command="GeneratedFiles" /> didn't depend on the compilation step, i.e. the GeneratedFiles command didn't use the assembly being created by the project, then the Generation target could occur even earlier, e.g.
<Target Name="Generation" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
Update - Execute a Target if ProjectReference has a specific Project
This update is a response to discussion in the comments.
Let's say we have a FooApp project and a BarLib project and FooApp depends on BarLib and needs to copy arbitrary files from the BarLib project directory.
FooApp has a ProjectReference to BarLib, e.g.
<ProjectReference Include="..\BarLib\BarLib.csproj" />
ProjectReference is an ItemGroup and we can check if it includes BarLib.
<Target Name="CopyFilesFromBar" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
<!-- The name of the project to look for -->
<!-- Use batching to check the ItemGroup -->
<!-- Save the project's directory because we will need it later -->
<BarProjectDirectory Condition="'%(ProjectReference.Filename)' == '$(BarProjectName)'">%(ProjectReference.Directory)</BarProjectDirectory>
<!-- Set up a boolean that indicates if the project was found or not -->
<HasProjectRefToBar Condition="$(FooProjectDirectory) != ''">true</HasProjectRefToBar>
<!-- Copy if the project was found in ProjectReference -->
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetDir)$(BarProjectDirectory)\bin\GeneratedFiles\*.*" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)GeneratedFiles" Condition="$(HasProjectRefToBar)" />
This target could be defined once in a Directory.Build.targets file and shared across a solution.
If the generated files (in BarLib in the example scenario) don't change based on Configuration and Platform, consider using an output path location that doesn't change as in the example - 'bin\GeneratedFiles'. This makes it much easier for consuming projects. Otherwise keep all the projects in sync with regards to using the same Configuration and Platform values and the same $(OutputPath).

.NET Core 2.1 : How to trigger Copy task defined in the project file during debugging in the Visual Studio 2017?

There are some files residing in other directories that, I would like to copy to project folder automatically before build and publishing.
After some research and experimentation, I have come up with the following .csproj file.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<APIDefinition Include="D:\SomePlace\*.API.*.yaml" />
<Target Name="CopyFiles" BeforeTargets="Compile;Build;Publish">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(APIDefinition)" DestinationFolder="wwwroot" />
<Copy SourceFiles="D:\SomePlaceElse\BaseAPISettings.json" DestinationFolder="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" />
<Compile Remove="wwwroot\**\*;node_modules;bower_components" />
<None Update="**.user;**.vspscc">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" Version="2.1.4" />
Here I have defined CopyFiles target, which should be run before the targets I've placed there. This target uses Copy task to copy YAML format API definition files and base API settings to the project directory.
This works well during build, publish etc. Also, if I delete the local file in the IDE, it instantly recopies it from the source.
Sometimes I make changes to these files between debugging sessions. Then, when I start debugging from Visual Studio, since the project files aren't changed, obviously the already built project is run.
Since the project is not built, my copy tasks are not triggered, and I end up with stale files during debuging.
Is there anything I can do to have my Copy tasks triggered, when I do "Start Debugging F5" in the IDE, regardless of the project build state ?
P.S. : I'm using Visual Studio 2017 15.8.5 and targeting .NET Core 2.1.4 runtime, if it makes any difference.
To integrate fully into the up-to-date check of the project system inside Visual Studio, I susggest the following changes:
Make the items' source and target paths known before
Register them to the up-to-date check system. (Also needs a hack to make sure the project source code is recompiled so that the output will have a newer time stamp)
Make the MSBuild target itself incremental. This also helps for command-line builds when the files don't have to be copied.
The complete changes look like this:
<CustomCopyFile Include="..\TestFiles\*.API.*.yaml"
TargetPath="wwwroot\%(Filename)%(Extension)" />
<CustomCopyFile Include="..\TestFiles\BaseAPISettings.json"
TargetPath="%(Filename)%(Extension)" />
<UpToDateCheckInput Include="#(CustomCopyFile)" />
<UpToDateCheckBuild Include="#(CustomCopyFile->'%(TargetPath)')"
Original="#(CustomCopyFile)" />
<CustomAdditionalCompileInputs Include="#(CustomCopyFile->'%(TargetPath)')" />
<Target Name="CopyFiles"
<Copy SourceFiles="#(CustomCopyFile)"
DestinationFiles="#(CustomCopyFile->'%(TargetPath)')" />
CustomCopyFile now collects all the source files and we put the expected destination file name into the TargetPath metadata.
UpToDateCheckInput items tell Visual Studio to rebuild the project if one of these items change.
UpToDateCheckBuild items instruct Visual Studio to only check these items against special source items. This is redundant for this example project but may be helpful if the target path wasn't inside the project directory but some intermediate output (obj..) folder and no re-evaluation would see these new files. It would also be helpful if the files were also modified as part of processing (e.g. replacing variables inside the files).
CustomAdditionalCompileInputs is a hack here since the items are copied to the project folder and are considered to be "inputs to the output" automatically.. So we force the project to recompile if our source files change. If we don't do so, it would never consider the project up-to-date after a change to the source yaml files since they would be newer than the compiled app.dll file.

Treat ProjectReference as PackageReference or allow PackageReference to local csproj

I have a netstandard2.0 csproj (let's call it MyPackage) that is packed at build time (as specified by GeneratePackageOnBuild) into a nuget package. This nuget package has custom props and targets in the build directory (so referencing projects get these imported).
I have another project (let's call it MyConsumer) in the same solution for testing MyPackage. I want MyConsumer to have the build asset props and targets imported from MyPackage at build time, just as if it were consuming it as a PackageReference from some remote nuget source.
How can I get this working (most simply)?
I have been able to do it via a very convoluted method where I have MyConsumer add a PackageReference to MyPackage and override the RestoreSources in MyConsumer to point to the bin directory of MyPackage. This gets very weird when running dotnet build or Visual Studio build of the sln, because project metadata is generated upfront for all projects during Restore and thus MyPackage doesn't exist at that point. The resolution was to add nested calls to MSBuild within the MyConsumer project, but then this becomes even worse, since Visual Studio restores operate quite differently than that automatic restores performed by dotnet build.
Is there any simple way of doing this?
This is what I have now
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="Running inner build" Importance="high" />
Need to call MSBuild twice, once to restore, then again to restore and build to get the restore of the Sdk to work
because of this bug in MSBuild:
Note the trailing Prop=1 is required to get MSBuild to invalid it's cache of the project target imports
<MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)" Targets="Restore" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration);Version=$(Version);IsInnerBuild=true;Prop=1" />
<!-- Have to use dotnet build instead of another call to MSBuild because of another bug that prevents proper imports within the same physical process -->
<Exec Command="dotnet build /p:Configuration=$(Configuration) /p:Version=$(Version) /p:IsInnerBuild=true" />
<Message Text="Finished inner build" Importance="high" />
<Target Name="Restore" />
<Target Name="RemoveBin">
<RemoveDir Directories="bin" />
<!-- Don't do real cleans old rebuild since it breaks MSBuild due to the same above bug -->
<Target Name="Rebuild" DependsOnTargets="RemoveBin;Build">
Treat ProjectReference as PackageReference or allow PackageReference to local csproj
If I understand you correct, you want to generate the package with project MyPackage, then install it to the test project MyConsumer and have the build asset props and targets imported from MyPackage at build time.
To accomplish this goal, you need to complete the following few things:
Make sure the project MyPackage build before the project MyConsumer.
Set the package into the packager source
Add the package MyPackage.nupkg to the test project MyConsumer during the build time.
Details for above:
Make sure the project MyPackage build before the project MyConsumer.
Since you wan to test the package which generated by the project MyConsumer, you should make sure this package grnerate before test project using it, so we need set the project MyConsumer reference the the project MyPackage.
Set the package into the packager source
You can use a post-build event for the project MyPackage to copy the package MyPackage.nupkg to the local feed, or you can just add the bin directory of MyPackage.nupkg to the package source.
Add the package MyPackage.nupkg to the test project MyConsumer during the build time.
Using VS 2017 and the PackageReference style of the test project MyConsumer, you can set a Directory.Build.props file into the root of your solution containing the test project MyConsumer you need:
<PackageReference Include="MyPackage" Version="1.0.* />
This will add these NuGet packages to the test project MyConsumer in the solution, it will be used as a PackageReference from some remote nuget source.
Check the Martin`s answer for some more details.
Hope this helps.

MSBuild nuget RestoreOutputPath how to make it work?

New msbuild csproj format have got integrated nuget commands. It's possible to change default path where project assets will be restored by using <RestoreOutputPath>obj\profile7</RestoreOutputPath> command in project file.
But if I add <RestoreOutputPath>obj\profile7</RestoreOutputPath> to csproj file consequent commands
dotnet restore myproj.sln
dotnet build myproj.sln
produce build errors
obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file.
How to tell MSBuild to get nuget assets from this obj\Profile7 path during the build command?
The restore output path needs to be the same as MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath so that the nuget generated props and targets files will be imported by the common props and targets. as well as BaseIntermediateOutputPath will be the default for composing the path to ProjectAssetsFile.
At least for the NuGet imports, it is important that MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath or BaseIntermediateOutputPath is set before the SDK props file is imported.
The simplest way to solve all of these issues is to set BaseIntermediateOutputPath very early in the project so that all components will take its value as a default base path - this is essentially redirecting obj to somewhere else.
This conflicts with the <Project SDK="..."> syntax since there is no way to set properties before the SDK's props file. To work around this, the project can be changed like this:
<!-- This needs to be set before Sdk.props -->
<Import Project="Sdk.props" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" />
<!-- other content -->
<Import Project="Sdk.targets" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" />
An alternative would be to create a Directory.Build.props file that will be automatically imported early enough, but this would apply the value to all projects in the directory and take away the ability to specify the value per project.

MSBuild: Ignore targets that don't exist

Solution1.sln contains two projects:
ProjectB has a custom target called "Foo". I want to run:
msbuild Solution1.sln /t:Foo
This will fail because ProjectA doesn't define the "Foo" target.
Is there a way to make the solution ignore the missing target? (E.g., do nothing if the target doesn't exist for a specific project) without modifying the SLN or project files?
There is a two-part solution if you don't want to edit the solution or project files and you're happy for it to work from MSBuild command-line but not from Visual Studio.
Firstly, the error you get when you run:
MSBuild Solution1.sln /t:Foo
Is not that ProjectA does not contain a Foo target but that the solution itself does not contain a Foo target. As #Jaykul suggests, setting the MSBuildEmitSolution environment variable will reveal the default targets contained within the solution metaproj.
Using the metaproj as inspiration you can introduce a new file "before.Solution1.sln.targets" next to the solution file (the file name pattern is important) with contents like this:
<Project xmlns="">
<Target Name="Foo">
<MSBuild Projects="#(ProjectReference)" Targets="Foo" BuildInParallel="True" Properties="CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)" SkipNonexistentProjects="%(ProjectReference.SkipNonexistentProjects)" />
The MSBuild element is mostly just copied from the solution metaproj's Publish target. Adjust the target name and any other details to suit your scenario.
With this file in place, you'll now get the error that ProjectA does not contain the Foo target. ProjectB may or may not build anyway depending on inter-project dependencies.
So, secondly, to solve this problem we need to give every project an empty Foo target which is then overridden in projects that actually already contain one.
We do this by introducing another file, eg "EmptyFoo.targets" (name not important) that looks like this:
<Project xmlns="">
<Target Name="Foo" />
And then we get every project to automatically import this targets file either by running MSBuild with an extra property, eg:
MSBuild Solution1.sln /t:Foo /p:CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets=c:\full_path_to\EmptyFoo.targets
Or include the CustomerBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets property in the Properties attribute on the MSBuild element in the first targets file where you could optionally specify the full path relative to the $(SolutionDir) property.
However, if you're willing to run Foo in conjunction with any of the default solution targets (ie Build, Rebuild, Clean, or Publish) you could take some inspiration for how the Web Publishing Pipeline in MSBuild uses the DeployOnBuild property to call the Publish target on Web projects in a solution containing other project types that don't support publishing.
More info on the before.Solution1.sln.targets file here:
You can target those by project name, like /t:project:target (might need quotes, I can't remember).
You can find all the generated targets by setting the environment variable MSBuildEmitSolution = 1 ... which causes msbuild to save to disk the temp .metaproj file which it generates for your solution. That file has all those targets defined in it, just open it up and take a look ;)
Maybe not the best answer but a reasonable hack.
msbuild ProjectA.csproj
msbuild ProjectB.csproj /t:Foo
When msbuild building solution - msbuild emits only limited set of targets into it's .metaproj file, and afaik - you can't build custom target through building sln file, you have to use original project1.csproj or custom build script.
Just for reference:
Use ContinueOnError when using MSBuildTask or -p:ContinueOnError=ErrorAndContinue when using (dotnet) msbuild
It may be in limited scenarios helpful: For example you have a list of .csproj files and want attach metadata only to specific project file items then you could write something like this:
<Target Name="UniqueTargetName" Condition="'$(PackAsExecutable)' == 'Package' Or '$(PackAsExecutable)' == 'Publish'" Outputs="#(_Hello)">
<_Hello Include="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)" />
<Target Name="BuildEachTargetFramework" DependsOnTargets="_GetTargetFrameworksOutput;AssignProjectConfiguration;_SplitProjectReferencesByFileExistence"
Condition="$(ExecutableProjectFullPath) != ''">
<Message Text="[$(MSBuildThisFilename)] Target BuildEachTargetFramework %(_MSBuildProjectReferenceExistent.Identity)" Importance="high" />
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="_Hallo2" />
<Message Text="[$(MSBuildThisFilename)] ########### HELLO %(_Hallo2.Identity)" Importance="high" />