How to traverse through a Json in Karate - karate

I am trying to have a Karate test where I need to traverse through a json to get the required test data.
I have the below json.
Below is my feature file.
* def env = dev
* Given url someurl
* def inputData =
* And request { input: '#(inputData)'}
* When method post
* Then status 200
I need the test data that matches the value env that I have defined above.
How can I set the json path to my input data. Basically, the json path should take the value from a variable I have defined previously.

For this you don't even need Json-Path, just JS will do:
* def data = { foo: 1, bar: 2 }
* def env = 'bar'
* def res = data[env]
* match res == 2
Also see:
You can also do dynamic Json-Path, see:


Escape response in karate framework [duplicate]

For some reason a variable with a / character get converted to a \/, how do I prevent this?
I start a echo server that listens on localhost:3000 by running npx http-echo-server
I execute the following:
* def CHALLENGE_USER = '/abc/user'
* def loginJson = { user: '#(CHALLENGE_USER)' , name: 'Some Name'}
* print loginJson
* def TEST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
Given url TEST_URL+'/session/loginresponse'
And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
And request loginResponseJson
And method put
Then status 200
It prints { "user": "/abc/user", "name": "Some Name" } like I expect.
The http server logs show "--> {"user":"/schemes/ATT_5_55/CH_1","name":"Some Name"}"
Karate shows the result of the echo {"user":"\/abc\/user","name":"Some Name"}
I have tried:
def CHALLENGE_USER = '/abc/user'
def CHALLENGE_USER = "/abc/user"
def CHALLENGE_USER = '/abc/user'
def CHALLENGE_USER = '//abc//user'
also setting the variable after the fact does not work:
* def loginJson = { name: 'Some Name'}
* loginJson.user = CHALLENGE_USER
Yes this is legal as per the JSON spec: JSON: why are forward slashes escaped?
And the Java libraries we use does that.
Does your server have a problem ? If so - then you have a bug that Karate surfaced.
And if you really want to have full control over the request, please use text but IMO it may be a waste of time:
A nasty workaround, please forgive me Peter Thomas.
You can convert the json to a string and then remove the \ characters.
I only have one use case for this thank goodness.
* def CHALLENGE_USER = '/abc/user'
* def loginJson = { user: '#(CHALLENGE_USER)' , name: 'Some Name'}
* string json = loginJson
* def loginJsonText = json.replaceAll("\\", "")
* print loginJson
* def TEST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000'
Given url TEST_URL+'/session/loginresponse'
And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
And request loginJsonText
And method put
Then status 200

In Karate - Feature file calling from another feature file along with variable value

My apologies it seems repetitive question but it is really troubling me.
I am trying to call one feature file from another feature file along with variable values. and it is not working at all.
Below is the structure I am using.
my request json having variable name. Filename:InputRequest.json
"transaction" : "123",
"transactionDateTime" : "#(sTransDateTime)"
my featurefile1 : ABC.Feature
* def envValue = env
* def config = { username: '#(dbUserName)', password: '#(dbPassword)', url: '#(dbJDBCUrl)', driverClassName: "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"};
* def dbUtils = Java.type('Common.DbUtils')
* def request1= read(['user.dir'] + 'InputRequest.json')
* def endpoint= '/v1/ABC'
* def appDb = new dbUtils(config);
Scenario: ABC call
* configure cookies = null
Given url endpoint
And request request1
When method Post
Then status 200
Feature file from which I am calling ABC.Feature
**my featurefile1: XYZ.Feature**
* def envValue = env
Scenario: XYZ call
* def sTransDateTime = function() { var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat'); var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'+00:00'"); return sdf.format(new java.util.Date()); }
* def result = call read(['user.dir'] + 'ABC.feature') { sTransDateTime: sTransDateTime }
Problem is,
While executing it, runnerTest has tag1 configured to execute.
Currently, it is ignoring entire ABC.feature to execute and also not generating cucumber report.
If I mention the same tag for ABC.feature (Which is not expected for me as this is just reusable component for me ) then it is being executed but sTransDateTime value is not being passed from XYZ.feature to ABC.feature. Eventually, InputRequest.json should have that value while communicating with the server as a part of the request.
I am using 0.9.4 Karate version. Any help please.
Change to this:
{ sTransDateTime: '#(sTransDateTime)' }
And read this explanation:
I'm sorry the other part doesn't make sense and shouldn't happen, please follow this process:

Log requests from called features in reports [duplicate]

We are using the report verbosity option available in Karate
I have a MarketingPreferenceTest.feature calling BBB.feature.
The features are as below:
* url Url
* table credentials
|Email |Password|
* def result = karate.callSingle('classpath:resources/BBB.feature',credentials)
Scenario Outline: Get MS
Given path 'abc'
When method GET
Then status 200
* configure retry = { count: 5, interval: 1000 }
* configure headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
* url authenticationUrl
Scenario: Login
Given path 'login'
And request { email: '#(Email)' , password: '#(Password)' }
And retry until responseStatus == 200 && response.loginResponse.loggedIn == true
When method post
My karate.config has
karate.configure('report', { showLog: true, showAllSteps: false } );
When i run the tests in parallel, i want to see all the Given-When-Then's printed in my cucumber report from BBB.feature. How do i achieve it ?
The cucumber report is shown below which doesn't have step definitions from BBB.feature :
Expected Result: Would like to see the Steps of BBB.feature in my report marked in a rectangle box below
Just make the step involving a callSingle use a Gherkin keyword:
When def result = karate.callSingle('classpath:resources/BBB.feature',credentials)

How to pass the json list response of one feature file as parameter to another feature file

My requirement is, I want to pass the response of first feature file as input to second feature file. The first feature file response is a json list, so the expectation is second feature file should be called for each value of json list.
Scenario: identify the reference account
* def initTestData = read('../inputData.feature')
* def accountData = $initTestData.response
* print “Account Details”+accountData // output of this is a json list [“SB987658”,”SB984345”]
* def reqRes ='../Request.feature', { accountData : accountData })
In Request.feature file we are constructing the url dynamically
Given url BaseUrl + '/account/'+'#(accountId)' - here am facing issue[“SB987658”,”SB984345”]
My requirement is Request.feature should be called for each value in ‘accountData’ Json list
I have tried:
* def resAccountList =, function(x){accountId.add(x) })
* def testcaseDetails = call read('../requests/scenarios.feature') resAccountList.accountId
Result is same, accountId got replaced as [“SB987658”,”SB984345”]
my I need to call Request.feature twice and use the response of each call to the subsequent feature file calls.
I think you have a mistake in look at the below example:
* def array = ['SB987658', 'SB984345']
* def data =, function(x){ return { value: x } })
* def result = call read('called.feature') data
And called.feature is:
Given url ''
And path 'anything', value
When method get
Then status 200
Which makes 2 requests:

Cannot convert to map when re-use one feature on other directory

I have read: and
I am using karate-0.8.0
I have one feature which will be re-used on A directory, the content like:
* url baseUrl
* def Sign = Java.type('cruiser.token.Sign')
* configure afterScenario =
function() {
if ( != null) {
* def ck = Sign.execute('#(uid)')
* path '/rest/n/rt/upload'
* cookies ck
* multipart fields '#(fo)'
* multipart file rt = { read: 'classpath:cruiser/http/rt/A/123.mp3', filename: '123.mp3', contentType: 'audio/mp3' }
* method post
* status 200
* match response contains { result: 1 }
And have other one feature file on B directory, content like this:
* def fo =
'title': '你好!',
'description': '很好听哦'
* def x = call read('classpath:cruiser/http/rt/A/upload-base.feature') { uid: 33, fo: '#(fo)' }
* match x.response contains { result: 1 }
* print
its runner name is
when mvn test -Dtest=XRunner, the error info:
Running cruiser.http.rt.B.XRunner
11:25:33.138 [main] INFO - Karate version: 0.8.0
11:25:33.896 [main] ERROR - feature call failed: classpath:cruiser/http/rt/A/upload-base.feature
arg: {uid=33, fo={title=你好!, description=很好听哦}}
cannot convert to map: '#(fo)'
Failed scenarios:
cruiser/http/rt/B/x.feature:3 # Scenario:
Both these lines are wrong:
* def ck = Sign.execute('#(uid)')
* multipart fields '#(fo)'
Read this:
In Karate, expressions are pure JS by default. So just do this:
* def ck = Sign.execute(uid)
* multipart fields fo