How to create a React-Native mono-language app? - react-native

I am trying to create a react-native app that only supports german as primary language.
The system language on my test device is set to German. But the back buttons and the camera usage notifications are shown in English. Any idea how to fix this?


React Native and support for Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, and wearables

I'm about to begin building out an app using React Native. It's a simple audio player that plays music. However, on top of having an audio player in the app, I would also like to support:
Android Auto
Apple CarPlay
Does React Native support these platforms out of the box? How good is the integration? Will I run into many bumps along the way?
About Apple Car Play you can use react-native-carplay, but before use it I see expo tag in your question if you are using expo to create you application it's not supported in a expo. read this article to know more how implement add Car Play to your React Native App
about wearables check the repo to know more.
How good is the integration? Will I run into many bumps along the way?
If you are using TypeScript it's will be easy to do, and you have much repos and articles explain how to implement those packages with mobile application

React Native mobile App - best approach to internationalise images

what (libraries, principles, techniquess, tips&tricks ) do you use for image internationalisation in your mobile apps with React Native?
For example image where is poster in different language.
I'm coming from Android world and there it is done like this (just add the locale to drawable folder and best fitting image for phone setup is then taken):
drawable/ = any universal
drawable-hdpi/ = any universal for hdpi
drawable-sk-hdpi/ = override specific when locale is set to sk (Slovak)
Is there any similar solution, or do I have to write it by myslef (I can imagine simple library)?
DISCLAIMER: the boy on picture is not smoking, he holds flutter - a device used by people with respiratory conditions to help loosen secretions (phlegm) in the chest.

How to create a conversational chat with react native app?

I am creating react native app. In there I want to create something like this. There I want to create a chat when a user speaks the start and destination to the app it should speak back to the user about the road. I searched a lot on the Internet but I was unable to find any good way to create a live chat with the app in order to get the start and destination from the user. It means I want something like this.when user say hi to the app it should also say Hi. Then It should say give your starting point and after that app should ask for the destination. Can Someone help me to create this small live chat with my app in react native?. Thank you very much.
you can convert the text to speech using save react-native-tts and convert the speech to text react-native-voice.
for the chat react-native-gifted-chat you can use this
The best way to do this is using npm package react-simple-chatbot also adding Speech-to-Text(STT) for voice input and Text-to-speech(TTS) for voice output.
Check the NPM packages :
Or Both combined here
Hope it helps you..!

How to create dynamic icon like calendar icon of ios 7?

I want to create dynamic text changing icon like the calendar app in iOS 7 is there any way to do so?
You can not do this, there is no API allowing this.
Your apps icon is in your application bundle which is readonly and therefor can not be modified.
Sorry brother ... !! There is no API for your requirement. Apple does this only for their apps. Your app icon must be bundled with your application bundle.

Disable speak Now prompt in Voice Recognition in Android

When i click on Voice Search in android it gives a pop up screen SPEAK NOW and after i speak say Hello then a WORKING screen comes.
Can i know how to disable the default Speak Now and Working screen in Voice Recognition in Android.
These screens are displayed as i use the API RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH.
How can i give my screens and know where actual processing takes place?
I'm guessing the user has solved their problem by now. For anyone seeing this today, the answer is to use the SpeechRecognizer
The SpeechRecognizer lets you use speech recognition from within your own Activity, defining custom UI.