How to save a PDF received from the body of a POST request in Python? - pdf

Assuming my endpoint receives the body of a POST request sent like this:
curl -X POST -F file=#"./<file_to_upload.pdf>" "<my_endpoint_uri>"
How can I save the received PDF onto the hard drive of the endpoint machine in Python, in a such way the PDF is exploitable by pdftotext system library?
For now, I am using the following AWS Lambda handler function:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
body = event["body"]
attachment = base64.b64decode(body)
filename, filepath = mkstemp()
with open(filepath, "wb") as pdf_bytes_file:
# Copy the BytesIO stream to the output file
But the saved file type ("application/octet-stream") is not supported by pdftotext.


Micropython/Circuitpython --> Writing directly to an FTP server?

Is it possible to write to a file directly on an FTP server without first writing the file locally? In other words: writing to a remote file from local memory.
Board: ESP32-CAM
IDE: Thonny
Language: MicroPython (Lemariva's firmware)
from ftplib import FTP
import camera
ftp = FTP('', '2121')
ftp.login('user', '12345')
filename = "test.jpeg"
camera.init(0, format=camera.JPEG, fb_location=camera.PSRAM)
pic = camera.capture()
fh = open(filename, 'rwb')
ftp.storbinary('STOR '+filename, fh)
I'm assuming that I have to convert the camera.capture() object into a Byte array? But how do I do so without first capturing the image and thus writing to disk?

How to stream and read from a .tar.gz boto3 in S3?

On S3 there is a JSON file with the following format:
{"field1": "...", "field2": "...", ...}
{"field1": "...", "field2": "...", ...}
{"field1": "...", "field2": "...", ...}
It is compressed, in .tar.gz format, and its unzipped size is ~30GB, therefore I would like to read it in a streaming fashion.
Using the aws cli, I managed to locally do so with the following command:
aws s3 cp s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/${FILE_NAME}.tar.gz - | gunzip -c -
However, I would like to do it natively in python 3.8.
Merging various solutions online, I tried the following strategies:
1. Uncompressing in-memory file [not working]
import boto3, gzip, json
from io import BytesIO
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
key = 'FILE_NAME.tar.gz'
streaming_iterator = s3.Object('BUCKET_NAME', key).get()['Body'].iter_lines()
first_line = next(streaming_iterator)
gzipline = BytesIO(first_line)
gzipline = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=gzipline)
Which raises
EOFError: Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached
2. Using the external library smart_open [partially working]
import boto3
for line in open(
transport_params={"client": boto3.client('s3')},
This second solution works discretely well for ASCII characters, but for some reason it also turns non ASCII characters into garbage; e.g.,
input: \xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87\xe3\x80\x82
output: å\x9b¾æ\xa0\x87ã\x80\x82
expected output: 图标。
This leads me to think that the encoding I put is wrong, but I literally tried every encoding present in this page and the only ones that don't lead to an Exception are raw_unicode_escape, unicode_escape and palmos (?), but they all produce garbage.
Any suggestion is welcomed, thanks in advance.
The return from a call to get_object() is a StreamingBody object, which as the name implies will allow you to read from the object in a streaming fashion. However, boto3 does not support seeking on this file object.
While you can pass this object to a call, you need to be careful. There are two caveats. First, you'll need to tell tarfile that you're passing it a non-seekable streaming object using the | character in the open string, and you can't do anything that would trigger a seek, such as attempt to get a list of files first, then operate on these files.
Putting it all together is fairly straight forward, you just need to open a object using boto3, then process each file in the tar file in turn:
# Use boto3 to read the object from S3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
resp = s3.get_object(Bucket='example-bucket', Key='path/to/example.tar.gz')
obj = resp['Body']
# Open the tar file, the "|" is important, as it instructs
# tarfile that the fileobj is non-seekable
with, mode='r|gz') as tar:
# Enumerate the tar file objects as we extract data
for member in tar:
with tar.extractfile(member) as f:
# Read each row in turn and decode it
for row in f:
row = json.loads(row)
# Just print out the filename and results in this demo
print(, row)

Using pandas to open Excel files stored in GCS from command line

The following code snippet is from a Google tutorial, it simply prints the names of files on GCP in a given bucket:
from import storage
def list_blobs(bucket_name):
"""Lists all the blobs in the bucket."""
# bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"
storage_client = storage.Client()
# Note: Client.list_blobs requires at least package version 1.17.0.
blobs = storage_client.list_blobs(bucket_name)
for blob in blobs:
No from the command line I can run:
$ python path/
And in my terminal the files in said bucket are printed out. Great, it works!
However, this isn't quite my goal. I'm looking to open a file and act upon it. For example:
df = pd.read_excel(filename)
However, when I pass the path to the above, the error returned reads "invalid file path." So I'm sure there is some sort of GCP specific function call to actually access these files...
What command(s) should I run?
Edit: This video shows a trick to open files and needs to use StringIO in the process. But it doesn't support excel files, so it's not an effective solution.
read_excel() does not support google cloud storage file path as of now but it can read data in bytes.
pandas.read_excel(io, sheet_name=0, header=0, names=None,
index_col=None, usecols=None, squeeze=False, dtype=None, engine=None,
converters=None, true_values=None, false_values=None, skiprows=None,
nrows=None, na_values=None, keep_default_na=True, na_filter=True,
verbose=False, parse_dates=False, date_parser=None, thousands=None,
comment=None, skipfooter=0, convert_float=True, mangle_dupe_cols=True,
Parameters: io : str, bytes, ExcelFile, xlrd.Book, path object, or
file-like object
What you can do is use the blob object and use download_as_bytes() to convert the object into bytes.
Download the contents of this blob as a bytes object.
For this example I just used a random sample xlsx file and read the 1st sheet:
from import storage
import pandas as pd
bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"
blob_name = "SampleData.xlsx"
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(blob_name)
data_bytes = blob.download_as_bytes()
df = pd.read_excel(data_bytes)
Test done:

In Google collab I get IOPub data rate exceeded

IOPub data rate exceeded.
The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output
to the client in order to avoid crashing it.
To change this limit, set the config variable
Current values:
NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000.0 (bytes/sec)
NotebookApp.rate_limit_window=3.0 (secs)
An IOPub error usually occurs when you try to print a large amount of data to the console. Check your print statements - if you're trying to print a file that exceeds 10MB, its likely that this caused the error. Try to read smaller portions of the file/data.
I faced this issue while reading a file from Google Drive to Colab.
I used this link
and the problem was in this block of code
# Download the file we just uploaded.
# Replace the assignment below with your file ID
# to download a different file.
# A file ID looks like: 1uBtlaggVyWshwcyP6kEI-y_W3P8D26sz
file_id = 'target_file_id'
import io
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload
request = drive_service.files().get_media(fileId=file_id)
downloaded = io.BytesIO()
downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(downloaded, request)
done = False
while done is False:
# _ is a placeholder for a progress object that we ignore.
# (Our file is small, so we skip reporting progress.)
_, done = downloader.next_chunk()
#Remove this print statement
#print('Downloaded file contents are: {}'.format(
I had to remove the last print statement since it exceeded the 10MB limit in the notebook - print('Downloaded file contents are: {}'.format(
Your file will still be downloaded and you can read it in smaller chunks or read a portion of the file.
The above answer is correct, I just commented the print statement and the error went away. just keeping it here so someone might find it useful. Suppose u are reading a csv file from google drive just import pandas and add pd.read_csv(downloaded) it will work just fine.
file_id = 'FILEID'
import io
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload
request = drive_service.files().get_media(fileId=file_id)
downloaded = io.BytesIO()
downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(downloaded, request)
done = False
while done is False:
# _ is a placeholder for a progress object that we ignore.
# (Our file is small, so we skip reporting progress.)
_, done = downloader.next_chunk()
Maybe this will help..
from via sv1997
IOPub Error on Google Colaboratory in Jupyter Notebook
IoPub Error is occurring in Colab because you are trying to display the output on the console itself(Eg. print() statements) which is very large.
The IoPub Error maybe related in print function.
So delete or annotate the print function. It may resolve the error.
%cd darknet
!sed -i 's/OPENCV=0/OPENCV=1/' Makefile
!sed -i 's/GPU=0/GPU=1/' Makefile
!sed -i 's/CUDNN=0/CUDNN=1/' Makefile
!sed -i 's/CUDNN_HALF=0/CUDNN_HALF=1/' Makefile
!apt update
!apt-get install libopencv-dev
its important to update your make file. and also, keep your input file name correct

Unzip a file to s3

I am looking at a simple way to extract a zip/gzip present in s3 bucket to the same bucket location and delete the parent zip/gzip file post extraction.
I am unable to achieve this with any of the API's currently.
Have tried native boto, pyfilesystem(fs), s3fs.
The source and destination links seem to be an issue for these functions.
(Using with Python 2.x/3.x & Boto 2.x )
I see there is an API for node.js(unzip-to-s3) to do this job , but none for python.
Couple of implementations i can think of:
A simple API to extract the zip file within the same bucket.
Use s3 as a filesystem and manipulate data
Use a data pipeline to achieve this
Transfer the zip to ec2 , extract and copy back to s3.
The option 4 would be the least preferred option, to minimise the architecture overhead with ec2 addon.
Need support in getting this feature implementation , with integration to lambda at a later stage. Any pointers to these implementations are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
You could try that unzips/expands several different formats of archives from S3 into a destination in your bucket. I used it to unzip components of a digital catalog into S3.
Have solved by using ec2 instance.
Copy the s3 files to local dir in ec2
and copy that directory back to S3 bucket.
Sample to unzip to local directory in ec2 instance
def s3Unzip(srcBucket,dst_dir):
function to decompress the s3 bucket contents to local machine
srcBucket (string): source bucket name
dst_dir (string): destination location in the local/ec2 local file system
#bucket = s3.lookup(bucket)
bucket = s3.lookup(bucket_name)
for key in bucket:
path = os.path.join(dst_dir,
if path.endswith('.zip'):
opener, mode = zipfile.ZipFile, 'r'
elif path.endswith('.tar.gz') or path.endswith('.tgz'):
opener, mode =, 'r:gz'
elif path.endswith('.tar.bz2') or path.endswith('.tbz'):
opener, mode =, 'r:bz2'
raise ValueError ('unsuppported format')
print ("local directories created")
except Exception:
logger_s3.warning ("Exception in creating local directories to extract zip file/ folder already existing")
cwd = os.getcwd()
file = opener(path, mode)
try: file.extractall()
finally: file.close()'(%s) extracted successfully to %s'%(key ,dst_dir))
except Exception as e:
logger_s3.error('failed to extract (%s) to %s'%(key ,dst_dir))
sample code to upload to mysql instance
Use the "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" query to upload to mysql directly
def upload(file_path,timeformat):
function to upload a csv file data to mysql rds
file_path (string): local file path
timeformat (string): destination bucket to copy data
for file in file_path:
con = connect()
cursor = con.cursor()
qry="""LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE xxxx FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (col1 , col2 ,col3, #datetime , col4 ) set datetime = str_to_date(#datetime,'%s');""" %(file,timeformat)
con.commit() ("Loading file:"+file)
except Exception:
logger_rds.error ("Exception in uploading "+file)
##Rollback in case there is any error
# disconnect from server
Lambda function:
You can use a Lambda function where you read zipped files into the buffer, gzip the individual files, and reupload them to S3. Then you can either archive the original files or delete them using boto.
You can also set an event based trigger that runs the lambda automatically everytime there is a new zipped file in S3. Here's a full tutorial for the exact thing here: