Telerik Kendo UI for ASP.NET Core Add/Edit Popup window title and button text change -

I am working project that use Kendo UI and I am new to it.
I have been searching whole day for this simple implementation- I need to change the popup window title and button text based on edit mode or add mode.
Here is the latest answer I found: forum
Above link has exact same question I have. But the solution is not working for me.
I tried to use e.Edit() on Events. But it throws an error:
"DataSourceEvenBuilder" does not contain a definition for Edit and no accessible extension method "Edit"
And the e.model is undefined as well
From official page, I don't see Edit method.
Can anyone help? Please don't provide the solution that build grid from javascript.
Telerik version: ASP.NET Core 2022.1.301


Control action breadcrumbs

I'm interested to know if there is any way to control breadcrumbs completely.
For example remove Projects or add Custom Breadcrumb between Project and Tasks and etc.
I've tried (from Odoo forum pages)
'clear_breadcrumb': True
But it doesn't works at all. And if it would worked it's not my question anyway.
Also I've also searched keywords in odoo source but I found nothing. It seems breadcrumbs are not controllable with current API. Now I'm trying to find a way to control them by jQuery but nothing promising yet.

how to find element through appium when The UI Automation View don't provide element information

I am unable to identify element using xpath. The UI Automation View don't provide the element detail information.
I want to click the link on the email content.But there is no link element information.
Please help me. I am struck here.
UI Automation screenshot:
Below is the page source:
Switch the context for handling webview autoamation.
driver.context("WEBVIEW"); //replace with your webview context
Try accessing using the x-path, css, class or simply by
You need to use chrome browser for inspecting the web view embedded in Android application. Official doc here
However, there might be a slight issue related to your problem. The thing is to debug a web view embedded in Android application, the web view itself should allow debugging. i.e. the web views object element needs to be changed in the source code. **cached reference here, they have not mentioned this in the updated document.
I am not sure if the email application has this enable or not. If you have the source code update the object as mentioned in the snippet.
Use chromes adb plugin to view the web view elements and to perform actions in web view use switch to context , after performing your actions in web view switch context back to native view

Edit Form Type in kendo ui

I created a application in MVC4.
I am using kendo components for UI. My version of kendo is 2013.3.1324. I want create a feature this.
In simple words i want "editform" type in edit mode of grid.
I don't want to use template.Is there is any other way to implement feature like this?
Can anyone help me.

ASP.NET MVC, razor view, how to modify html on the fly like Glimpse?

I'm upgrading from .NET 2.0 to MVC 4. Back in .NET 2.0 webform, we had to inject license information on the fly to the footer of the software by override the "Render" function in .aspx.cs page (using HtmlTextWriter), find a particular spot of the footer and then insert the license text info there.
The reason I don't want to directly put that in the viewstart page or any razor page themselves using HTMLhelper is because I don't want my customers to mess with it. So hard code is not an option.
I use Glimpse and I see Glimpse is enabled by adding a HTTPModule,etc in web.config and magically, an icon appears on my app. Something similar ?
Bottom line is, I need to hijack the finished HTML output, modify it and return the final result to client.
How do you do this in MVC? HttpModule?
Glimpse uses a feature of ASP.NET called a ResponseFilter to change the output HTML on the fly.
The ResponseFilter, in the case of Glimpse, is set inside the HttpModule - but it could be set anywhere.
Four Guys From Rolla has an old but still relevant article on how to create ResonseFilters.

How do you integrate a RadEditor control into a Sitefinity custom designer?

On Sitefinity 4.x or 5.x CMS, how do you add a RadEditor to a custom widget? I currently have a regular text field and it works fine, however I would like to provide more functionality to the edit text.
I have a working custom widget that includes a working custom designer. No problems, there, just wondering about the specifics in integrating the RadEditor.
in Sitefinity the RadEditor is wrapped in an HtmlField which can be emedded in a control designer to allow rich text input.
Here's some info on creating control designers:
And a blog post that demonstrates a control designer using the HtmlField:
hope this is helpful!