VisualVM GC Activity is reported as zero - jvm

I am using OpenJDK, Java 8, VisualVM 1.2.1 (same JDK for application being profiled). In VisualVM, under the Monitor tab, we are able to see CPU usage and % of GC Activity. The issue is, % of GC Activity is always 0 when VisualGC is reporting GC activities as usual. I want to get stats on % of time spent on GC activity. How can I fix this or is there other ways to get this stat?


How does the JVM utilization work in Snowflake?

I use Snowflake(Standard edition) as a data warehouse and have created 6 warehouses. There is an API job crashing often causing memory issue(Java Heap error) leading to other jobs failing. I want to understand the role of JVM here and what can be done to save other jobs from failing?

Dask Yarn failed to allocate number of workers

We have a CDH cluster (version 5.14.4) with 6 worker servers with a total of 384 vcores (64 cores per server).
We are running some ETL processes using dask version 2.8.1, dask-yarn version 0.8 with skein 0.8 .
Currently we are having problem allocating the maximum number of workers .
We are not able to run a job with more the 18 workers! (we can see the actual number of workers in the dask dashboad.
The definition of the cluster is as follows:
cluster = YarnCluster(environment = 'path/to/my/env.tar.gz',
n_workers = 24,
worker_vcores = 4,
worker_memory= '64GB'
Even when increasing the number of workers to 50 nothing changes, although when changing the worker_vcores or worker_memory we can see the changes in the dashboard.
Any suggestions?
Following #jcrist answer I realized that I didn't fully understand the termenology between the Yarn web UI application dashboard and the Yarn Cluster parameters.
From my understanding:
a Yarn Container is equal to a dask worker.
When ever a Yarn cluster is generated there are 2 additional workers/containers that are running (one for a Schedualer and one for a logger - each with 1 vCore)
The limitation between the n_workers * worker_vcores vs. n_workers * worker_memory that I still need fully grok.
There is another issue - while optemizing I tried using cluster.adapt(). The cluster was running with 10 workers each with 10 ntrheads with a limit of 100GB but in the Yarn web UI there was only displayed 2 conteiners running (my cluster has 384 vCorres and 1.9TB so there is still plenty of room to expand). probably worth to open a different question.
There are many reasons why a job may be denied more containers. Do you have enough memory across your cluster to allocate that many 64 GiB chunks? Further, does 64 GiB tile evenly across your cluster nodes? Is your YARN cluster configured to allow jobs that large in this queue? Are there competing jobs that are also taking resources?
You can see the status of all containers using the ApplicationClient.get_containers method.
>>> cluster.application_client.get_containers()
You could filter on state REQUESTED to see just the pending containers
>>> cluster.application_client.get_containers(states=['REQUESTED'])
this should give you some insight as to what's been requested but not allocated.
If you suspect a bug in dask-yarn, feel free to file an issue (including logs from the application master for a problematic run), but I suspect this is more an issue with the size of containers you're requesting, and how your queue is configured/currently used.

Memory issues with GraphDB 7.0

I am trying to load a dataset to GraphDB 7.0. I wrote a Python script to transform and load the data on Sublime Text 3. The program suddenly stopped working and closed, the computer threatened to restart but didn't, and I lost several hours worth of computing as GraphDB doesn't let me query the inserts. This is the error I get on GraphDB:
The currently selected repository cannot be used for queries due to an error:
org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: java.lang.RuntimeException: There is not enough memory for the entity pool to load: 65728645 bytes are required but there are 0 left. Maybe cache-memory/tuple-index-memory is too big.
I set the JVM as follows:
I don't exactly remember what I set as the values for the cache and index memories. How do I resolve this issue?
For the record, the database I need to parse has about 300k records. The program shut shop at about 50k. What do I need to do to resolve this issue?
Open the workbench and check the amount of memory you have given to cache memory.
Xmx should be a value that is enough for
cache-memory + memory-for-queries + entity-pool-hash-memory
sadly the latter cannot be calculated easily because it depends on the number of entities in the repository. You will either have to:
Increase the java memory with a bigger value for Xmx
Decrease the value for cache memory

Why is Tomcat not scaling throughput with increased concurrent load?

For this test, I have a simple Java servlet that reads data in and calculates the CRC32 for it. When making serial requests of 512MB each, I get about 600MB/sec. That makes sense since I can't use all 24 cores available to me to calculate a CRC. The program driving this I/O is sitting on the local box to eliminate the possibility of networking issues. I am running Tomcat on FreeBSD using OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode).
Next, I attempt the same test with 6 concurrent requests, expecting that the performance per request might be lower than 600MB/sec, but that the aggregate performance across all 6 requests would be significantly higher.
What I see is the CPU has some idle time at ALL times (so it doesn't appear that I'm CPU-bound). I also see that all processing threads in Tomcat are running concurrently as anticipated. However, it looks like I'm only getting around 800MB/sec in aggregate. The threads in Tomcat spend most of their time waiting to read from the socket, as shown below.
I would appreciate any thoughts on how to improve Tomcat throughput / why so much time is spent waiting for more data (which I assume is what's going on below).
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.doAcquireSharedNanos(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireSharedNanos(
at java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.await(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalNioInputBuffer.fill(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalNioInputBuffer$SocketInputBuffer.doRead(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.filters.IdentityInputFilter.doRead(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractInputBuffer.doRead(
at org.apache.coyote.Request.doRead(
at org.apache.catalina.connector.InputBuffer.realReadBytes(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.substract(

Automatically taking thread dumps or heap dumps

I'm trying to monitor a Java Application over a long period of time.
I want to automatically take a Thread dump or Heap Dump if number of threads or Heap exceeds some threshold.
Is this functionality available via VisualVM or Mission Control or other profiling tool?
Start the JMX Console in Java Mission Control
Go to the Triggers tab and select trigger rule "Thread Count" or "Live Set". You can select threshold and action to take. If running JDK 8, I think you can invoke a diagnostic command, such as Thread.print. It's also possible to dump a Flight Recording, which contains thread dumps among many other things.