Why I am getting POST 404 when Calendly is posting data to my endpoint - calendly

I created Calendly Webhook Subscription by following their instructions. My backend is written in NodeJS + Express. I am trying to implement Calendly webhook while I got the trial period. I am exposing the endpoint /webhooks/calendly/calendlyWebhook on localhost:8080 and I am doing it through ngrok, because Calendly supports only https protocol. I see in my logs Calendly sending a post request to the endpoint, but I am seeing it being 404: POST /webhooks/calendly/calendlyWebhook 404.
Here is my webhook file called calendlyWebhook.js
const { Router } = require('express');
const calendlyWebhookRouter = Router();
calendlyWebhookRouter.post('/calendlyWebhook', async (req, res) => {
console.log("Hello from calendly webhook ✅")
return res.statusCode(200).send('Ok')
module.exports = {
And here is my index.js file where I initialize the router
const {calendlyWebhookRouter} = require('./webhooks/calendlyWebhook');
app.use('/webhooks/calendly/calendlyWebhook', calendlyWebhookRouter);
What exactly I am doing wrong?

The webhook route contains calendlyWebhook twice (once in the app.use path and once in the calendlyWebhookRouter path). As a result, calendlyWebhookRouter will only be called when a POST request is sent to /webhooks/calendly/calendlyWebhook/calendlyWebhook.
Removing calendlyWebhook from the app.use route path should resolve the issue:
app.use('/webhooks/calendly', calendlyWebhookRouter);


How to retrieve form-data values in Express js?

I created a form data in Postman and send a http post request. but when I send the request, it shows there is no form data in the destination!
here is my codes in backend :
app.js file:
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
var routesImagesApi = require('./api/routes/imagesrouters');
app.use('/api/images', routesImagesApi);
api/routes/imagesrouters.js file:
var router = express.Router();
var ctrlAuth = require('../controllers/images');
router.post('/imageUpload', ctrlAuth.imageUpload);
controllers/images.js file:
module.exports.imageUpload = function (req, res) {
res.json({"Returned data":req.body});
I created a request in postman with two key-value form-data body.
here is my request:
POST > http://localhost:3000/api/images/imageUpload
and form-data body key-values are these :
key:name , value:Sarah
key:family , value:Thomas
Below image is Postman screenshot :
I expected postman show me the form-data key values but as you can see it shows nothing!
"Returned data": {}
Do you have any idea?
Please use the multer package or you could write a custom handler for making express handle multi part form data i.e "files/imgs..etc "
multer package
writing your own custom handler
p.s this could be a duplicate issue

Set-Cookie not accessible through axios or fetch

I am building a web application with a go backend and a vue.js frontend.
I want to do a simple sign in form in which I send the sign in request from a method of my component with Axios (or fetch) and get in response a JSON object of the user and a session token in the cookie to be stored and reused in future requests to the server.
The code of my components method :
class LoginComponent extends Vue {
sendLogin (): void {
axios.post<User>('', body)
.then(res => console.log('Axios Response :', res)
.catch(err => console.error('Axios Error :', err))
The part of the code of the go server :
go API
with the headers :
go headers
the front and backend are on different IP addresses in a local network and they communicate through HTTP.
The problem that I faced is that when receiving the response after the post request to login I don't have access to the cookie that has been set by the server. When I use Axios to analyze the response the cookie isn't in the headers whereas when I look at the network logs in the browser, the cookie is in the headers but it is not saved and it is not sent when I do another request.
Also, the only header that is visible with Axios is Content-Type : application/json; charset=UTF-8
I tried many things to be able to see this cookie but it doesn't work :
adding { withCredentials: true } to the axios request or axios.defaults.withCredentials = true to the axios instance only stops the request because of CORS.
changing all the Access-Control headers to "*" didn't change anything
using { auth: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } } in the axios options instead of the body
The only thing that worked and automatically saved the cookie was to send the request via the attributes of the form html tag, like so :
<form method="POST" action="">
But this way I am redirected to the JSON response object and not to one of my routes from vue-router and I can't access the User object in my app.
Is there any way that my problem can be solved?
Ok so the comment of Зелёный was the answer.
I needed the go server to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: (the address of the frontend) and then configure axios with { withCredentials: true } to be able to automatically store the cookie. Although I still don't see it when I do a console.log on the axios response, it is successfully stored and reused for each call to the server.

Axios has wrong URL only with 'heroku local web'

I've got a problem with axios and heroku. Maybe some short introduction before.
The problem with CORS has been solved and i my apps run on localhost and on herokuapp.com. The only thing which is currently not working is my app running with heroku local web.
For the backend call I using axios which is referencing my backend api from an environment file:
.get(process.env.VUE_APP_ROOT_API + "/resource")
.then(response => (this.receipt = response.data));
VUE_APP_ROOT_API=http//: #5002 is my backend
This produces the following wrong axios call:
GET #5001 is my frontend
I cannot explain how this GET is generated. Printing out the request url with
axios.interceptors.request.use(request => {
console.log("Starting Request", request);
return request;
is showing the correct URL http//:
Any solutions?
This is embarassing, I had a type:
http:// instead of http//:
See: Quasar Axios request wrong URL (Double URL)

How does redirecting from a post method to get method work?

The server doesn't recognize any get request except for the post method after executing some queries in the mongodb.
The express middleware takes the post method and after interacting with the database and using the res.redirect() to get to other get methods, the server doesn't recognize the request at all. I tried using res.all(). This showed that the request was seen but no action was taken.
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Product = require('../models/product');
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {`//homepage
router.post('/add',function(req,res next){
//Product model
var prod = new Product({
//data here
return res.redirect('/error');
return res.redirect('/');
console.log ("Complete2);
After I get to the post method it should redirect to the homepage
The problem may not be with the backend, but with the frontend. If you are using AJAX to send your POST request, it is specifically designed to not change your url.
Use window.location.href after AJAX's request has completed (in the .done()) to update the URL with the desired path, or use JQuery: $('body').replaceWith(data) when you receive the HTML back from the reques

node-bigcommerce Get and Post Routes

I'm using the npm package, 'node bigcommerce', and I have all my API's setup but whenever I try to make a GET route, the error, Error: Request returned error code: 404 and body: The route is not found, check the URL, shows up. I don't know how or where to specify the url to find. Also, I have the same problem with POST Routes. The code is here. Thanks ahead!
var express = require('express'),
BigCommerce = require('node-bigcommerce');
var bigCommerce = new BigCommerce({
clientId: '* Client ID *',
secret: '* Secret *',
callback: 'https://store-xxi13.mybigcommerce.com',
responceType: 'json',
accessToken: '* Access Token *',
storeHash: 'xxi13'
bigCommerce.get('/happy', (data) =>{
The path supplied in your get request, '/happy' is not a BigCommerce API endpoint--that's why you're getting a 404 not found. If you made a request to /products for example, it should work to pull product data.
Also, the callback would usually be a path on your app, not the store URL. For example, callback: 'https://myapplication.com/auth', would be the path on your app where you want the BigCommerce auth service to send your temporary code and Oauth token during the installation flow:
You can find examples of configuring the client and making requests in the README for the node-bigcommerce client: