Lucene Index converting gen0 memory to unmanaged resource - lucene

I am using Lucene NET v4.8 beta, and I have noticed that my service consume more and more memory whenever I add huge amounts of data to the index.
I analyzed this through dotMemory, seen below. The spike of memory at minute 4 is when I added a bunch of data to the Index. I understand the increase in gen0 memory because I am creating IndexWriter object and performing write/commit operations. However, it seems as if, once the GC is called, the gen0 objects it collects becomes part of unmanaged memory instead (for example, at minute 5:30 in the screenshot, we can see that gen0 memory usage got collected, but total memory remained the same - unmanaged memory grew the same amount that gen0 memory got collected).
I have already implemented the Dispose pattern in my code properly for IndexWriter and IndexReader, but this issue remains. The only 'fix' I was able to do I was able to do was forcing Garbage Collect to collect, via GC.Collect() manually in the code, but it still doesn't remove all the extra unmanaged memory.
My questions are, what is causing Lucene NET to behave like this (turning gen0 objects into unmanaged resources)? And is there a way to fix this without having to do GC.Collect() every so often?


How do I determine how much memory a MemoryStream object is using in VB.Net?

I'm handling a long-running process that does a lot of copying to a memory stream so it can create an archive and upload it to azure. In excess of 2 GB in size. The process is throwing an Out Of Memory exception at some point, and I'm trying to figure out what the upper limit is to prevent that, stop the process, upload a partial archive, and pick up where it left off.
But I'm not sure how to determine how much memory the stream is actually using. Right now, I'm using MemoryStream.Length, but I don't think that's the right approach.
So, how can I determine how much memory a MemoryStream is using in VB.Net?
In compliance with the Minimal, Reproducible Example requirements -
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim stream = New MemoryStream
'What would I need to put here to determine the size in memory of stream?
End Sub
This is a known issue with the garbage collector for .Net Framework (I've heard .Net Core may have addressed this, but I haven't done a deep dive myself to confirm it).
What happens is you have an item with an internal (growing) buffer like a string, StringBuilder, List, MemoryStream, etc. As you write to the object, the buffer fills and at some point needs to be replaced. So behind the scenes a new buffer is allocated, and data is copied from the old to the new. At this point the old buffer becomes eligible for garbage collection.
Already we see one large inefficiency: copying from the old buffer to the new can be a significant cost as the the object grows. Therefore, if you have an idea of your item's final size up front, you probably want to use a mechanism that will let you set that initial size. With a List<T>, for example, this means using the constructor overload to include a Capacity... if you know it. This means the object never (or rarely) has to copy the data between buffers.
But we're not done yet. When the copy operation is finished, the garbage collector WILL appropriately reclaim the memory and return it to the operating system. However, there's more involved than just memory. There's also the virtual address space for your application's process. The virtual address space formerly occupied by that memory is NOT immediately released. It can be reclaimed through a process called "compaction", but there are situations where this just... doesn't happen. Most notably, memory on the Large Object Heap (LOH) is rarely-to-never compacted. Once your item eclipses a magic 85,000 byte threshold for the LOH, you're starting to build up holes in the virtual address space. Fill these buffers enough, and the virtual address table runs out of room, resulting in (drumroll please)... an OutOfMemoryException. This is the exception thrown, even though there may be plenty of memory available.
Since most of the items that create this scenario use a doubling algorithm for the underlying buffer, it's possible to generate these exceptions without using all that much memory — just over the square root of the actual possible virtual address space, though that's worst-case and commonly you'll get somewhat higher first.
To avoid this, be careful in how you use items with buffers that grow dynamically: set the full capacity up front when you can, or stream to a more-robust backing store (like a file) when you can't.

Potential memory leaks with Signal-R and Newtonsoft serialization

We are using Signal-R to synchronize an important (about 200MB) object (serialized using Newtonsoft) from one application to another. But every time the object is serialized and sent through Signal-R, the size of both applications increase drastically (about 200MB each time, what a surprise).
From our analysis, it seems that the memory is growing due to something within Signal-R.
Any ideas?

How can I change maximum available heap size for a task in FreeRTOS?

I'm creating a list of elements inside a task in the following way:
l = (dllist*)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(dllist));
dllist is 32 byte big.
My embedded system has 60kB SRAM so I expected my 200 element list can be handled easily by the system. I found out that after allocating space for 8 elements the system is crashing on the 9th malloc function call (256byte+).
If possible, where can I change the heap size inside freeRTOS?
Can I somehow request the current status of heap size?
I couldn't find this information in the documentation so I hope somebody can provide some insight in this matter.
Thanks in advance!
(Yes - FreeRTOS pvPortMalloc() returns void*.)
If you have 60K of SRAM, and configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE is large, then it is unlikely you are going to run out of heap after allocating 256 bytes unless you had hardly any heap remaining before hand. Many FreeRTOS demos will just keep creating objects until all the heap is used, so if your application is based on one of those, then you would be low on heap before your code executed. You may have also done something like use up loads of heap space by creating tasks with huge stacks.
heap_4 and heap_5 will combine adjacent blocks, which will minimise fragmentation as far as practical, but I don't think that will be your problem - especially as you don't mention freeing anything anywhere.
Unless you are using heap_3.c (which just makes the standard C library malloc and free thread safe) you can call xPortGetFreeHeapSize() to see how much free heap you have. You may also have xPortGetMinimumEverFreeHeapSize() available to query how close you have ever come to running out of heap. More information:
You could also define a malloc() failed hook ( to get instant notification of pvPortMalloc() returning NULL.
For the standard allocators you will find a config option in FreeRTOSConfig.h .
It is very well possible you run out of memory already, depending on the allocator used. IIRC there is one that does not free() any blocks (free() is just a dummy). So any block returned will be lost. This is still useful if you only allocate memory e.g. at startup, but then work with what you've got.
Other allocators might just not merge adjacent blocks once returned, increasing fragmentation much faster than a full-grown allocator.
Also, you might loose memory to fragmentation. Depending on your alloc/free pattern, you quickly might end up with a heap looking like swiss cheese: Many holes between allocated blocks. So while there is still enough free memory, no single block is big enough for the size required.
If you only allocate blocks that size there, you might be better of using your own allocator or a pool (blocks of fixed size). Thaqt would be statically allocated (e.g. array) and chained as a linked list during startup. Alloc/free would then just be push/pop on a stack (or put/get on a queue). That would also be very fast and have complexity O(1) (interrupt-safe if properly written).
Note that normal malloc()/free() are not interrupt-safe.
Finally: Do not cast void *. (Well, that's actually what standard malloc() returns and I expect that FreeRTOS-variant does the same).

How to reduce commit size of memory in application?

I am developing windows application in VB.Net. My problem is after some time of running application commit size of memory get increased. I have used Memory profiler (Ant Profiler, CL R Profiler ) to identified the problem in application. it suggest me to dispose the object which is alive or not unregistered after close the form. Accordingly i dispose all the objects which can affect the memory leak.
But still cant get reduce the commit size once its go high.
Can anyone give me suggestion what to do?
The .NET garbage collector does not guarantee to free memory in any particular timeframe. It might, for example, wait until the memory is needed before freeing up used memory.
You can force a garbage collection by calling
These articles explain things in a bit more depth:

Memoryusage drops after a week

I have this app written in VB.Net with winforms that shows some stats and pictures on a bigscreen monitor. I also monitor the memory usage of sad app by using this.
I know windows does not always report the correct usage but I just wanted to know if I didn't have any little memory leaks which I had but are solved now. But the first week the memory usage was around 100MB and the second week the memory usage showed around 50MB.
So why did it all of a sudden drop while still running the exact same code?
I can hardly imagine that the garbage collector kicked in this late since the app refreshes every 10 seconds and it has ample time in between those periods to do it's thing.
Or perhaps there is just better way to get memory usage for a process that is more reliable.
Process.WrokingSet64 doesn't report the memory usage, it omits the memory that is swapped to disk:
The value returned by this property represents the current size of working set memory used by the process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages currently visible to the process in physical RAM memory. These pages are resident and available for an application to use without triggering a page fault. (MSDN)
Even if your system was never low on free memory, you may have minimized the application window, which caused Windows to trim its working set.
If you want to look for memory leaks you should probably use Process.PrivateMemorySize64 instead. Your shared memory is going to contain just executable code and it's going to remain more or less constant throughout the life of the process, so you should focus on the private memory.