RedHat Kickstart file: What does this post-section do? - automation

im am currently trying to understand a kickstart file. The first post-section has the following lines in it?
%post --nochroot
mkdir /mnt/sysimage/tmp/ks-tree-copy
if [ -d /oldtmp/ks-tree-shadow ]; then
cp -fa /oldtmp/ks-tree-shadow/* /mnt/sysimage/tmp/ks-tree-copy
elif [ -d /tmp/ks-tree-shadow ]; then
cp -fa /tmp/ks-tree-shadow/* /mnt/sysimage/tmp/ks-tree-copy
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf
cp -f /tmp/ks-pre.log* /mnt/sysimage/root/ || :
cp `awk '{ if ($1 ~ /%include/) {print $2}}' /tmp/ks.cfg` /tmp/ks.cfg /mnt/sysimage/root
Im not really sure why this section exists. I think it may save some logfiles created while installing, so that one can look at it afterwards, but thats just a guess.
Thanks in advance for answers :)


Running a script when connecting to server with ssh

I use the kitty terminal emulator, so when I connect to a new server, I (usually) need to ad the terminfo (at least, this way it seems to work). To do this I wrote a script. While I was at it, I added a bit of code to add a public key if the user wants it to.
Not really relevant for the question, but here is the code:
ip=$(echo $host | cut -d# -f2 | cut -d: -f1)
# Check if it is a unknown host
if [[ -z $(ssh-keygen -F $ip) ]]; then
# Check if there are any ssh-keys
if [ $(ls $HOME/.ssh/*.pub > /dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then
keys=$(echo $( (cd $HOME/.ssh/ && ls *.pub) | sed "s/.pub//g" ))
ssh -q -o PubkeyAuthentication=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no $host "ls > /dev/null 2>&1"
# Check if the server has one of the public keys
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Do you want to add a SSh key to the server?"
while true; do
read -p " Choose [$keys] or leave empty to skip: " key
if [[ -z $key ]]; then
elif [[ -e $HOME/.ssh/$key ]]; then
# Give the server a public key
ssh $host "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && echo \"$(cat $HOME/.ssh/$\" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
echo "No key with the name \"$key\" found."
# Copy terminfo to server
ssh -t $host "echo \"$(infocmp -x)\" > \"\$\" && tic -x \"\$\" && rm \$"
It is not the best code, but it seems to work. Tips are ofcourse welcome.
The problem is that I need to run this script every time I connect te a new remote server (or I need to keep track of which server is new, but that is even worse). Is there a way to run this script every time I connect to a server (the script checks if the ip is a known host).
Or is there an other way to do this? Adding the public keys is nice to have, but not very important.
I hope somone can help,
There is a trick to identify that you are using ssh to login on the target machine:
pgrep -af "sshd.*"$USER |wc -l
The above command will count the user's processes using sshd
You can add the above command in the target machine, to test if you are connected via ssh. Add the above command to your .profile or .bash_profile script in the target machine.
So that only if you login via ssh your script will run initiation script on the target machine when you login/connect.
Sample .bash_profile on target machine
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
if [[ $(pgrep -af "sshd.*"$USER |wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then

s3cmd invalidation choose distribution

I am trying to use s3cmd tool to invalidate my files,
it seems s3cmd automatically choose a distribution for me,
but I have more distributions from the same bucket, how can I choose distribution to invalidate ?
I have tried this :
s3cmd sync —cf-invalidate myfile cf://XXXXXXXXXX/mypath
but it does not work. I get this:
Invalid source/destination”
any idea?
I believe you'd be looking to force an invalidation via the origin (i.e. your S3 bucket or similar) like so:
s3cmd --cf-invalidate _site/ s3://
Here is my final conclusion:
after many many tries , the solution is very restrict.
follow this format:
s3cmd sync --cf-invalidate --acl-public --preserve --recursive ./[local_folder] s3://[my_bucket]/[remote_folder]/
when I run this command , the actual folder should be in command running folder
local file should have ./
remote folder should be end by /
I could not make s3cmd's invalidation work, so I used s3cmd to update the file and cloudfront-invalidator to do the invalidation. The script reads the aws authentication used by s3cmd for cloudfront-invalidator.
if [ -z "$(which s3cmd)" ]; then
echo "s3cmd is not installed or is not on the PATH"
exit -1
if [ -z "$(which cloudfront-invalidator)" ]; then
echo "cloudfront-invalidator is not installed or is not on the PATH"
echo "See"
echo "TL;DR: sudo gem install cloudfront-invalidator"
exit -1
function awsKeyId {
awk -F '=' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /aws_access_key_id/) print $2}' ~/.aws/config | tr -d ' '
function awsSecret {
awk -F '=' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /aws_secret_access_key/) print $2}' ~/.aws/config | tr -d ' '
export file="stylesheets/main.css"
export distributionId=blahblah
export bucket=www.blahblah
s3cmd -P -m 'text/css' put public/$file s3://$bucket/$f
cloudfront-invalidator invalidate `awsKeyId` `awsSecret` $distributionId $file

Displaying files that are group or world writeable in a home directory

I'm trying to create a script that will display all the files that are group and world writeable in a home directory.
Warning: The script will run an endless loop of file not found if you run it locally.
lsuser -a home ALL |cut -f2 -d= | while read HOMEDIR; do
if [ -d $HOMEDIR ]; then
ls -a $HOMEDIR | grep -Ev "^.$|^..$" | while read FILE; do
[[ "$(ls -ld ${FILE})" = #(????????w? *) ]] && print " WARNING ${FILE} is world wr
[[ "$(ls -ld ${FILE})" = #(?????w???? *) ]] && print " WARNING ${FILE} is group wr
echo "No home dir for $HOMEDIR"
Any pointers?
Apologies for not commenting on your question instead, but I don't have enough reputation yet. Please read Why you shouldn't parse the output of ls(1) carefully and use find as advised by Alex. Is there a specific reason you are not using find?

SSH - Loop through lines from txt file and delete files

I have a .txt file and on each line is a different file location e.g.
How can I open that file, loop through each line and rm -f filename on each one?
Also, will deleting it throw an error if the file doesn't exist (has already been deleted) and if so how can I avoid this?
EDIT: The file names may have spaces in them, so this needs to be catered for as well.
You can use a for loop with cat to iterate through the lines:
IFS=$'\n'; \
for file in `cat list.txt`; do \
if [ -f $file ]; then \
rm -f "$file"; \
fi; \
The if [ -f $file ] will check if the file exists and is a regular file (not a directory). If the check fails, it will skip it.
The IFS=$'\n' at the top will set the delimiter to be newlines-only; This will allow you to process files with whitespace.
xargs -n1 echo < test.txt
Replace 'echo' with rm -f or any other command. You can also use cat test.txt |
'man xargs' for more info.

shell scripting - print files in adirectory

I am writing simple Script which displays regular files in a directory.
for FILE in "$#"
if [ -f "$FILE" ]
ls -l "$FILE"
Even though my directory have 2 files, this script is not showing anything.
Can some one please what is wrong in my script?
why dont you go for simple command like :
ls -p|grep -v /
coming to your issue :
for FILE in "$#"
if [ -f "$FILE" ]
ls -l "$FILE"
try this
for FILE in $#/*
instead of
for FILE in "$#"