sql - perform join excluding repeated fields - sql

I have the following problem, I use sql server, I need to join two tables by a field, but when performing the join I am duplicating the key field, my query is as follows:
select A.*, B.*
from Database.dbo.Module1 A
LEFT JOIN RRHH.dbo.Module2 B on A.key1 = B.key1
is it possible to exclude from the select the key1 field from the module2 table?
In the tables, I have another few duplicate fields, I could write every field I need from the tables in the select, but , it would be easier to exclude the fields I don't need. Consider that each table has hundreds of fields that are needed.

It is impossible. Specify fields you need.

There is no "all columns except <these>" syntax in T-SQL, sorry.
Of course it's very easy to generate the list of columns from any table by simply dragging the Columns node onto a query window. This works in both SSMS and Azure Data Studio, as I describe in this Bad Habits post:
Then just prefix the ones you need, and delete the ones you don't.


SQL Exclude a specific column from SQL query result

I have a query where I process columns from two tables and at the end I want ALL colulmns from one temporary table and ONLY ONE column from the other table. Also I do not want the KEY column to appear twice after the join.
I cannot find a clean efficient way to do it. I found these solutions:
Specify all columns explicitly. Bad for obvious reasons if you have to type multiple columns
Get all columns and the DROP the ones you dont need. Not efficient because you carry loads of data and then throwing them away.
Is there a one liner SQL command that leaves out a single column?
Is there an SQL command that removes duplicate KEY column after joining?
How about selecting all columns from one table and one from the other?
select t1.*, t2.col
from t1 join
on . . .

How to effectively "outer join" two data sources (SQL queries) in OBIEE 11g data model?

I have two SQL queries in a data model, each for a different data source. I am trying to link one to another to the effect that creating a report with all columns will not exclude values not matching in each of the queries. Simply linking elements seems to "inner join" when creating a report (excludes values which do not match in both queries). I am looking to essentially "left join" one source with another in report creation - I WANT null values to display from the other source.
When I review the data in the data model itself (via the data tab) null values are showing. It is only in the report creation that I am having this problem.
I am not a DBA and have read-only database access. I do not have access to any OBIEE desktop tools.
One check-box: Include NULL values
Figured it out. Trick is to add a "dummy row" via UNION to the second table and create a "dummy column" in the first table (via CASE WHEN column IS NULL) that uses some placeholder value in place of null values. Then, link both tables using the dummy column. That way the null values are not excluded in the actual column when the two queries are linked. When creating the report, just exclude the dummy column.
Use a simple left join between query1 and query2:
select q1.name,q2.name from query1 q1 left join query2 q2
on q1.num=q2.num2
order by q1.name
ExA1 ExB1
ExA5 ExB4

Change Value in Access VBA

I have a table full of code IDs and their descriptions in access. And in another table is a field that has code IDs that correlate to the IDs in the Codes table. I am trying to design a macro that when executed will replace the code ID in the second table with the correct description but I am unsure a way to do this. I was thinking of using a SQL Insert query to do so but am unsure of what the statement would look like.
JOIN statement:
SELECT ShouldImportMetricsIDsTable.FORMULARYID, ReasonCodes.Description
FROM ShouldImportMetricsIDsTable,ReasonCodes
INNER JOIN ReasonCodes
ON ShouldImportMetricsIDsTable.ReasonCode=ReasonCodes.CodeID
Mention ReasonCodes only once in your query's FROM clause.
Change this ...
FROM ShouldImportMetricsIDsTable,ReasonCodes
INNER JOIN ReasonCodes
To this ...
FROM ShouldImportMetricsIDsTable
INNER JOIN ReasonCodes
As general advice, I suggest you begin your queries in the Access query designer. At least choose the data sources (tables or saved queries) and set up joins there.
With your original example, the designer would have applied an alias, ReasonCodes_1, for one of those duplicate ReasonCodes names. And that could be an early warning that the data sources aren't correct.

SQL Server join and wildcards

I want to get the results of a left join between two tables, with both having a column of the same name, the column on which I join. The following query is seen as valid by the import/export wizard in SQL Server, but it always gives an error. I have some more conditions, so the size wouldn't be too much. We're using SQL Server 2000 iirc and since we're using an externally developed program to interact with the database (except for some information we can't retrieve that way), we can not simply change the column name.
SELECT table1.*, table2.*
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.samename = table2.samename
At least, I think the column name is the problem, or am I doing something else wrong?
Do more columns than just your join key have the same name? If only your join key has the same name then simply select one of them since the values will be equivalent except for the non-matching rows (which will be NULL). You will have to enumerate all your other columns from one of the tables though.
SELECT table2.samename,table1.othercolumns,table2.*
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.samename = table2.samename
You may need to explicitly list the columns from one of the tables (the one with less fields), and leave out the 2nd instance of what would be the duplicate field..
select Table1.*, {skip the field Table2.sameName} Table2.fld2, Table2.Fld3, Table2.Fld4... from
Since its a common column, it APPEARS its trying to create twice in the result set, thus choking your process.
Since you should never use select *, simply replace it with the column names of the columns you want. THe join column has the same value (or null) in both sides of the join, so only select one of themm the one from table1 which will always have the value.
If you want to select all the columns from both tables just use Select * instead of including the tables separately. That will however leave you with duplicate column names in the result set, so even reading them out by name will not work and reading them by index will give inconsistent results, as changing the columns in the database will change the resultset, breaking any code depending on the ordinals of the columns.
Unfortunately the best solution is to specify exactly the columns you need and create aliases for the duplicates so they are unique.
I quickly get the column headings by setting the query to text mode and copying the top row ...

When is a good situation to use a full outer join?

I'm always discouraged from using one, but is there a circumstance when it's the best approach?
It's rare, but I have a few cases where it's used. Typically in exception reports or ETL or other very peculiar situations where both sides have data you are trying to combine.
The alternative is to use an INNER JOIN, a LEFT JOIN (with right side IS NULL) and a RIGHT JOIN (with left side IS NULL) and do a UNION - sometimes this approach is better because you can customize each individual join more obviously (and add a derived column to indicate which side is found or whether it's found in both and which one is going to win).
I noticed that the wikipedia page provides an example.
For example, this allows us to see
each employee who is in a department
and each department that has an
employee, but also see each employee
who is not part of a department and
each department which doesn't have an
Note that I never encountered the need of a full outer join in practice...
I've used full outer joins when attempting to find mismatched, orphaned data, from both of my tables and wanted all of my result set, not just matches.
Just today I had to use Full Outer Join. It is handy in situations where you're comparing two tables. For example, the two tables I was comparing were from different systems so I wanted to get following information:
Table A has any rows that are not in Table B
Table B has any rows that are not in Table A
Duplicates in either Table A or Table B
For matching rows whether values are different (Example: The table A and Table B both have Acct# 12345, LoanID abc123, but Interest Rate or Loan Amount is different
In addition, I created an additional field in SELECT statement that uses a CASE statement to 'comment' why I am flagging this row. Example: Interest Rate does not match / The Acct doesn't exist in System A, etc.
Then saved it as a view. Now, I can use this view to either create a report and send it to users for data correction/entry or use it to pull specific population by 'comment' field I created using a CASE statement (example: all records with non-matching interest rates) in my stored procedure and automate correction, etc.
If you want to see an example, let me know.
The rare times i have used it has been around testing for NULLs on both sides of the join in case i think data is missing from the initial INNER JOIN used in the SQL i'm testing on.
They're handy for finding orphaned data but I rarely use then in production code. I wouldn't be "always discouraged from using one" but I think in the real world they are less frequently the best solution compared to inners and left/right outers.
In the rare times that I used Full Outer Join it was for data analysis and comparison purpose such as when comparing two customers tables from different databases to find out duplicates in each table or to compare the two tables structures, or to find out null values in one table compared to the other, or finding missing information in one tables compared to the other.
For example, suppose you have two tables: one containing customer data and another containing order data. A full outer join would allow you to see all customers and all orders, even if some customers have no orders or some orders have no corresponding customer. This can help you identify any gaps in the data and ensure that all relevant information is included in the result set.
It's important to note that a full outer join can produce a huge result set since it includes all rows from both tables. This can be inefficient in terms of performance, so it's best to use a full outer join only when it is necessary to include all rows from both tables.
FROM table1
ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
This will return all rows from both table1 and table2, filling in NULL values for missing matches on either side.