How to list *my* permissions overall and to projects Jira REST API - jira-rest-api

I am looking to make a REST API call to Jira to find:
A list of projects I have access to/can view
Ideally, what specific rights I have in each project
specifically for myself. How would I do this?
With my company this might be a long list, so conceptually, is there a level of global permission in Jira that would allow me (at least read-) access to all projects?


Defining Resource In ABAC

I want to develop an Attribute-based access control (ABAC) Web API in ASP .NET Core, in which other businesses can define their environments, resources, actions, and subjects, because we do not want developers to hardcode details in their code.
I wanted you guys to help me understand more about what the environment and resources are in this case, and how can I provide access to a specific resource for a user.
For instance, in one of our businesses we can define employee entrance. I want to say:
"Employee A" has "add" access to resource "employee attendances" in the "Attendance App" environment.
First of all, is this scenario defined correctly based on ABAC components?
If so, how can I provide access to existing resources in a specific database?
What exactly is an environment?
Well if you had the same question as mine, you can checkout this source code:
The project is a combination of both RBAC & ABAC

How can I use M/S Graph APIs to read Sharepoint lists

I see from other Users' questions that this used not to be possible but other research suggests it now might be; I'm using Graph Explorer and have started with this generic URL:{siteId}/lists/{listId}/. I'm logged in as a User who is an Owner of the Sharepoint site I'm going after. But so far, I have not been able to find, much less see the contents of any Lists that I know are there in the site. Q1: Is this even possible (now)? Q2: How - or - what am I missing?
Yes this is possible but the graph API doesn't rely on the permissions as defined on SharePoint and might explain why you are not seeing the lists you own via the graph api.
You will have to setup the necessary Azure AD permissions on your app to access SharePoint list and items via the graph api.
As shown below, i can read data from the specified list based on permissions already consented to.

How to set admin per app in Fabric

We are using Fabric with Crashlytics and have setup 1 organization with multiple apps. However there seems to be no way to set an admin user per app. Is it something I missed?
If not, do you plan to add such a feature in the future?
Having an admin per app would be beneficial if you have multiple teams in charge of their own projects and let someone from the team manage stuff like the disable / enable versions, adding service hooks, deleting members that are automatically added when the app is first created in the dashboard, enabling analytics, etc...
Currently, it seems that you can only achieve this by creating different organizations per app, but this doesn't seem to be how the system was designed to work.
Roles in Fabric are set at the organization level and there isn't currently a way to set app-level roles. What you suggested around creating new organizations for each project group is the best way to accomplish what you're looking to do.

Managing users with Pirhana CMS

What is the best way to manage users with PirhanaCMS?
I would like to prevent some users from adding content (posts etc...) in some categories and prevent that some sites be listed for some users. (For people who don't know it, PirhanaCMS is a micro CMS programmer oriented).
I would like to use the sites features because I'm working on a project in which I'll have a "network" of several sites managed by different entities of an organization. I would like that each entity be only able to see its own site but that the big organization at the top be able to manage every sites. Moreover, within a site I would like that some users be only able to edit some part of the site.
Are these features built-in ? Otherwise what is the best way to implement them myself around the CMS ?
I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 and EF5.
If you take a look at System > Permissions in the manager area you can see that there are permissions you can give to groups for different parts of the manager interface.
There's however currently no built in support for restricting access to different site trees, but you are free to add a feature request for this at GitHub or maybe participate by implementing it and sending a pull request!

how to list all the projects of a specific workspace of a specific user in asana api

I need to select a user and then list all the projects that the user is working on. Also how can this be done with a specific workspace of the user? What would the url look like?
Also how do we access the teams that are created in asana using the asana api?
The documentation is decent.
Most notably, you're probably looking for endpoints /users, /projects, and /projects/[project-id]/tasks. To the best of my knowledge the API provides no way list all the projects a user is working on. You have to create that list yourself by iterating through all the tasks on a project.