Set value of ArrayInput based on list of values from ReferenceInput - react-admin

I need to choose a deal family which has a list of deal levels, then set the ArrayInput's id to a list of those deal-levels, so that I can then add a discount and depletion for each deal level.
After selecting the Deal Family, I need to reach out to getList of "deal-levels" passing in that familyId. Then set the array id's to those levels.
<ReferenceInput reference="deal-families" source="discounts.onPremise.familyId" label="Deal Family">
<ArrayInput source="discounts.onPremise.levels" label="Deal Levels" defaultValue={/* NEED TO SET VALUE */}>
<SimpleFormIterator classes={classes} disableAdd disableRemove disableReordering>
{({formData, getSource}) =>
<ReferenceInput enableGetChoices={_ => false} label="Deal Level" reference="deal-levels" filter={{familyId:formData.discounts.onPremise.familyId}} source={getSource!('id')}>
<SelectInput variant="outlined" optionText="minimumQuantity" />
<NumberInput label="Discount" source="discount"/>
<NumberInput label="Depletion" source="depletion"/>


Clear ReferenceArrayInput selection on filter change

I have 2 ReferenceArrayInputs, one of which is wrapped in a FormDataConsumer.
The first one is for category, the second for sub-category. The second one depends on the first one so I conditionally render it.
When I select a value for category, then select a value for subcategory, and finally change the category value again I still see my selection in the subcategory.
<ArrayInput source={`shops.${shopIndex}.categories`}>
<SimpleFormIterator disableReordering>
<ReferenceInput source="categoryId" reference="categories">
<SelectInput optionText="name" />
{({ formData, getSource, scopedFormData, }) => {
// No category, no render. I can't filter subcategories.
if (!scopedFormData.categoryId) {
return null;
return (
filter={{ categories: [scopedFormData.categoryId] }}
<ReferenceArrayInput optionText="name" />
Filtering works great, toggling visibility looks great... I just want to clear the subcategory value when changing the category.
I already tried useFormContext() with a setValue and resetValue, but neither worked. I'm not sure if this is a caching issue or simply because it's an array.
Regarding versions, this is 4.1.0 all the way up to the master branch (tried all of them).

How to use on reference input to related filed in react-admin?

I'm using react-admin.
I have 3 resources: schools, teachers and classes
Each school has its teachers and its classes
Each class has a teacher from its school
In creations of class one of the inputs is a teacher, it is need to be a reference type but not to all the teachers only for those who belong to the school of this class.
How should I support it?
How to pass the school_id to the reference input?
Thank you!
This is explained in the documentation:
In summary:
/ you can filter the query used to populate the possible values. Use the
// `filter` prop for that.
filter={{ school_id: values.school_id }}
<SelectInput optionText="name" />
You may wonder how you can get this school_id:
import { useFormState } from 'react-final-form';
const TeacherInput = () => {
const { values } = useFormState();
return (
filter={{ school_id: school_id: values.school_id }}
<SelectInput optionText="name" />

FormDataConsumer Within Filter

I am using react-admin 3.6.2 and I am wondering, can the <FormDataConsumer /> component be used within a <Filter /> component? If so, could you please provide an example? If not, how else may I hide and reset one filter based on the use of another filter?
EDIT: I have tried using the FormDataConsumer within a Filter and I could not get it to work. Using dev tools in the browser, it never hits my break point at the if-statement. Code below:
<OtherInputsAsFiltersHere omitForBrevity />
{({ formData, }) => {
if (!check.assigned(formData.sample_code))
return (
label="Modified after"

How can I use related Filters in a List component?

I'm trying to use a kind of "related filters" in a <List> component inside my app.The idea is similar to a situation that you have a filter with country names and after you choose one, the second filter, will have the cities names related to the country in the first filter.
I made a custom component like this:
const CityFilter = props => {
return (
<Country {...props} />
{({ formData, }) => (
parse={(v) => parseInt(v)}
and it works good but the issue is that after you close the filter components the <List> still remains filtered.
So, there're any other way to do that? or how can i do to solve the issue?
Thanks in advance.

React-Admin | Bulk-Select with ReferenceField

In our application, we're trying to use Datagrid within ReferenceField to create/modify/delete related records, as shown in
All the functionality shown in the tutorial works well, except the bulk-actions added in a recent react-admin update. Clicking these checkboxes gives
Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.onToggleItem is not a function
I believe this is because the onToggleItem prop is normally provided by the List component, however in this application, Datagrid doesn't have a parent List component.
Adding a List component between ReferenceManyField and Datagrid allows bulk select/delete to work after some changes to the style, however this causes another issue: the current displayed page (i.e. records 1-10, 11-20, etc) is stored per-resource in the store, and so it is possible to have a situation where the store says we're on page 2, and displays page 2, which is empty because there are only enough related items to fill one page.
Am I missing something here? Or is bulk-select inside ReferenceManyField not possible at the moment?
export const NetworksShow = (props) => (
<Show title={<NetworksTitle />} actions={<NetworksShowActions />} {...props}>
<ReferenceManyField addLabel={false} target="ipid" reference="acl-network">
<List style={{ margin: '0px -24px -16px -24px' }} {...props} actions={<NetworkACLCardActions ipid={}/>} filter={{ ipid: _.has(props, 'id') ? : undefined }}>
<Datagrid hasBulkActions={true}>
<ReferenceField label="Network" source="ipid" reference="networks">
<TextField source="name" />
<TextField label="URL" source="url" />
<BWChip label="Action" source="wb" />
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
As a side-effect of, it is now possible to use ReferenceManyField -> List -> Datagrid in the way described in the question.
For example, we're now doing the following:
<ReferenceManyField addLabel={false} target="groupid" reference="users">
style={{ margin: '0px -24px -16px -24px' }}
filter={{ groupid: id }}
<Datagrid hasBulkActions>
<LinkField label="Name" source="name" />
<LinkField label="Username" source="email" />
<FlexibleBooleanField label="Email" source="allowemail" />
<ACLChip label="User Access" source="aclid" />
Bulk actions works with the above, and any issues with pagination are avoided as react-admin now checks and modifies pagination if nothing appears on the current page.
As I've understood from the documentation, Datagrid is just an iterator "dumb component".
It just "shows" things that the parent - usually List (connected component) or in your case ReferenceManyField - element previously has fetched.
Thus I think that BulkActions can only be functional when provided by a List element.
For the second part of your issue, Lists should be used top-level and not within other elements that's why it breaks your pagination.
I implemented "DumbList" which takes data from parent component instead of loading it itself. This solves the problem:
import React from 'react';
import { ListController } from 'ra-core';
import { ListView } from 'ra-ui-materialui/esm/list/List';
export const DumbList = props =>
<ListController {...props}>
{controllerProps => {
let { data } = props
const ids = Object.keys(data || {})
const total = ids.length
return <ListView
// This is important, otherwise bulkActionsToolbar ends up on very top of the page
classes={{ card: 'relative' }}
{...Object.assign(controllerProps, { data, ids, total })} />