Issues generating an OpenAPI spec using Micronaut-openapi for sealed Kotlin classes - kotlin

I'm having trouble with sealed classes. I get a specification from Micronaut-openapi, but the code generator I am using (orval) experiences a cyclic reference and fails.
Given this data class:
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type",
visible = true
JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "lounge", value = AnonymousResponse.Lounge::class),
JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "diningRoom", value = AnonymousResponse.DiningRoom::class)
sealed class AnonymousResponse {
abstract val id: Int
data class Lounge(
override val id: Int,
val hasTv: Boolean,
) : AnonymousResponse()
data class DiningRoom(
override val id: Int,
val hasTable: Boolean,
) : AnonymousResponse()
Micronaut-openapi generates the following components:
type: object
type: integer
format: int32
propertyName: type
lounge: '#/components/schemas/AnonymousResponse.Lounge'
diningRoom: '#/components/schemas/AnonymousResponse.DiningRoom'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnonymousResponse.Lounge'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnonymousResponse.DiningRoom'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnonymousResponse'
- required:
- hasTable
- id
type: object
type: integer
format: int32
type: boolean
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnonymousResponse'
- required:
- hasTv
- id
type: object
type: integer
format: int32
type: boolean
Which leads to the following error in orval:
src/models/anonymousResponseDiningRoom.ts:10:13 - error TS2456: Type alias 'AnonymousResponseDiningRoom' circularly references itself.
10 export type AnonymousResponseDiningRoom = AnonymousResponse & AnonymousResponseDiningRoomAllOf;
src/models/anonymousResponse.ts:11:13 - error TS2456: Type alias 'AnonymousResponse' circularly references itself.
11 export type AnonymousResponse = AnonymousResponseLounge | AnonymousResponseDiningRoom | AnonymousResponseOneOf;
src/models/anonymousResponseLounge.ts:10:13 - error TS2456: Type alias 'AnonymousResponseLounge' circularly references itself.
10 export type AnonymousResponseLounge = AnonymousResponse & AnonymousResponseLoungeAllOf;
I am not entirely sure whether it's the specification generator or the code generator doing something wrong, but the "allOf" - AnonymousResponse references looks iffy to me, as (at least from how I read it) it would lead to e.g. Lounge also containing information from DiningRoom?

After trying placing a #Schema annotation on the sealed class, and looking into how to customise the automatic Schema generation, I realised this worked:
// No Schema here
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type",
visible = true
JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "lounge", value = AnonymousResponse.Lounge::class),
JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "diningRoom", value = AnonymousResponse.DiningRoom::class)
sealed class AnonymousResponse {
abstract val id: Int
#Schema // Schema here
data class Lounge(
override val id: Int,
val hasTv: Boolean,
) : AnonymousResponse()
#Schema // Schema here
data class DiningRoom(
override val id: Int,
val hasTable: Boolean,
) : AnonymousResponse()
which ultimately resulted in the following orval code:
import type { AnonymousResponseLounge } from './anonymousResponseLounge';
import type { AnonymousResponseDiningRoom } from './anonymousResponseDiningRoom';
import type { AnonymousResponseOneOf } from './anonymousResponseOneOf';
export type AnonymousResponse = AnonymousResponseLounge | AnonymousResponseDiningRoom | AnonymousResponseOneOf;
export interface AnonymousResponseLounge {
id: number;
hasTv: boolean;
type?: string;
export interface AnonymousResponseLounge {
id: number;
hasTv: boolean;
type?: string;
export type AnonymousResponseOneOf = {
id?: number;
And while it doesn't have constant values for the discriminator types, I don't think this is the fault of the spec.


How to generate oneOf using springdoc from a Kotlin sealed class

I have an existing Kotlin model which is a sealed class
sealed class AnyShape(val type: ShapeType) {
enum class ShapeType { Square, Circle }
data class Square(val size: Float) : AnyShape(ShapeType.Square)
data class Circle(val radius: Float) : AnyShape(ShapeType.Circle)
My existing, manually written OpenAPI spec defines this model using the oneOf to express the polymorphism:
propertyName: type
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Square'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Circle'
- radius
- type
type: object
type: number
format: float
- size
- type
type: object
type: number
format: float
Now, instead of maintaining the yaml spec manually, I'd like to generate it from the Kotlin code using springdoc-openapi so I annotated my AnyShape as follows:
oneOf = [AnyShape.Square::class, AnyShape.Circle::class],
discriminatorProperty = "type"
sealed class AnyShape {
#Schema(enumAsRef = true)
enum class ShapeType { Square, Circle }
data class Square(val size: Float) : AnyShape() {
val type = ShapeType.Square
data class Circle(val radius: Float) : AnyShape() {
val type = ShapeType.Circle
However the generated yaml spec is not what I'd expect because the main AnyShape is of type object but I'd like to be just the oneOf type (as above)
type: object # <<<< THIS
propertyName: type
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Square'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Circle'
- radius
- type
type: object
type: number
format: float
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ShapeType'
type: string
- Square
- Circle
- size
- type
type: object
type: number
format: float
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ShapeType'
How could I achieve that the generated yaml is the same as the one I initially wrote manually (1st example)

TypeScript: Recovering the "object literal may only specify known properties" check when passing through a generic function

I realize the "object literal may only specify known properties" doesn't work in all cases. In particular, it looks like it doesn't work when I pass the object literal through an identity-like function (playground link)
declare function setUser(arg: {name: string}): void;
declare function identity<T>(v: T): T;
setUser({name: 'a', age: 12}); // Error, good!
setUser(identity({name: 'a', age: 12})); // No error, sad.
const u = {name: 'a', age: 12};
setUser(u); // No error, but I'm used to this case already.
Is there a way to write identity in a way that will get back the error?
In my actual codebase, I'm not using the identity function, but a slight variant (playground link):
declare function setUser(arg: {name: string}): void;
type NonNullable<T> = T extends null ? never : T;
export type NullableToOptional<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: null extends T[K] ? NonNullable<T[K]> | undefined : T[K];
export function toOptional<T>(x: T): NullableToOptional<T> {
return x as NullableToOptional<T>;
setUser({name: 'a', age: 12}); // Error, good!
setUser(toOptional({name: 'a', age: 12})); // No error, sad.
Here you have a naive implementation. You will find explanation in comments
type Base = { name: string }
// credits goes to
type IsNever<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false;
* Obtain extra keys
type ExtraKeys<T, U> = Exclude<keyof U, keyof T>
type Validator<Obj> = (
Obj extends Base
? (
Base extends Obj
? Obj : (
* If there are no extra keys
IsNever<ExtraKeys<Base, Obj>> extends true
* Return source object
? Obj
* Otherwise return source object where all extra keys are [never]
* It helps TS compiler to highlight only invalid props
: Base & Record<ExtraKeys<Base, Obj>, never>
: never
* Validator - validates the argument
declare function setUser<
Name extends string,
Obj extends { name: Name }
>(arg: Validator<Obj>): void;
type NonNullable<T> = T extends null ? never : T;
export type NullableToOptional<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: null extends T[K] ? NonNullable<T[K]> | undefined : T[K];
* We need to infer each key and value pair in order to be alphabetic
* to validate return type
export function toOptional<
Prop extends PropertyKey,
Value extends string | number,
Obj extends Record<Prop, Value>>(x: Obj) {
return x as NullableToOptional<Obj>;
setUser({ name: 'a', age: 2 }); // Error
setUser(toOptional({ name: 'a', age: 12 })); // Error
setUser({ name: 'a' }); // Error
setUser(toOptional({ name: 'a' })); // Error

Generic Base Respose models in Kotlin

Everyone following is my json response:
"requestResponse": {
"status": 1,
"result": true,
"msg": "Success"
"userId": 5504
And following is my Base Response class:
class BaseResponses<T>{
lateinit var requestResponse: RequestResponse
and following are my User data class parameters.
data class User(val userId:Int)
And below as implementation:
fun createUser(#Body body: CreateUser): Single<BaseResponses<User>>
my question is that how can I access T type which is User in the Base class would highly appreciate the help.
You don't need a genetic type - you need to inherit the properties.
data class BaseResponses { // Remove T, it's doing nothing
lateinit var requestResponse: RequestResponse
// Extend base class to inherit common `requestResponse` field
data class User(val userId:Int) : BaseResponses()
// User now will contain requestResponse object
fun createUser(#Body body: CreateUser): Single<User>
I might be understanding you wrong, you just want to re-use the RequestResponse class since it is generic and will be common in all your APIs. So just have it as a parameter in User data class.
So it will be like this
data class User(
val requestResponse: RequestResponse,
val userId: Int
Now you can simply access it directly from User object. You can even go a step further and assign it default values like this
data class User(
val requestResponse: RequestResponse = RequestResponse(),
val userId: Int = 0
data class RequestResponse(
val msg: String = "",
val result: Boolean = false,
val status: Int = 0

Parent with a child in the same type - how to map it?

I don't know how can I correctly convert child of ProductEntity (a type of ProductEntity) to Product.
class ProductEntity(id: EntityID<Int>) : BaseIntEntity(id, Products) {
companion object : BaseIntEntityClass<ProductEntity>(Products)
var name by
var parentProduct by ProductEntity optionalReferencedOn Products.parentProduct
fun toPojo() = Product(idValue, name, parentProduct?.toPojo())
data class Product(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val parentProduct: Product?
At this time I have the error: Type checking has run into a recursive problem.
Can you tell me how to fix it?
I found a solution:
class Product(productEntity: ProductEntity) {
val id: Int = productEntity.idValue
val name: String =
val parentProduct = productEntity.parentProduct.toPojo()

Kotlin data class + Gson: optional field

I have the following data class in Kotlin:
data class RouteGroup(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int
Sometimes I need to create an object with both fields, sometimes with only one of them.
How can I do this?
This is not the duplicate of this question: Can Kotlin data class have more than one constructor?
That question shows how to set a default value for a field. But in my case, I don't need to serialize the field with the default value. I want a field to be serialized only when I explicitly assign a value to it.
it is easy you have to use the nullable operator
data class RouteGroup #JvmOverloads constructor(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String? = null,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int? = null
You may need something like this:
sealed class RouteGroup
data class RouteGroupWithName(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String
) : RouteGroup()
data class RouteGroupWithId(
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int
) : RouteGroup()
data class RouteGroupWithNameAndId(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int
) : RouteGroup()
Or you can use nullable fields and named parameters like this:
data class RouteGroup(
#SerializedName("name") var name: String? = null,
#SerializedName("id") var id: Int? = null
val routeGroupWithName = RouteGroup(name = "example")
val routeGroupWithId = RouteGroup(id = 2)
val routeGroupWithNameAndId = RouteGroup(id = 2, name = "example")