Specific calculations for unique column values in DataFrame - pandas

I want to make a beta calculation in my dataframe, where beta = Σ(daily returns - mean daily return) * (daily market returns - mean market return) / Σ (daily market returns - mean market return)**2
But I want my beta calculation to apply to specific firms. In my dataframe, each firm as an ID code number (specified in column 1), and I want each ID code to be associated with its unique beta.
I tried groupby, loc and for loop, but it seems to always return an error since the beta calculation is quite long and requires many parenthesis when inserted.
Any idea how to solve this problem? Thank you!
index ID price daily_return mean_daily_return_per_ID daily_market_return mean_daily_market_return date
0 1 27.50 0.008 0.0085 0.0023 0.03345 01-12-2012
1 2 33.75 0.0745 0.0745 0.00458 0.0895 06-12-2012
2 3 29,20 0.00006 0.00006 0.0582 0.0045 01-05-2013
3 4 20.54 0.00486 0.005125 0.0009 0.0006 27-11-2013
4 1 21.50 0.009 0.0085 0.0846 0.04345 04-05-2014
5 4 22.75 0.00539 0.005125 0.0003 0.0006

I assume the following form of your equation is what you intended.
Then the following should compute the beta value for each group
identified by ID.
Method 1: Creating our own function to output beta
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# beta_data.csv is a csv version of the sample data frame you
# provided.
df = pd.read_csv("./beta_data.csv")
def beta(daily_return, daily_market_return):
Returns the beta calculation for two pandas columns of equal length.
Will return NaN for columns that have just one row each. Adjust
this function to account for groups that have only a single value.
mean_daily_return = np.sum(daily_return) / len(daily_return)
mean_daily_market_return = np.sum(daily_market_return) / len(daily_market_return)
num = np.sum(
(daily_return - mean_daily_return)
* (daily_market_return - mean_daily_market_return)
denom = np.sum((daily_market_return - mean_daily_market_return) ** 2)
return num / denom
# groupby the column ID. Then 'apply' the function we created above
# columnwise to the two desired columns
betas = df.groupby("ID")["daily_return", "daily_market_return"].apply(
lambda x: beta(x["daily_return"], x["daily_market_return"])
print(f"betas: {betas}")
Method 2: Using pandas' builtin statistical functions
Notice that beta as stated above is just covarianceof DR and
DMR divided by variance of DMR. Therefore we can write the above
program much more concisely as follows.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("./beta_data.csv")
def beta(dr, dmr):
dr: daily_return (pandas columns)
dmr: daily_market_return (pandas columns)
TODO: Fix the divided by zero erros etc.
num = dr.cov(dmr)
denom = dmr.var()
return num / denom
betas = df.groupby("ID")["daily_return", "daily_market_return"].apply(
lambda x: beta(x["daily_return"], x["daily_market_return"])
print(f"betas: {betas}")
The output in both cases is.
1 0.012151
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 -0.883333
dtype: float64
The reason for getting NaNs for IDs 2 and 3 is because they only have a single row each. You should modify the function beta to accomodate these corner cases.

Maybe you can start like this?
id_list = list(set(df["ID"].values.tolist()))
for firm_id in id_list:
new_df = df.loc[df["ID"] == firm_id]


Transforming a dataframe of dict of dict specific format

I have this df dataset:
df = pd.DataFrame({'train': {'auc': [0.432, 0.543, 0.523],
'logloss': [0.123, 0.234, 0.345]},
'test': {'auc': [0.456, 0.567, 0.678],
'logloss': [0.321, 0.432, 0.543]}})
Where I'm trying to transform it into this:
And also considering that:
epochs always have the same order for every cell, but instead of only 3 epochs, it could reach 1.000 or 10.000.
The column names and axis could change. For example another day the data could have f1 instead of logloss, or val instead of train. But no matter the names, in df each row will always be a metric name, and each column will always be a dataset name.
The number of columns and rows in df could change too. There are some models with 5 datasets, and 7 metrics for example (which would give a df with 5 columns and 7 rows)
The columname of the output table should be datasetname_metricname
So I'm trying to build some generic code transformation where at the same time avoiding brute force transformations. Just if it's helpful, the df source is:
df = pd.DataFrame(model_xgb.evals_result())
df.columns = ['train', 'test'] # This is the line that can change (and the metrics inside `model_xgb`)
Where model_xgb = xgboost.XGBClassifier(..), but after using model_xgb.fit(..)
Here's a generic way to get the result you've specified, irrespective of the number of epochs or the number or labels of rows and columns:
df2 = df.stack().apply(pd.Series)
df2.index = ['_'.join(reversed(x)) for x in df2.index]
df2 = df2.T.assign(epochs=range(1, len(df2.columns) + 1)).set_index('epochs').reset_index()
epochs train_auc test_auc train_logloss test_logloss
0 1 0.432 0.456 0.123 0.321
1 2 0.543 0.567 0.234 0.432
2 3 0.523 0.678 0.345 0.543
Use stack() to convert the input dataframe to a series (of lists) with a multiindex that matches the desired column sequence in the question
Use apply(pd.Series) to convert the series of lists to a dataframe with each list converted to a row and with column count equal to the uniform length of the list values in the input series (in other words, equal to the number of epochs)
Create the desired column labels from the latest multiindex rows transformed using join() with _ as a separator, then use T to transpose the dataframe so these index labels (which are the desired column labels) become column labels
Use assign() to add a column named epochs enumerating the epochs beginning with 1
Use set_index() followed by reset_index() to make epochs the leftmost column.
Try this:
df = pd.DataFrame({'train': {'auc': [0.432, 0.543, 0.523],
'logloss': [0.123, 0.234, 0.345]},
'test': {'auc': [0.456, 0.567, 0.678],
'logloss': [0.321, 0.432, 0.543]}})
de=df.explode(['train', 'test'])
df_out = de.set_index(de.groupby(level=0).cumcount()+1, append=True).unstack(0)
df_out.columns = df_out.columns.map('_'.join)
df_out = df_out.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'epochs'})
epochs train_auc train_logloss test_auc test_logloss
0 1 0.432 0.123 0.456 0.321
1 2 0.543 0.234 0.567 0.432
2 3 0.523 0.345 0.678 0.543

Flightradar24 pandas groupby and vectorize. A no looping solution

I am looking to perform a fast operation on flightradar data to see if the speed in distance matches the speed reported. I have multiple flights and was told not to run double loops on pandas dataframes. Here is a sample dataframe:
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from shapely.geometry import Point
from geopy.distance import distance
dates = ['2020-12-26 15:13:01', '2020-12-26 15:13:07','2020-12-26 15:13:19','2020-12-26 15:13:32','2020-12-26 15:13:38']
datetimes = [datetime.fromisoformat(date) for date in dates]
data = {'UTC': datetimes,
'Callsign': ["1", "1","2","2","2"],
'Position':[Point(30.542175,-91.13999200000001), Point(30.546204,-91.14020499999999),Point(30.551443,-91.14417299999999),Point(30.553909,-91.15136699999999),Point(30.554489,-91.155075)]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
What I want to do is add a new column called "dist". This column will be 0 if it is the first element of a new callsign but if not it will be the distance between a point and the previous point.
The resulting df should look like this:
df1 = df
dist = [0,0.27783309075379214,0,0.46131362750613436,0.22464461718704595]
df1['dist'] = dist
What I have tried is to first assign a group index:
df['group_index'] = df.groupby('Callsign').cumcount()
Then groupby
Then try and apply the function:
df['dist'] = df.groupby('Callsign').apply(lambda g: 0 if g.group_index == 0 else distance((g.Position.x , g.Position.y),
(g.Position.shift().x , g.Position.shift().y)).miles)
I was hoping this would give me the 0 for the first index of each group and then run the distance function on all others and return a value in miles. However it does not work.
The code errors out for at least one reason which is because the .x and .y attributes of the shapely object are being called on the series rather than the object.
Any ideas on how to fix this would be much appreciated.
Sort df by callsign then timestamp
Compute distances between adjacent rows using a temporary column of shifted points
For the first row of each new callsign, set distance to 0
Drop temporary column
df = df.sort_values(by=['Callsign', 'UTC'])
df['Position_prev'] = df['Position'].shift().bfill()
def get_dist(row):
return distance((row['Position'].x, row['Position'].y),
(row['Position_prev'].x, row['Position_prev'].y)).miles
df['dist'] = df.apply(get_distances, axis=1)
# Flag row if callsign is different from previous row callsign
new_callsign_rows = df['Callsign'] != df['Callsign'].shift()
# Zero out the first distance of each callsign group
df.loc[new_callsign_rows, 'dist'] = 0.0
# Drop shifted column
df = df.drop(columns='Position_prev')
UTC Callsign Position dist
0 2020-12-26 15:13:01 1 POINT (30.542175 -91.13999200000001) 0.000000
1 2020-12-26 15:13:07 1 POINT (30.546204 -91.14020499999999) 0.277833
2 2020-12-26 15:13:19 2 POINT (30.551443 -91.14417299999999) 0.000000
3 2020-12-26 15:13:32 2 POINT (30.553909 -91.15136699999999) 0.461314
4 2020-12-26 15:13:38 2 POINT (30.554489 -91.155075) 0.224645

Comparing string values from sequential rows in pandas series

I am trying to count common string values in sequential rows of a panda series using a user defined function and to write an output into a new column. I figured out individual steps, but when I put them together, I get a wrong result. Could you please tell me the best way to do this? I am a very beginner Pythonista!
My pandas df is:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Code": ['d7e', '8e0d', 'ft1', '176', 'trk', 'tr71']})
My string comparison loop is:
for i in y:
if b not in x:
the right result for these particular strings is 2
Note, when I do def func(x,y): something happens to s counter and it doesn't produce the right result. I think I need to reset it to 0 every time the loop runs.
Then, I use df.shift to specify the position of y and x in a series:
x = df["Code"]
y = df["Code"].shift(periods=-1, axis=0)
And finally, I use df.apply() method to run the function:
df["R1SB"] = df.apply(func, axis=0)
and I get None values in my new column "R1SB"
My correct output would be:
"Code" "R1SB"
0 d7e None
1 8e0d 2
2 ft1 0
3 176 1
4 trk 0
5 tr71 2
Thank you for your help!
df['R1SB'] = df.assign(temp=df.Code.shift(1)).apply(
lambda x: np.NAN
if pd.isna(x['temp'])
else sum(i in str(x['temp']) for i in str(x['Code'])),
Code R1SB
0 d7e NaN
1 8e0d 2.0
2 ft1 0.0
3 176 1.0
4 trk 0.0
5 tr71 2.0

Pandas rounding

I have the following sample dataframe:
Market Value
0 282024800.37
1 317460884.85
2 1260854026.24
3 320556927.27
4 42305412.79
I am trying to round the values in this dataframe to the nearest whole number. Desired output:
Market Value
I tried:
and the result was
Market Value
What am I doing wrong?
This might be more appropriate posted as a comment, but put here for proper format.
I can't produce your result. With numpy 1.18.1 and Pandas 1.1.0,
gives me:
Market Value
0 282024800
1 317460885
2 1260854026
3 320556927
4 42305413
The only thing I can think of is that you may have a 32 bit system, where
gives me
Market Value
0 282024800
1 317460896
2 1260854016
3 320556928
4 42305412
The following will keep your data information intact as a float put will have it display/print to the nearest int.
Big caveat: it is only possible to have this apply to ALL dataframes at once (it is a pandas wide option) rather than just a single dataframe.
pd.set_option("display.precision", 0)
If you like #noah's solution but don't want to have to change the variables back if you output something, you can use the following helper function:
import pandas as pd
from contextlib import contextmanager
def temp_pandas_options(options):
seen_options = set()
old_values = {}
if isinstance(options, dict):
options_pairs = list(options.items())
options_pairs = options
for option, value in options_pairs:
assert not option in seen_options, f"Already saw option {option}"
old_values[option] = pd.get_option(option)
pd.set_option(option, value)
for option, old_value in old_values.items():
pd.set_option(option, old_value)
Then you can run
with temp_pandas_options({'display.float_format': '{:.0f}'.format}):
and get
Market value
0 282024800
1 317460885
2 1260854026
3 320556927
4 42305413

Add column of .75 quantile based off groupby

I have df with index as date and also column called scores. Now I want to maintain the df as it is but add column which gives the 0.7 quantile of scores for that day. Method of quantile would need to be midpoint and also be rounded to nearest whole number.
I've outlined one approach you could take, below.
Note that to round a value to the nearest whole number you should use Python's built-in round() function. See round() in the Python documentation for details.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# set random seed for reproducibility
# initialize base example dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"date":np.arange(10),
duplicate_dates = np.random.choice(df.index, 5)
df_dup = pd.DataFrame({"date":np.random.choice(df.index, 5),
# finish compiling example data
df = df.append(df_dup, ignore_index=True)
# calculate 0.7 quantile result with specified parameters
result = df.groupby("date").quantile(q=0.7, axis=0, interpolation='midpoint')
# print resulting dataframe
# contains one unique 0.7 quantile value per date
0.7 score
0 0.585087
1 0.476404
2 0.426252
3 0.363376
4 0.165013
5 0.927199
6 0.575510
7 0.576636
8 0.831572
9 0.932183
# to apply the resulting quantile information to
# a new column in our original dataframe `df`
# we can apply a dictionary to our "date" column
# create dictionary
mapping = result.to_dict()["score"]
# apply to `df` to produce desired new column
df["quantile_0.7"] = [mapping[x] for x in df["date"]]
date score quantile_0.7
0 0 0.920895 0.585087
1 1 0.476404 0.476404
2 2 0.380771 0.426252
3 3 0.363376 0.363376
4 4 0.165013 0.165013
5 5 0.927199 0.927199
6 6 0.340008 0.575510
7 7 0.695818 0.576636
8 8 0.831572 0.831572
9 9 0.932183 0.932183
10 7 0.457455 0.576636
11 6 0.650666 0.575510
12 6 0.500353 0.575510
13 0 0.249280 0.585087
14 2 0.471733 0.426252