I am having a seriously tough time figuring out how to effectively manage events created with .createEventAsync() method in expo-calendar API. Docs found here. This is the structure of the parameter I am entering into .createEventAsync().
testEvent = {
calendarId: calendarId,
title: event.position,
startDate: shiftStart,
endDate: shiftEnd,
location: event.store.name,
alarms: [],
id: event.id,
The idea is to have the event id on the app calendar be the same as the id on the OS calendar, but it seems like that is not possible. I am trying to build a system that requests permissions, if permissions granted then sync all events on the app with the os calendar. If the event already exists, do not create another event.
The function runs a check with:
async function checkEventExists(eventId: any) {
try {
const event = await Calendar.getEventAsync(eventId)
if (event) {
return true
} catch {
return false
If false, event is not created. If true then .createEventAsync() is called.
Currently, new instances of the same event are created every time the app polls data from the server and this is unrelated, but also creates 7 instances of 1 event each time data is polled. How do people usually manage and track calendar events after creation? I thought event id would be a good way to tell if the event is one and the same, but I was wrong.
I am currently using the react-native-push-notification library to schedule and receive notifications in my React Native app. I am able to cancel a scheduled notification using the cancelLocalNotification method, but this only cancels the notification for 24 hours. I want to find a way to remove a specific notification forever, so it will not be rescheduled.
I have tried using the following code to cancel a notification by its ID, but it only cancels it for 24 hours:
const onCancelNotification = async (id: string) => {
// Get a list of all scheduled notifications
PushNotification.getScheduledLocalNotifications((notifications) => {
// Iterate through the list of notifications
notifications.forEach((notification) => {
// Check if the notification is the one you want to cancel
if (notification.id.indexOf(id) === 0) {
// Cancel the notification
I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions on how to achieve this.
This code snippet demonstrates a workaround for removing a specific scheduled local notification in React Native. The function onRemoveNotification takes in an id parameter, which is used to identify the specific notification that needs to be removed.
It's important to note that there is no direct method for removing a specific scheduled local notification in React Native. This code provides a workaround that can be used, but it's important to be aware that it relies on scheduling a notification with an earlier date and setting the repeatType to undefined.
Please note that this code is not a perfect solution and could have side effects on the app.
const onRemoveNotification = async (id: string) => {
// Get a list of all scheduled notifications
PushNotification.getScheduledLocalNotifications((notifications) => {
// Iterate through the list of notifications
notifications.forEach((notification) => {
// Check if the notification is the one you want to cancel
if (notification.data.notificationId?.indexOf(id) === 0) {
// Create a new date one day earlier than the current scheduled date
const earlyDate = moment(notification.date).add(-1, "day").toDate();
// remove the notification
// schedule the notification with an earlier date and repeat type undefined
// this will effectively "remove" the notification
// since it will not be displayed
id: notification.id,
title: notification.title,
message: notification.message,
repeatType: undefined,
date: earlyDate,
// cancel the previous scheduled notification
I am trying to make conference with Voximplant, and when user makes a call to another user, while the call is still going on, it makes another call to another user making two calls and the callees is added to a video conferencing.
But it seems the caller is billed twice and the scenerio doesnt look optimised. What should i do to bill once and optimize it?
var call, conf = null;
VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.Started, handleConferenceStarted);
function handleConferenceStarted(e) {
// Create 2 conferences right after session to manage audio in the right way
if( conf === null ){
conf = VoxEngine.createConference(); // create conference
Logger.write('Conference started')
VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.CallAlerting, function(e) {
e.call.addEventListener(CallEvents.Connected, handleCallConnected);
let new_call = VoxEngine.callUser(e.destination,e.callerid,e.displayName,{},true)
function handleCallConnected(e) {
Logger.write('caller connected');
call: e.call,
mode: "FORWARD",
direction: "BOTH", scheme: e.scheme
You need to end the conference when there are no participants. Refer to the following article in our documentation: https://voximplant.com/docs/guides/conferences/howto. You can find the full scenario code there.
Additionally, I recommend to add some handlers for the CallEvents.Disconnected and the CallEvent.Failed events right after
because sometimes the callee may be offline or press a reject button. 🙂
I have a notification that users receive daily. It's supposed to be a reminder. However, users need to skip notifications ocasionally,
I am triggering these expo notifications using
content: {
trigger: {
hour: reminderTime.getHours(),
minute: reminderTime.getMinutes(),
repeats: true,
Is there a way to disable the notification temporarily say for a day? Right Now I am just deleting the channel and resetting it after that day. But I am assuming there is a better way?
maybe if you create an exception list and validate before sending the notification.
exception = "01/07/2022"
if (new Date() == new Date(exception)){
return console.log("[NOTIFICATIONS] - exception found")
// normal post
For example, if I trigger onDidChangeTextDocument events consecutively, with an interval of at maximum 1 second, then I would like to avoid this event's associated logic.
However, if 1 second has passed since the lastest onDidChangeTextDocument has been triggered, I would like for it to proceed with its logic.
This approach is known as "coalescing events". A typical approach is to start a timer when an event appears with the required interval. Every new event restarts the timer, so it never triggers unless there are no new events within the timer value. The triggered timer then calls any further code, handling the coalesced events. This might cause some problems if you have to process all data sent by each event. In that case you have to collect that data on each invocation of your event handler.
Here's code to handle changes per file in a VS Code extension:
private changeTimers = new Map<string, ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>>(); // Keyed by file name.
workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((event: TextDocumentChangeEvent) => {
if (event.contentChanges.length > 0) {
const fileName = event.document.fileName;
const timer = this.changeTimers.get(fileName);
if (timer) {
this.changeTimers.set(fileName, setTimeout(() => {
... your processing here
}, 1000));
Relatively new to Jquery and Rails 3. I have implemented full calendar into my site and all works ok apart from actually updating my Events model via the full calendar interface. From what iunderstand I should be able to drag and drop a calendar entry to another day and it will update the Events model and leave the appointment in its new day upon a refresh. This however does not happen. has anyone had similar issues with this? the code for this action looks like this
function updateEvent(the_event) {
"/events/" + the_event.id,
{ event: { title: the_event.title,
starts_at: "" + the_event.start,
ends_at: "" + the_event.end,
description: the_event.description
function (reponse) { alert('successfully updated task.'); }
Am I missing something obvious?
I had a problem with editing events in the fullCalendar plugin. In my case it had to do with the parameters editable and disableResizing. You have to implement the eventDrop handler for the drag and drop functionality. The parameters dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay contain the time difference between old and new date:
editable: true,
eventDrop: function(event,dayDelta,minuteDelta,allDay,revertFunc) {
url: "/events/"+event.id,
data: "minute_delta="+minuteDelta+"&day_delta="+dayDelta,