Splunk search by given timestamp not the time of ingestion to splunk - splunk

Is it possible to connect the timestamp given in the Data set to the Splunk date picker.

Every event has a least one timestamp associated with it, _time, and that timestamp is what is connected to the time picker. If you want to use a different field then you'll have to filter the events yourself. Start by converting the Timestamp field into epoch form using the strptime function. Then test that value against the info_min_time and info_max_time fields provided by the addinfo command. That should yield events within the time picker window.
```Get the time range of this search```
| addinfo
```Convert Timestamp into epoch form```
| eval ts=strptime(Timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%1N")
```Keep events within the selected time window```
| where (ts>info_min_time AND ts<=info_max_time)


How to extract time from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in Postgresql

Just as we are able to extract the date from timestamps in Postgresql using date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), I was wondering if there's a equivalent function to extract time. (formatted as hh:mm:ss)
I want to be able to compare a time value, stored in a column with the time datatype (see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-datetime.html), to the current time just using an SQL query.
Any suggestions are most welcome!
You can either use current_time or casting a timestamp to time: current_timestamp::time
where the_time_column >= current_time - interval '6' hour
For details, see Current Date/Time in the Postgres manual

Convert UTC 'TimeGenerated' to local time in Azure monitor/log/analytics, when using "summarize by"

I have this simple query
| summarize avg(executionTimeInMS_d) by bin(TimeGenerated, 5min)
I'd like the summary to be in my local time zone, not UTC. This does not work :
| summarize avg(executionTimeInMS_d) by bin(TimeGenerated-5, 5min)
Can this be done?
datetime values are in UTC.
if you know the timezone offset (at the time you run the query), you can subtract/add it to your datetime values as explained here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/query/datetime-timespan-arithmetic
for example: print now() - 7h
There is now a "Display time zone" setting in the App Insights query page. This will convert the timestamp to the selected timezone. It will also show the timezone in the timestamp column heading.
This only seems to work if you output the timestamp directly. If you apply any operations it reverts to UTC.
Best to convert using the datetime_utc_to_local() function. This way you can dynamically handle daylight savings within the query and don't need to depend on the UI.
| extend CentralTime = datetime_utc_to_local(TimeGenerated, "US/Central")
You can do this by subtracting/adding the time different from UTC. For example, to convert to EST. I subtracted 5h from TimeGenerated which is in UTC.
| extend EasternTime = TimeGenerated - 5h
| sort by EasternTime desc
| project Level, EasternTime, ResultDescription

Redshift: how to create datetime field that automatically converts incoming data to 'utc'

I want to create a table in redshift that stores incrementally incoming data from the source. The date field in the mysql source is not stored as UTC. Is it possible to convert and store the new record as UTC upon record creation.
I was thinking doing something like that:
my_dt_field datetime without timezone NOT NULL ...)
Any help would be very appreciated!
Redshift provides following options of datatypes available to store dates:
Use the DATE data type to store simple calendar dates without time stamps.
Use the TIMESTAMP data type to store complete timestamp values that include the date and the time of day.
TIMESTAMP columns store values with up to a maximum of 6 digits of precision for fractional seconds.
If you insert a date into a TIMESTAMP column, or a date with a partial time stamp value, the value is implicitly converted into a full time stamp value with default values (00) for missing hours, minutes, and seconds. Time zone values in input strings are ignored.
By default, TIMESTAMP values are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in both user tables and Amazon Redshift system tables.
Use the TIMESTAMPTZ data type to input complete time stamp values that include the date, the time of day, and a time zone. When an input value includes a time zone, Amazon Redshift uses the time zone to convert the value to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and stores the UTC value.
To view a list of supported time zone names, execute the following command.
select pg_timezone_names();
To answer your question declare your column datatype as TIMESTAMP, by default it stores in UTC
You can also refer AWS document here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_Datetime_types.html

bigQuery not supporting milliseconds timestamps

I have a value in my csv file for timetamp as '1522865628160'. When I load the data in bigQuery where this field type is timestamp, it saves the timestamp as '1522865628160000'. so when I query like
select * from <tablename> limit 1
it gives me error
Cannot return an invalid timestamp value of 1522865628160000000 microseconds relative to the Unix epoch. The range of valid timestamp values is [0001-01-1 00:00:00, 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999]; error in writing field timestamp"
please help
I think the issue here is that you tried to load your UNIX timestamp data into a timestamp column in BigQuery. A BigQuery timestamp column is not the same thing as a UNIX timestamp. The latter is just a numerical value representing the number of seconds since the start of the UNIX epoch in 1970.
So the fix here would be to load your data into an INT64 (or INTEGER if you are using legacy) column. From there, you may convert your UNIX timestamp to a bona fide date or timestamp.
There is a MSEC_TO_TIMESTAMP() function which can convert an integer number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch to a bona fide timestamp, e.g.
2018-04-04 11:13:48 UTC

Selecting where timestamp greater than with timezone

Suppose I have this table structure:
Table "test"
Column | Type | Modifiers
uuid | uuid | not null
created | timestamp without time zone | not null
How would I select records after a certain date? But also factor in a specific timezone?
Since created is timestamp without zone, we can assume it's UTC
Example query:
select uuid from test where created >= '2017-07-20'
This would return all events that happend on, or after 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 UTC How would I query for events that happend after say, 2017-07-20 00:00:00.000 GMT+2 ? Without having to add hours to my argument in created > arg
select uuid
from test
where created > '2017-07-20'::timestamp with time zone at time zone '+02';
I think one approach would be to compare the number of seconds since the epoch between your UTC timestamp in the table and some other input:
select uuid
from test
extract(epoch from created) >
extract(epoch from timestamp with time zone
'2017-07-19 23:59:59.999'::timestamp with time zone at time zone 'GMT')
The above syntax is verbose, and there may be a shorter way of writing this query. As a general rule, when you find yourself jumping through hoops to answer simple queries, it might mean you need to change your design. If you were storing your timestamps in UTC and running queries from an application, you would probably be passing in local timestamps already converted to UTC, which would make things much simpler.