Vue.js External package consume components defined on base project - vue.js

Suppose the following scenario:
I have develop a base project which have defined some vue.js components (globally to that project). Let's name them comp_A and comp_B.
I'm developing another project (a separate node.js package) which will be installed as a Vue.js plugin on the base project and will act as external application, adding more functionalities to the base project (new components, new routes..).
The problem I'm facing is that this external application needs to consume some components that are defined locally on the base project (like comp_A and comp_B). How do I achieve that?
One solution that comes to my mind, is to externalize this common components into a separate library so they can be consumed by both of the projects. But that's not an option right now.


Publish once while using RCL(Razor Class Library)

I used RCL to store the header and footer of my website and was referenced by several projects.
The projects referenced the RCL by the Project Reference of VS.
Every time I modify the RCL, I have to republish all the projects referenced it(By the web deploy). That's so troublesome.
Is there any way that only publishes once while I modify the RCL?
Thank you.
This is expected as the RCL is changed. You may need write some scripts to make it easy to publish the multiple projects after rebuilding the solution.
And you can also use any CI/CD tools for application lifecycle management, for example Azure DevOps.

.Net Core - referencing another project in solution prevents System and other dependencies from being recognised

I have a solution that contains a number of projects, one is an API, the other is an admin portal.
I'm trying to create another project inside the solution to hold all shared components such as database entities so they can be shared between the API and the Admin Portal.
I've created a new project called 'Common' and selected to use netcoreapp2.2 because if I just select a standard class library then annotations on the Entities don't work.
When I reference the 'Common' project from the 'API' project, which is also netcoreapp2.2, Rider(Mac) is unable to recognise any of the standard packaged used with the project such as System and System.Linq (and many others).
My experience with .Net Core is limited to only this project, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, I just can't figure out what it is.
I managed to fix this, I removed the 'Common' project from my solution and re-created it this time selecting the create the project as a Web Application.

Adding DOJO Toolkit to an existing worklight project

I need to add DOJO components to my worklight app. I didn't select the "Dojo toolkit" checkbox while creating the hybrid project. How can I add DOJO toolkit to an existing worklight hybrid project?
Well, if you project is just starting, you might as well just create a new project and application -- using the Dojo wizard -- and simply copy over your JS/CSS/HTML (note the template of the HTML, you'll need to copy snippets, not the whole thing).
I think the above would be infinitely easier.
The other way is to create another project and application - using the Dojo wizard - and do the opposite - copy the JS/HTML template from that project, to yours...

ASP.NET MVC plugin architecture & deployments

For a customer we have an ASP.NET MVC plugin architecture consisting of:
- 1 core web application (this is the root web application in IIS)
- X plugins for which the content (views, css, scripts) are deployed in a sub folder (Areas)
The assemblies of the plugins are deployed in the root bin folder
The plugins are created by separate teams and these teams should be able to deploy a package to a server.
The package (ran by administrators) should make sure the plugin is deployed correctly (in a sub folder of the core) and the dll files should be deployed in the root bin.
I guess a deployment package should be created.
How can this be done or what are good practices around this?
How can I customize the way a package will be interpreted (MSBuild)?
Bit of a late answer, however I have been using a method of creating 'pluggable' areas similar to that discussed here and here.
What these articles talk about is a method to turn areas into separate web projects which can then be bin deployed with the original web app when required.
I have extended their methods with a custom ViewEngine which inherits from the Razor view engine, to look for Views in a specified folder location (I named this folder 'Modules'). This is dynamic based upon whether the modules are included or not (I search for modules in the Modules folder on app_start).
Hope this helps!

Cocoa Frameworks: Using one framework inside of another

I'm building a framework (main) which uses another framework (sub). Main framework will be used then in different apps.
The main framework target builds without errors. However, if I try to build an App which uses the main framework I receive an error -> Class in the main framework cannot find/import the sub framework...
How can I configure main framework so that it will find the sub framework?
As I understand you want to create one framework inside another. It is called "Umbrella framework" and it's not a good idea.
Documentations says:
Don't Create Umbrella Frameworks
While it is possible to create umbrella frameworks using Xcode, doing
so is unnecessary for most developers and is not recommended. Apple
uses umbrella frameworks to mask some of the interdependencies between
libraries in the operating system. In nearly all cases, you should be
able to include your code in a single, standard framework bundle.
Alternatively, if your code was sufficiently modular, you could create
multiple frameworks, but in that case, the dependencies between
modules would be minimal or nonexistent and should not warrant the
creation of an umbrella for them.
You can use one framework inside another, but both frameworks must be included to your app target and must be copied to /Contents/Frameworks/ directory of your app bundle. Also you must set Installation directory to #executable_path/../Frameworks for both frameworks.