Can neon registers be indexed? - neon

Consider a neon register such as:
uint16x8_t foo;
To access an individual lane, one is supposed to use vgetq_lane_u16(foo, 3). However, one might be tempted to write foo[3] instead given the intuition that foo is an array of shorts. When doing so, the gcc (10) compiles without warnings, but it is not clear that it does what it was intended to do.
The gcc documentation does not specifically mention the indexed access, but it says that operations behave like C++ valarrays. Those do support indexed access in the intuitive way.
Regardless of what foo[3] evaluates to, doing so seems to be faster than vgetq_lane_u16(foo, 3), so probably they're different or we wouldn't need both.
So what exactly does foo[3] mean? Is its behavior defined at all? If not, why does gcc happily compile it?

The foo[3] form is the GCC Vector extension form, as you have found and linked documentation to; it behaves as so:
Vectors can be subscripted as if the vector were an array with the same number of elements and base type. Out of bound accesses invoke undefined behavior at run time. Warnings for out of bound accesses for vector subscription can be enabled with -Warray-bounds.
This can have surprising results when used on big-endian systems, so Arm’s Arm C Language Extensions recommend to use vget_lane if you are using other Neon intrinsics like vld1 in the same code path.


If I statically link a C library, will the unused functions be optimized out?

My feeling is that essentially 100% of the time this is what you would want to happen, but I suspect that there might be some theoretical caveats, for example:
Say I statically link the standard library and I use printf but not sprintf. Further suppose that I know that &sprintf == &printf + SPRINTF_OFFSET. How could the compiler know I'm never accessing sprintf like this? Does the standard prohibit it somehow?
If I statically link a C library, will the unused functions be optimized out?
Yes, provided they are not part of an object that is pulled into the link via some other symbol.
To understand how the linker works, read this or this.
How could the compiler know I'm never accessing sprintf like this?
The C language standard prohibits computing a pointer that doesn't point to a valid object, or just beyond the last element of an array. Your example is ill-formed.

Programmatic introspection/reflection - easier in VMs?

What makes programmatic introspection/reflection easier in virtual machines rather than native code?
I read somewhere that VMs by nature allow for better introspection/reflection capabilities but I cannot find more information about it online. Would like to know why.
I believe you mean higher-level languages vs lower-level languages instead of virtual machines.
Higher level languages like Java and C# have implemented reflection and introspection, so there are functions available to the developer to use this information.
Languages like C do not have any pre-built reflection capabilities.
Reflection is very expensive (time-consuming) for any language to run, and should not be used in code that needs to be extremely fast.
Programmatic introspection essentially means to examine & inspect the current call stack, or the current continuation. (Read Appel's book: Compiling with Continuations).
Few programming languages provide this ability. Scheme's call/cc reifies the current continuation, but give no standard ways to inspect it.
The current call stack might be inspectable (e.g. see GCC __builtin_return_address as an ad hoc example).
Most compilers (but not all) do not have an easy way to give information about the layout of the current call frame (however, the debugger DWARF format contains it).
And optimizing compilers (e.g. for C) usually don't give access to the offset of some local variable in the call frame (even if the compiler computes this offset). BTW, the same stack slot might be reused for different variables; read about register spilling.
See also J.Pitrat's CAIA system - the generated C code is able to organize the stack to be able to inspect it;
In a bytecode VM like JVM or NekoVM or Parrot, introspection is easier because each local variable has a well defined slot in the call frame. This is not the case for most compiled languages (e.g. C or C++) because the compiler is able to reuse (for optimization purposes) some slots, or even put a variable only in some machine register, without even allocating any call stack slot to spill it.

When is invokedynamic actually useful (besides lazy constants)?

Please provide a piece of code written in some well known dynamic language (e.g. JavaScript) and how that code would look like in Java bytecode using invokedynamic and explain why the usage of invokedynamic is a step forward here.
I have googled and read quite a lot about the not-that-new-anymore invokedynamic instruction which everyone on the internet agrees on that it will help speed dynamic languages on the JVM. Thanks to stackoverflow I managed to get my own bytecode instructions with Sable/Jasmin to run.
I have understood that invokedynamic is useful for lazy constants and I also think that I understood how the OpenJDK takes advantage of invokedynamic for lambdas.
Oracle has a small example, but as far as I can tell the usage of invokedynamic in this case defeats the purpose as the example for "adder" could much simpler, faster and with roughly the same effect expressed with the following bytecode:
aload whereeverAIs
checkcast java/lang/Integer
aload whereeverBIs
checkcast java/lang/Integer
invokestatic IntegerOps/adder(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Integer;
because for some reason Oracle's bootstrap method knows that both arguments are integers anyway. They even "admit" that:
[..]it assumes that the arguments [..] will be Integer objects. A bootstrap method requires additional code to properly link invokedynamic [..] if the parameters of the bootstrap method (in this example, callerClass, dynMethodName, and dynMethodType) vary.
Well yes, and without that interesing "additional code" there is no point in using invokedynamic here, is there?
So after that and a couple of further Javadoc and Blog entries I think that I have a pretty good grasp on how to use invokedynamic as a poor replacement when invokestatic/invokevirtual/invokevirtual or getfield would work just as well.
Now I am curious how to actually apply the invokedynamic instruction to a real world usecase so that it actually is some improvements over what we could with "traditional" invocations (except lazy constants, I got those...).
Actually, lazy operations are the main advantage of invokedynamic if you take the term “lazy creation” broadly. E.g., the lambda creation feature of Java 8 is a kind of lazy creation that includes the possibility that the actual class containing the code that will be finally invoked by the invokedynamic instruction doesn’t even exist prior to the execution of that instruction.
This can be projected to all kind of scripting languages delivering code in a different form than Java bytecode (might be even in source code). Here, the code may be compiled right before the first invocation of a method and remains linked afterwards. But it may even become unlinked if the scripting language supports redefinition of methods. This uses the second important feature of invokedynamic, to allow mutable CallSites which may be changed afterwards while supporting maximal performance when being invoked frequently without redefinition.
This possibility to change an invokedynamic target afterwards allows another option, linking to an interpreted execution on the first invocation, counting the number of executions and compiling the code only after exceeding a threshold (and relinking to the compiled code then).
Regarding dynamic method dispatch based on a runtime instance, it’s clear that invokedynamic can’t elide the dispatch algorithm. But if you detect at runtime that a particular call-site will always call the method of the same concrete type you may relink the CallSite to an optimized code which will do a short check if the target is that expected type and performs the optimized action then but branches to the generic code performing the full dynamic dispatch only if that test fails. The implementation may even de-optimize such a call-site if it detects that the fast path check failed a certain number of times.
This is close to how invokevirtual and invokeinterface are optimized internally in the JVM as for these it’s also the case that most of these instructions are called on the same concrete type. So with invokedynamic you can use the same technique for arbitrary lookup algorithms.
But if you want an entirely different use case, you can use invokedynamic to implement friend semantics which are not supported by the standard access modifier rules. Suppose you have a class A and B which are meant to have such a friend relationship in that A is allowed to invoke private methods of B. Then all these invocations may be encoded as invokedynamic instructions with the desired name and signature and pointing to a public bootstrap method in B which may look like this:
public static CallSite bootStrap(Lookup l, String name, MethodType type)
throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException {
if(l.lookupClass()!=A.class || (l.lookupModes()&0xf)!=0xf)
throw new SecurityException("unprivileged caller");
return new ConstantCallSite(l.findStatic(B.class, name, type));
It first verifies that the provided Lookup object has full access to A as only A is capable of constructing such an object. So sneaky attempts of wrong callers are sorted out at this place. Then it uses a Lookup object having full access to B to complete the linkage. So, each of these invokedynamic instructions is permanently linked to the matching private method of B after the first invocation, running at the same speed as ordinary invocations afterwards.

Why does Math.sin() delegate to StrictMath.sin()?

I was wondering, why does Math.sin(double) delegate to StrictMath.sin(double) when I've found the problem in a Reddit thread. The mentioned code fragment looks like this (JDK 7u25): :
public static double sin(double a) {
return StrictMath.sin(a); // default impl. delegates to StrictMath
} :
public static native double sin(double a);
The second declaration is native which is reasonable for me. The doc of Math states that:
Code generators are encouraged to use platform-specific native libraries or microprocessor instructions, where available (...)
And the question is: isn't the native library that implements StrictMath platform-specific enough? What more can a JIT know about the platform than an installed JRE (please only concentrate on this very case)? In ther words, why isn't Math.sin() native already?
I'll try to wrap up the entire discussion in a single post..
Generally, Math delegates to StrictMath. Obviously, the call can be inlined so this is not a performance issue.
StrictMath is a final class with native methods backed by native libraries. One might think, that native means optimal, but this doesn't necessarily has to be the case. Looking through StrictMath javadoc one can read the following:
(...) the definitions of some of the numeric functions in this package require that they produce the same results as certain published algorithms. These algorithms are available from the well-known network library netlib as the package "Freely Distributable Math Library," fdlibm. These algorithms, which are written in the C programming language, are then to be understood as executed with all floating-point operations following the rules of Java floating-point arithmetic.
How I understand this doc is that the native library implementing StrictMath is implemented in terms of fdlibm library, which is multi-platform and known to produce predictable results. Because it's multi-platform, it can't be expected to be an optimal implementation on every platform and I believe that this is the place where a smart JIT can fine-tune the actual performance e.g. by statistical analysis of input ranges and adjusting the algorithms/implementation accordingly.
Digging deeper into the implementation it quickly turns out, that the native library backing up StrictMath actually uses fdlibm:
StrictMath.c source in OpenJDK 7 looks like this:
#include "fdlibm.h"
Java_java_lang_StrictMath_sin(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jdouble d)
return (jdouble) jsin((double)d);
and the sine function is defined in fdlibm/src/s_sin.c refering in a few places to __kernel_sin function that comes directly from the header fdlibm.h.
While I'm temporarily accepting my own answer, I'd be glad to accept a more competent one when it comes up.
Why does Math.sin() delegate to StrictMath.sin()?
The JIT compiler should be able to inline the StrictMath.sin(a) call. So there's little point creating an extra native method for the Math.sin() case ... and adding extra JIT compiler smarts to optimize the calling sequence, etcetera.
In the light of that, your objection really boils down to an "elegance" issue. But the "pragmatic" viewpoint is more persuasive:
Fewer native calls makes the JVM core and JIT easier to maintain, less fragile, etcetera.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
At least, that's how I imagine how the Java team would view this.
The question assumes that the JVM actually runs the delegation code. On many JVMs, it won't. Calls to Math.sin(), etc.. will potentially be replaced by the JIT with some intrinsic function code (if suitable) transparently. This will typically be done in an unobservable way to the end user. This is a common trick for JVM implementers where interesting specializations can happen (even if the method is not tagged as native).
Note however that most platforms can't simply drop in the single processor instruction for sin due to suitable input ranges (eg see: Intel discussion).
Math API permits a non-strict but better-performing implementations of its methods but does not require it and by default Math simply uses StrictMath impl.

JIT code generation techniques

How does a virtual machine generate native machine code on the fly and execute it?
Assuming you can figure out what are the native machine op-codes you want to emit, how do you go about actually running it?
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Or would you generate a temporary shared library (.dll or .so or whatever) and load it into memory using standard functions like LoadLibrary ?
You can just make the program counter point to the code you want to execute. Remember that data can be data or code. On x86 the program counter is the EIP register. The IP part of EIP stands for instruction pointer. The JMP instruction is called to jump to an address. After the jump EIP will contain this address.
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Yes. This is one way of doing it. The resulting code would be cast to a pointer to function in C.
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Yes, if you were doing it in C or C++ (or something similar), that's exactly what you'd do.
It appears hacky, but that's actually an artifact of the language design. Remember, the actual algorithm you want to use is very simple: determine what instructions you want to use, load them into a buffer in memory, and jump to the beginning of that buffer.
If you really try to do this, though, make sure you get the calling convention right when you return to your C program. I think if I wanted to generate code I'd look for a library to take care of that aspect for me. Nanojit's been in the news recently; you could look at that.
Yup. You just build up a char* and execute it. However, you need to note a couple details. The char* must be in an executable section of memory and must have proper alignment.
In addition to nanojit you can also check out LLVM which is another library that's capable of compiling various program representations down to a function pointer. It's interface is clean and the generated code tends to be efficient.
As far as i know it compiles everything in memory because it has to run some heuristics to to optimize the code (i.e.: inlining over time) but you can have a look at the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 2.0 rotor release. The whole codebase is identical to .NET except for the Jitter and the GC.
As well as Rotor 2.0 - you could also take a look at the HotSpot virtual machine in the OpenJDK.
About generating a DLL: the additional required I/O for that, plus linking, plus the complexity of generating the DLL format, would make that much more complicate, and above all they'd kill performance; additionally, in the end you still call a function pointer to the loaded code, so...
Also, JIT compilation can happen one method at a time, and if you want to do that you'd generate lots of small DLLs.
About the "executable section" requirement, calling mprotect() on POSIX systems can fix the permissions (there's a similar API on Win32). You need to do that for a big memory segment instead that once per method since it'd be too slow otherwise.
On plain x86 you wouldn't notice the problem, on x86 with PAE or 64bit AMD64/Intel 64 bit machines you'd get a segfault.
Is it something as hacky as mapping
the mnemonic instructions to binary
codes, stuffing it into an char*
pointer and casting it as a function
and executing?
Yes, that works.
To do this in windows you must set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE to the allocated block:
void (*MyFunc)() = (void (*)()) VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeofblock, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
//Now fill up the block with executable code and issue-