I'm wondering if it provides Telegram API the ability to set the status of bots "Online" or "Writes"?
I tried to find information about this on the Internet, but there are no results.
No, this is not possible
From the bot introduction page #4:
How are bots different from humans?
Bots have no online status and no last seen timestamps, the interface shows the label 'bot' instead.
Bots never eat, sleep or complain (unless expressly programmed otherwise).
I'm new in telegram bots and I wanted that one bot sends messages to a chat and another bot reads the messages, filters it and sends filtered messages to me.
I read related articles here, but I haven't found any appropriate solution.
I read that it isn't possible to create transfering messages between two bots because one can't see messages from another.
But still I haven't found final answer here.
Can you help me, is it possible or not?
And if it's possible, how to connect one bot to another?
You can't do that or rather you're not allowed to. Because it will create an infinite loop between both the bots.
To avoid that Telegram bot has some restrictions.
It can't reach to someone unless they have messaged the bot previously. So, theoretically it is impossible.
my two partners and me are about to create a software which automates liking, commenting and following for Instagram with the use of browser simulation (that means that we log into the account of the user through a browser, like google chrome).
Is that kind of automation allowed by Instagram? And if not, is there a possiblity to get aproved?
Yes it's against their terms. I wouldn't bother nor risk it. Instagram is actively suing bot services. Look at the biggest bot service, Instagress - mysteriously shut down entirely.
They're also penalizing accounts that use bots. I run an agency and have seen my clients' engagement mysteriously drop by 50-90% for a seemingly endless amount of time after using bots.
I imagine the purpose of doing it with "browser simulation" like Chrome is to try to avoid detection? Good luck. Instagram is smart and of course has some of the best programmers in the world who know how to combat this type of stuff.
I would say that such operation goes against the terms of user of Instagram. Under "General Description", section 10:
We prohibit crawling, scraping, caching or otherwise accessing any content on the Service via automated means, including but not limited to, user profiles and photos (except as may be the result of standard search engine protocols or technologies used by a search engine with Instagram's express consent).
Since you will be accessing content (and performing actions) via automated means, I would interpret that as a violation of this section.
I want to send OTP , first to Telegram with usual SMS fallback.
Therefore i have to detect read callback of OTP message from user only with telegram cli API, unfortunately(Telegram bots doesn't provide read ack. feature).
There is no any concrete info in Telegram.
Is there any limit related to telegram bot (and telegram cli) subscribers(contacts) count? Except report spam.
Also what is the limit with native telegram api sendMessage? Which density i have to keep to not banned? Also do i need more numbers or accounts for this?
I searched everywhere and can't find relevant numbers although there are some users with plenty number of accounts.
Thanks for help!
Limitations on bot like 30q/sec and etc. is explicit in FAQ. i have to know all other limitations, especially on CLI(max contacts, requests frequency limit). For example, i have to know is this number registered in telegram - This is possible only with cli.Therefore i don't want to abuse platform restrictions, cause of commercial cause. Glad to hear more official ways.
You can check out Bot FAQ:
If you're sending bulk notifications to multiple users, the API will
not allow more than 30 messages per second or so. Consider spreading
out notifications over large intervals of 8—12 hours for best results.
Also note that your bot will not be able to send more than 20 messages
per minute to the same group.
Does exists any way to get bot's statistics with API or with web interface or with BotFather? Or I must to collect statistics by processing updates from bot API?
ps. Currently I store statistics in Redis by processing updates from bot API, but I wish find better way.
As aleix said there is no official support. After several days of research I've found the solutions for all platform bots, including telegram:
Chatbase.com from Google
botanalytics.co (free + paid)
dashbot.io(free up to 10 M messages)
no, there is no official support from Telegram to do that. There are third party analytics like botan, you can get navigate via bot to your bots stats:
Botan.io (seems to be abandoned)
You can see an example here: analytics tool for your telegram Bot
They also have integration to track more data via website:
If it is your bot performance that you worry about and you bot is popular (~300 requests per min), Botfather will monitor the request/response rate and alert you if there is something wrong.
Check the Status alert section in Bot Intro.
no actually you cant! But the easiest way for getting statistics about the users is to save the chat_id to database or into simple txt file.
the best way for that is use php mysql function to insert each chat_id into 1 columns then send it to your chat_id ...!
I'm looking to develop a scalable IM bot (aka Automated Service Agent). It's been done before and I'm wondering what methods are used to maintain reliability. I see two immediate problems with scaling:
1) On AIM, you can be kicked off if too many users warn you. My bot does not spam or do anything malicious but the vulnerability is still there.
2) If there are network problems, and the bot signs on/off too many times in a row, AOL will lock it out for an unknown period of time.
Here are some preventative measures for detection:
A bot can use several user accounts, so that its activity is less likely to be detected.
A bot can use proxy servers to hide detection even further by obscuring its real IP address.
A bot can be programmed with the network's rules in mind, and is simply prevented from breaking those rules in its logic.
Also, in response to your first problem, fewer people than you might expect will actually report a problem.
Additionally, and this is purely speculative, depending on the network's rules, it could be possible to simulate enough legitimate activity between two or more bots (and several user accounts), so as to offset the actual reports that are made.
In response to problem number two, with multiple accounts, the bot will just move to the next account when a failure occurs.
Just some thoughts.
Regarding #1, you're dealing with human interaction. If your bot doesn't annoy or piss people off, then I doubt that most people will care. The #1 rule with chat bots (IMHO) is to test it with a number of people from different backgrounds. Record their responses, and how they feel about interacting with the bot. You can also collect good data to improve your bots comprehension skills this way.
Regarding #2, you need to code an effective rate limiter. If there's a small number of flake outs in a short period of time its probably ok to reconnect right away, but if they become more frequent, then you'll need to back off more. This is actually good for the service in general, because if they're experiencing server side problems, and there's a horde of bots pouncing on them when they try to bring things up that's a pain.