I have following tables:
User - userId, userName, ...
Settings - settingId, userId, settingKey, settingValue
for example for userId = 123, I might have:
settingId: 1
userId: 123
settingKey: "allowClient"
settingValue: "0"
settingId: 2
userId: 123
settingKey: "allowAccess"
settingValue: "1"
Then for example how can I query for all users that have settingValue of "0" corresponding to settingKey of "allowClient" and settingValue of "1" corresponding to settingKey of "allowAccess"? Sometimes the settingKey and settingValue that I'm looking for might not even be there for a particular user, in which case, I would just want to ignore those users.
My "attempt":
select * from User u inner join Settings s on u.userid = s.userid
where s.settingKey = 'allowClient and s.settingValue = '0'
and s.settingKey = 'allowAccess' and s.settingValue = '1'
this doesn't work for obvious reason because it's putting AND on all the conditions. I'm not aware of any sql construct that can get around this and allow me to just say what I actually want.
Your first attempt doesn't work because the WHERE clause check each row one at a time. And no single row fulfils all of those conditions at once.
So, you could use an EXISTS() check on each of the two keys, for a very literal expression of your problem...
FROM settings
WHERE userId = user.userId
AND settingKey = 'allowClient'
AND settingValue = '0'
FROM settings
WHERE userId = user.userId
AND settingKey = 'allowAccess'
AND settingValue = '1'
Depending on data characteristics, you may benefit from a single sub-query instead of two EXISTS() checks.
This is closer to what you were trying to do.
Filter to get two rows per user (using OR instead of AND)
Aggregate back down to a single row and check if both conditions were met
(But I'd go with two EXISTS() first, and let the optimiser do its work.)
(settingKey = 'allowClient' AND settingValue = '0')
(settingKey = 'allowAccess' AND settingValue = '1')
COUNT(DISTINCT settingKey) = 2 -- DISTINCT only needed if one user has the same key set twice
ON user.userId = matching_user.userId
Finally, you could just join twice, which is functionally similar to the double-exists check, but shorter code, though not always as performant.
settings AS s0
ON s0.userId = user.userId
AND s0.settingKey = 'allowClient'
AND s0.settingValue = '0'
settings AS s1
ON s1.userId = user.userId
AND s1.settingKey = 'allowAccess'
AND s1.settingValue = '1'
Using the two different aliases prevents ambiguity (which would cause an error).
It does assume that the joins will only ever find 0 or 1 rows, if they can find many, you get duplication. EXISTS() doesn't have that problem.
I have a table named Ticket Numbers, which (for this example) contain the columns:
Each ticket number could contain 4 rows, depending on how many times the ticket changed assigned groups. Some of these rows could contain an assigned group of "Desktop Support," but some may not. Here is an example:
Example of raw data
What I am trying to accomplish is to get the an output that contains any ticket numbers that contain 'Desktop Support', but also the assigned group of the max sequence number. Here is what I am trying to accomplish with SQL:
Queried Data
I'm trying to use SQL with the following query but have no clue what I'm doing wrong:
select ih.incident_number,ih.assigned_group, incident_history2.maxseq, incident_history2.assigned_group
from incident_history_public as ih
left join
select max(assigned_group_seq_no) maxseq, incident_number, assigned_group
from incident_history_public
group by incident_number, assigned_group
) incident_history2
on ih.incident_number = incident_history2.incident_number
and ih.assigned_group_seq_no = incident_history2.maxseq
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
You might want to create a proper alias for incident_history. e.g.
from incident_history as incident_history1
on incident_history1.ticket_number = incident_history2.ticket_number
and incident_history1.assigned_group_seq_no = incident_history2.maxseq
In my humble opinion a first error could be that I don't see any column named "incident_history2.assigned_group".
I would try to use common table expression, to get only ticket number that contains "Desktop_support":
WITH desktop as (
SELECT distinct Ticket_Number
FROM incident_history
WHERE Assigned_Group = "Desktop Support"
Than an Inner Join of the result with your inner table to get ticket number and maxSeq, so in a second moment you can get also the "MAXGroup":
WITH tmp AS (
SELECT i2.Ticket_Number, i2.maxseq
FROM desktop D inner join
(SELECT Ticket_number, max(assigned_group_seq_no) as maxseq
FROM incident_history
GROUP BY ticket_number) as i2
ON D.Ticket_Number = i2.Ticket_Number
SELECT i.Ticket_Number, i.Assigned_Group as MAX_Group, T.maxseq, i.Reported_Date
FROM tmp T inner join incident_history i
ON T.Ticket_Number = i.Ticket_Number and i.assigned_group_seq_no = T.maxseq
I think there are several different method to resolve this question, but I really hope it's helpful for you!
For more information about Common Table Expression: https://www.essentialsql.com/introduction-common-table-expressions-ctes/
I have a problem to join thoses 4 tables
Model of my database
I want to count the number of reservations with different sorts (user [mrbs_users.id], room [mrbs_room.room_id], area [mrbs_area.area_id]).
Howewer when I execute this query (for the user (id=1) )
SELECT count(*)
FROM mrbs_users JOIN mrbs_entry ON mrbs_users.name=mrbs_entry.create_by
JOIN mrbs_room ON mrbs_entry.room_id = mrbs_room.id
JOIN mrbs_area ON mrbs_room.area_id = mrbs_area.id
WHERE mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN "145811700" and "1463985000"
mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN "1458120600" and "1463992200" and mrbs_users.id = 1
The result is the total number of reservations of every user, not just the user who has the id = 1.
So if anyone could help me.. Thanks in advance.
Use parentheses in the where clause whenever you have more than one condition. Your where is parsed as:
WHERE (mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN "145811700" and "1463985000" ) or
(mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN "1458120600" and "1463992200" and
mrbs_users.id = 1
Presumably, you intend:
WHERE (mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN 145811700 and 1463985000 or
mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN 1458120600 and 1463992200
) and
mrbs_users.id = 1
Also, I removed the quotes around the string constants. It is bad practice to mix data types, and in some databases, the conversion between types can make the query less efficient.
The problem you've faced caused by the incorrect condition WHERE.
So, should be:
WHERE (mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN 145811700 AND 1463985000 )
(mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN 1458120600 AND 1463992200 AND mrbs_users.id = 1)
Moreover, when you use only INNER JOIN (JOIN) then it be better to avoid WHERE clause, because the ON clause is executed before the WHERE clause, so criteria there would perform faster.
Your query in this case should be like this:
FROM mrbs_users
JOIN mrbs_entry ON mrbs_users.name=mrbs_entry.create_by
JOIN mrbs_room ON mrbs_entry.room_id = mrbs_room.id
(mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN 145811700 AND 1463985000
OR ( mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN 1458120600 AND 1463992200 AND mrbs_users.id = 1)
JOIN mrbs_area ON mrbs_room.area_id = mrbs_area.id
Got a task at my job to get several fields from different tables into one sheet, using SQL Developer. Im a noob to SQL, however managed to build something. Taking a look at my output learns me that the restrictions I built in do not work. Short description below. Can someone please help me?! In my output I still see values other than 1006 in the ATINN field, values other tham Empty in the BWTAR field.. What am I doing wrong?
5 tables linked together
Restriction on Users (DMSTRAATL, etc)
Restriction on Productgroup (006*, etc)
Restriction on some individual products
Restriction on product type (HERB, etc)
Restriction on specific data field (All products should have atinn = 1006)
Restiction on specific data field (all products should have bwtar = empty)
dmssap.mara.matnr, dmssap.mara.mtart, dmssap.mara.matkl,
dmssap.mara.ersda, dmssap.mara.ernam, dmssap.mara.bismt,
dmssap.marc.werks, dmssap.inob.cuobj,
LPAD(INOB.CUOBJ, 18, '0') AS CUOBJ_18, dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.matnr, dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.pname,
dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.stat, dmssap.mbew.bwkey, dmssap.mbew.bklas,
dmssap.mbew.bwtar, dmssap.mbew.vprsv, dmssap.mbew.bwtty, dmssap.mbew.verpr,
dmssap.mbew.stprs, dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.matnr, dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.pname,
dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.stat, dmssap.ausp.atinn, dmssap.ausp.atwrt
FROM dmssap.mara
LEFT OUTER JOIN dmssap.marc
ON (dmssap.marc.matnr) = (dmssap.mara.matnr)
ON (dmssap.ZMM_MATNR_MPO.matnr) = (dmssap.mara.matnr)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dmssap.mbew
ON CONCAT(dmssap.mbew.matnr, dmssap.mbew.bwkey) = CONCAT(dmssap.marc.matnr, dmssap.marc.werks)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dmssap.inob
ON (dmssap.inob.objek) = (dmssap.mara.matnr)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dmssap.ausp
ON dmssap.ausp.objek = LPAD(INOB.CUOBJ, 18, '0')
WHERE (dmssap.mara.ernam) IN (
'DMSTRAATL', 'V0342628', 'V0343809',
'V0336003', 'V0009830', 'V0309577', 'V0010144'
AND (dmssap.mara.matkl) IN (
'006*', '007120', '007130', '007140', '007170',
'007180', '007210', '007220', '007230',
'007250', '007270', '007280', '007290',
'007300', '007320', '007340',
'007370', '007380', '007400', '007420'
OR (dmssap.mara.matnr) IN (
'000000010001767697', '000000010001870117', '000000010001870116', '000000010001870115',
'000000010001870114', '000000010001870113', '000000010001870112'
AND (dmssap.mara.mtart) IN ('HERB', 'HALB', 'ZSTP')
AND (dmssap.ausp.atinn) = '1006'
AND (dmssap.mbew.bwtar) IS NULL;
AND operator has an higher precedence order than OR . to make your query easily readable use braces () around filter clauses.
Let's say you want to select records which have certain values in dmssap.mara.matkl or certain values in dmssap.mara.matnr then you can use braces between these blocks to be precise as shown below.
(dmssap.mara.matkl) IN (
'006*', '007120', '007130', '007140', '007170',
'007180', '007210', '007220', '007230',
'007250', '007270', '007280', '007290',
'007300', '007320', '007340',
'007370', '007380', '007400', '007420'
OR (dmssap.mara.matnr) IN (
'000000010001767697', '000000010001870117', '000000010001870116', '000000010001870115',
'000000010001870114', '000000010001870113', '000000010001870112'
WHERE (dmssap.mara.ernam) IN (
'DMSTRAATL', 'V0342628', 'V0343809',
'V0336003', 'V0009830', 'V0309577', 'V0010144'
AND (dmssap.mara.matkl) IN (
'006*', '007120', '007130', '007140', '007170',
'007180', '007210', '007220', '007230',
'007250', '007270', '007280', '007290',
'007300', '007320', '007340',
'007370', '007380', '007400', '007420'
OR (dmssap.mara.matnr) IN (
'000000010001767697', '000000010001870117', '000000010001870116', '000000010001870115',
'000000010001870114', '000000010001870113', '000000010001870112'
AND (dmssap.mara.mtart) IN ('HERB', 'HALB', 'ZSTP')
AND (dmssap.ausp.atinn) = '1006'
AND (dmssap.mbew.bwtar) IS NULL;
The crux is in your WHERE statement. The evaluation order for keywords in the WHERE statement is NOT -> AND -> OR
What you seem to want is this instead:
WHERE (dmssap.mara.ernam) IN (
'DMSTRAATL', 'V0342628', 'V0343809',
'V0336003', 'V0009830', 'V0309577', 'V0010144'
AND (dmssap.mara.matkl) IN ((
'006*', '007120', '007130', '007140', '007170',
'007180', '007210', '007220', '007230',
'007250', '007270', '007280', '007290',
'007300', '007320', '007340',
'007370', '007380', '007400', '007420'
OR (dmssap.mara.matnr) IN (
'000000010001767697', '000000010001870117', '000000010001870116', '000000010001870115',
'000000010001870114', '000000010001870113', '000000010001870112'
AND (dmssap.mara.mtart) IN ('HERB', 'HALB', 'ZSTP')
AND (dmssap.ausp.atinn) = '1006'
AND (dmssap.mbew.bwtar) IS NULL;
Notice the two extra brackets around the OR on the AND
I'm having a problem with a query in postgres, the table cgporders_items has a field called return, I cannot get actual result of that field with this query, it returns me al ceros.
SELECT "Cgporder".id AS "Cgporder__id"
,"Sale".preorder_number AS "Sale__preorder_number"
,"Contact".id AS "Contact__id"
,"Contact".NAME AS "Contact__name"
,"Ptype".NAME AS "Ptype__name"
FROM products
WHERE id = "CgporderItem".parent_id
) AS "Product__parent_code"
,"Product".id AS "Product__id"
,"Product".code AS "Product__code"
,"Product".NAME AS "Product__name"
,"CgporderItem".quantity AS "CgporderItem__quantity"
,"CgporderItem".return AS "CgporderItem__return"
,"CgporderItem".cep_id AS "CgporderItem__cep"
FROM cgporders AS "Cgporder"
INNER JOIN contacts AS "Contact" ON ("Contact".id = "Cgporder".contact_id)
INNER JOIN cgporders_items AS "CgporderItem" ON ("Cgporder".id = "CgporderItem".cgporder_id)
INNER JOIN products AS "Product" ON ("Product".id = "CgporderItem".product_id)
INNER JOIN ptypes AS "Ptype" ON ("Ptype".id = "Product".ptype_id)
LEFT JOIN cgporders_sales AS "CgporderSale" ON ("Cgporder".id = "CgporderSale".cgporder_id)
LEFT JOIN sales AS "Sale" ON ("Sale".id = "CgporderSale".sale_id)
WHERE "CgporderItem".parent_id != 0
AND "Cgporder"."issue_date" >= '2015-11-27'
AND "Cgporder"."issue_date" <= '2015-11-27'
AND "Cgporder"."status" = 'confirmed'
There are actually a lots of rows that matches the select condition, but it return cero on "CgporderItem".return AS "CgporderItem__return"
If I make a simple query like select "return" from cgporders_items it works. But in this query it does not work.
Can you help me please?
"return" is a reserved word in SQL, but not in Postgres. See the list here. The following code works find in Postgres (SQL Fiddle is here):
create table dum (return int);
select dum.return from dum;
Your problem is something else. If I had to guess, the where clause is too restrictive (the condition on dates is a bit suspect).