In BPMN JS how to get process ID and process name - bpmn

In addition to parsing XML, can I get the ID and name of the process through the API of BPMN?
At present, it is realized in the following ways.
Parse XML to get process name;Convert XML to JSON to get process name

You can get these information using bpmn-js-properties-panel extension


How to get json path for the special character such as #odata.nextLink":"

In Pentaho Spoon, I am trying to build the transformation which will read the Data from Azure AD, and then I will push this data to another application.
Now the problem I am facing is with pagination and I am unable to retrieve the next URL variable from the first REST call.
In the first REST call, I can see the body like below:
The actual problem starts here, in the Pentaho transformation I used Json input to extract the next URL with the path below paths (tried with all the below paths.)
${#odata.nextLink} OR $.{#odata.nextLink} OR $..{#odata.nextLink} OR $#odata.nextLink
But unfortunately, nothing is working.

How do I get the documentID in Business Objects Restful API?

I'm trying to figure out how to download a PDF from the BOE restful API.
I've been following the answer from ƘɌỈSƬƠƑ here:
SAP BI Open Doc URL for retrieving pdf
I was able to accomplish step 1 (getting the token).
But on the second step, it mentions using the documentID.
On the front end of BOE, if I click on the report, and choose Properties, it shows me that the "ID/CUID" is:
ID, CUID:746001, AdgNq_GsaqhOqnzc4gRN_Jg
Does that mean the "DocumentID" is 746001?
I'm not sure if I'm using the correct ID, because when I hit:
I get:
<message>Rule not respected (Argument 'reportIds' must not be null)</message>
You don't need to obtain prompt information (/parameters endpoint).
I think you are using the correct ID since the error is on the report. You obtain a 404 Not Found response status, if the document does not exist.
After a successful login, simply call /biprws/raylight/v1/documents/5690743 and add to your request an header with name Accept and value application/pdf. Of course the X-SAP-LogonToken should also be provided.
It will export the whole document. If you only need a specific report, you need to retrieve its ID first. Call the URI /biprws/raylight/v1/documents/5690743/reports with Accept header equals to application/json.
Choose one of the report, and get its ID (for example, in my case reportID equals 1234). Then you can export the report as a PDF by calling the URI: /biprws/raylight/v1/documents/5690743/reports/1234 with Accept header equals to application/pdf.

Get console output of a jenkins job by sending the build number as a json parameter through api

I'm trying to get the job status by providing the build number as a parameter.
curl -s -S -u "Ashwin":"XXX" "http://XX.XXX.XXX.XX:8080/job/apitest/buildNum/logText/progressiveText?start=0"
The above snippet work absolutely fine. Is there anyway to send the build number as a json body.
In a word, no. The Jenkins API defines the query for the console log as a GET request, which (at least in the Jenkins API) does not contain a body. The primary parameters like job and build id are part of the URL path, and optional parameters are provided in the query string part of the URL.
This question strikes me as odd. Why can you not construct the query URL (which contains the build id as part of the URL path) in same way that you would construct the JSON structure that you propose sending in the body?

Mule:Extracting parent flow message in subflow/synchronous flow

Is there a way in mule to extract parent flow message in sub/synchronous flow after sub message source has generated its message and modify it.Sub flow is having its own message source.
You can always get the message of parent flow in sub flow ..
Now extracting a message depends on its data type ...
For example if the payload type is xml and you need to extract particular value of a node, you can use XPATH...
Similarly for JSON payload there is different techniques of extracting it..
And now if you want the entire payload of parent flow and not just part of it, then you can always use #[message.payload] expression in subflow

after receiving soap response modify xml and send to anther service using http adapter

while using http adapter I need to call first service that return XML,
after receiving the response I want to change values and send back to anther service,
how can I do it ?
do http adapter has json to xml function ?
WL adapter will automatically convert XML to JSON for you, however it doesn't have any manual JSON<->XML conversion APIs.
In your case possible solution might be to retrieve XML as plaintext by supplying returnedContentType:"plain" in invocation options. Alter whatever you need using regex/string replace. Use resulting string in 2nd procedure invocation as post body.
Alternatively, you can use 3rd party library to parse/convert/do whatever you need with XML, e.g. (more info about how to use it in your adapter -
After checking number of solutions, I state the the http result will be a plain text,
then made a call to java function sending the xml as String, and used
javax.xml to hold and alter the XML.
XPath to retrieve the correct node using org.w3c.dom.*
Hope this will help you too.