qml: ExclusiveGroup is not a type - qml

I import QtQuick.Controls 2.15, to use ExclusiveGroup QML Type, but the error occur! saying "ExclusiveGroup is not a type", is there anyone know?

I recommend avoiding QtQuick.Controls 1, and moving to QtQuick.Controls 2, if you can. There is no ExclusiveGroup in v2, but there is something called ButtonGroup that should do what you want.

According to Qt documentation for the ExclusiveGroup QML Type the correct import statement is
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4


How do I import the QColorConstants namespace in PyQt5?

I fear the answer will be: You can't, but I'm not sure and I don't see a reason for.
Qt QColorConstants namespace.
From the page url I guess this should work:
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColorConstants
but it results in:
cannot import name 'QColorConstants' from 'PyQt5.QtGui'

VueJS - Module not found issue while importing a component

I've a fiel name Countries.vue in src/components/Pages/Admin/Countries.vue I want to import it in a file name Add_Doctor.vue in src/components/Pages/Admin/Doctors/Add_Doctor.vue.
I used import Contries from './components/Pages/Admin/Countries'
But i give me an error module not found
how to solve it?
You can import both ways
import Countries from './components/Pages/Admin/Countries.vue'
import Countries from '#/components/Pages/Admin/Countries.vue'
try this
import Contries from '../Countries.vue'
// # is an alias to /src
try below one
import Countries from './components/Pages/Admin/Countries.vue'
I think you are missing Countries.vue in the end

Vue mutation type intellisense VS Code

Is there a way to get intellisense to work for imported mutation types with Vue and VS Code. I have the Vetur extension installed and I am using constant named mutations.
I want to have a file - mutation-types.js
export default {
then whenever I import:
import mutationTypes from './mutation-types'
I want to have intelisense on the mutationTypes object.
Is this is anyway possible?
Isn't this wrong and throwing syntax errors?
It should be:
export default {
That would make auto complete work.
Since you are doing default export, in your import you also should use default import syntax. In your case mutationTypes can be any name, so that's why autocomplete will not work in the import. It will work on the object itself though:
To make it work in imports, you should use named exports.

Typescript, Requirejs, import statement and aliases

With Java, import is really easy and clear.
You import with the following statement :
import fr.domain.MyUtils;
Then you can use it like this:
You need to namespace MyUtils only if there are two in the same file.
With Typescript AMD and requirejs it seems to be more complicated.
Here the import statement:
import u = require('fr/domain/MyUtils');
And the way to use it:
Quite verbose...
The only way I found so fare to use an alias was to double the import statement:
import u = require('fr/domain/MyUtils');
import MyUtils = u.fr.domain.MyUtils;
After doing that you can write this in a module:
It's cleaner but Eclipse TS plugin get completely lost with this and auto completion become erratic. In Visual Studio auto completion is OK but "F12 Go to definition" has to be done twice which is annoying.
Is there a better way to do this ? Or should we just keep namespaces as short as we can ?
You’re doing it wrong.
Your 'fr/domain/MyUtils' module should be exporting only whatever is supposed to be MyUtils. i.e. it should look like this:
export function myStaticMethod() { /* ...code... */ }
It should not be exporting some global namespace object, and it should not be adding anything to some global namespace object that you get from somewhere else. The natural placement of module files in directories is the way you create “namespaces” when you work with external modules.
If you do it correctly then your consumer looks like this:
import MyUtils = require('fr/domain/MyUtils');
or, even more properly using ES module syntax:
import { myStaticMethod } from 'fr/domain/MyUtils';

QML SpinBox - How to enable entering numbers when minimumValue is large?

If you create a SpinBox with a minimumValue of 100, it is difficult to manually enter numbers because validation happens as you type so any temporary value in the edit field that is outside the range bounds is prohibited.
Take a SpinBox supporting the range of 100-500:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
ApplicationWindow {
width: 300; height: 200
SpinBox {
anchors.centerIn: parent
minimumValue: 100; maximumValue: 500
If you click into the input box, the entire value is selected and typing any number key would replace the current value with a single digit, which is less than 100 and therefore prevented. This renders pretty much any minimumValue above 1 useless.
But I really like all the other behavior I get from the SpinBox. Any suggestions?
BaCaRoZzo answered this: it's a QML defect that has been addressed as of Qt 5.4.1 and can no longer be reproduced.