Curved slope in blender - blender

I am trying to recreate a part in blender for 3D printing and it is a column with a curved slope. I’m pretty new to modeling and was wondering what is the best way to recreate that slope in blender?
I’ve tried splitting and moving faces and vertices individually, but it didn’t seem very accurate.


How to optimize a mesh which I manually aligned

I manually aligned a mesh to another mesh. Two meshes have different topologies. The resulting mesh does not have a flat and smooth surface as is illustrated in the first picture.
My question is that, if there exist algorithms or tools such as a function inside meshlab or blender etc. that can smooth and optimize my mesh.
This is my mesh.
And I want to optimize it such that it is smooth like this:
I don't see the relation between "I manually aligned a mesh" and "resulting mesh does not have a flat and smooth surface". The aligned mesh should be similar to input mesh.
Despite that, try to apply the Meshlab filter Taubin Smooth to your mesh to rearrange the topology without introducing big deformations.

GODOT: What is an efficient calculation for the AABB of a simple 3D model from a camera's view

I am attempting to come up with a quick and efficient means of translating a 3d mesh into a projected AABB. In the end, I would like to accomplish something similar to figure 1 wherein only the area of the screen covered by the cube is located inside the bounding box highlighted in red. ((if it is at all possible, getting the area as small as possible, highlighted in blue, would increase efficiency down the road.))
Figure 1.
Currently, I have tried:
Calculating the point position on the screen using camera.unproject_position(). this failed largely due to my inability to wrap my head around the pixel positions trending towards infinity. I understand it has something to do with Tan, but frankly, it is too late for my brain to function anymore.
Getting the area of collision between the view frustum and the AABB of the mesh instance. This method seems convoluted, and to get it in a usable format I would need to project the result into 2d coordinates again.
Using the MeshInstance VisualInstance to create a texture wherein a pixel is white if it contains the mesh instance, and black otherwise. Visual instances in general just baffle me, and I did not think it would be efficient to have another viewport just to output this texture.
What I am looking for:
An output that can be passed to a shader informing where to complete certain calculations. Right now this is set up to use a bounding box, but it could easily be rewritten to also use a texture. It also could be rewritten to use polygons, but I am trying to keep calculations to a minimum in the shader.
Certain solutions I have tried before have worked, slightly, but this must be robust. The camera interfacing with the 3d object will be able to move completely around and through it, meaning at times the view will be completely surrounded by the 3d model with points both in front, and behind.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I will try my best to update this post with information if needed.

How does Blender calculate vertex normals?

I'm attempting to calculate vertex normals for various game assets. The normals I calculate are used for "inflating" the model (to draw behind the real model producing a thick outline).
I currently compute the normal for each face and average all of them (several other questions on Stack Overflow suggest this approach). However, this doesn't work for sharp corners like this one (adjacent faces' normals marked in orange, the normal I'm trying to calculate is outlined in green).
The object looks like a small pedestal and we're looking at the front-left corner. There are three adjoining faces (the bottom face isn't visible; its normal points straight down).
Blender computes an excellent normal that lies squarely in the middle of the three faces' normals; it seems like it somehow calculates a normal that has minimum rotation to each of the three face normals. Blender's normal also doesn't change when the quads are triangulated differently.
Averaging the faces' normals gives me a different normal that points slightly upward in the Z-axis (-0.45, -0.89, +0.08). Inflating my model this way doesn't produce a good outline because the bottom face of the outline is shifted up and doesn't enclose the original model.
I attempted to look at the Blender source code but couldn't find what I was looking for. If anyone can point me to the algorithm in the Blender source, I'd accept that also.
Weight the surface normals by the angle of the faces where they join. It is a common practice in surface rendering (see discussion here:, and will ensure that your bottom face is weighted stronger than the two slanted side faces. I don't know if Blender does it differently, but you should give it a try.

Blender Bending the elbow the right way on character

I started learning character rigging in blender, and when I add a mesh to the armature, the arms on the mesh look twisted. I've tried changing the rotation on the arm with the pole angle in the bone constraints, and it works but it also changes which way the elbow bends. What other way could I rectify this, so that the elbow bends the right way but the mesh doesn't look twisted.
In situations like this I always find it easiest to enable weight painting. This lets you select each bone, and see which vertices in the mesh they deform, and by how much. Try doing this, and looking around your elbow. You can paint the weights onto the mesh or remove them if you want, until you have each bone affecting the parts you want it too.
Note that every vertex must have all of it's weights combine to 100%, otherwise they will drag behind the character when you move it.

Creating seamless worldmaps with Fractal Brownian Motion

I'm creating heightmaps using Fractal Brownian Motion. I'm then coloring it based on the heights and mapping it to a sphere. My problem is that the heightmap doesn't wrap seamlessly. I've used the Diamond Square algorithm and it's pretty easy to make things seamless using it, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it with fBm and I seem to be having trouble finding an explanation for it on the web.
To clarify, by "seamless", I mean that when I map it to a sphere, it creates a seamless map on the sphere.
Instead of calculating the heightmap per pixel on the heightmap, calculate the heightmap in 3D space based on each point on the sphere and then map that to an image pixel. You're going to have trouble wrapping a 2D, rectangular heightmap like that onto a sphere without getting ugly results at the poles unless you start your calculations from the sphere.
fBM generalizes to 3 dimensions, so given a point on the sphere you can get the height at that point, and then you can do the math to map that value to where it should be stored in the heightmap image.
Or you could use one of the traditional map projections. A cylindrical projection (x, y)->(x, sin y) would give you a seam of just one meridian, which you could rotate to the back. Or you could "antialias" the edge by one or another means.
With a stereographic projection (x,y,z)->(x/(z+1),y/(z+1)), there's only one sour point (the projection point itself).