Batched area of triangle calculation - numpy

I have a tensor of shape (N, 3, 3) where N is the number of triangles. Is there a way to calculate the area of a triangle from a 3x3 matrix of coordinates so I can batch along the N dimension?
Most methods for vectorizing area computations rely on subtracting one of the vertices from the other two and taking the cross product which I don't think is possible to do with batching.


Image to N triangles with minimum loss of the color

Required to turn an image into N triangles with Delaunay triangulation. One color for each triangle, and colors can be repeated.
The loss function is given by the square of the difference in the color of each pixel.
So how to optimize the color and the vertices of triangles?
A recursive splitting procedure outline:
Terminate the recursion if N < 2
Split the given area A in two triangles A1 and A2 in such a way that the
sum of standard deviations of the pixel colors is cut in halves.
Assign N/2 colors to A1 and N - N/2 colors to A2.
Recursively split A1 and A2.
The resulting net of N triangles is colored to minimize the loss function:
For every triangle the color chosen is the average color of the pixels within that triangle.
It might be worthwhile to conduct a survey of existing literature on the topic. A first search engine hit returned Fractal image compression based on Delaunay triangulation and vector quantization

svd doesn't return correct dimension

I have a matrix with dimension (22,2) and I want to decompose it using SVD. SVD in numpy doesn't return the correct dimensions though.I'd expect dimensions like (22,22), (22),(22,2)?
The returned dimensions are correct. The uu and vvh matrices are always square matrices, while depending on the software s can be an array with just the singular values (as in numpy) or a diagonal matrix with the dimension of the original matrix (as in MATLAB, for instance).
The dimensions of the uu matrix is the number of rows of the original matrix, while the dimension of the vvh matrix is the number of columns of the original matrix. This can never change or you would be computing something else instead of the SVD.
To reconstruct the original matrix from the decomposition in numpy we need to make s into a matrix with the proper dimension. For square matrices it's easy, just np.diag(s) is enough. Since your original matrix is not square and it has more rows than columns, then we can use something like
S = np.vstack([np.diag(s), np.zeros((20, 2))])
Then we get a S matrix which is a diagonal matrix with the singular values concatenated with a zero matrix. In the end, uu is 22x22, S is 22x2 and vvh is 2x2. Multiplying uu # S # vvh will give the original matrix back.

Understanding multidimensional full covariance of normal multivariate distribution in TensorFlow

Suppose I have, say, 3 identically distributed random vectors: w, v and x generally with different lengths. w is length 2, v is length 3 and x is length 4.
How should I define the full covariance matrix sigma of these vectors for tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(mean, sigma)?
I think about full covariance in this case as [(2 + 3 + 4) x (2 + 3 + 4)] square matrix (tensor rank 2), where diagonal elements are standard deviations and non-diagonal are cross-covariances between each other component of each other vector. How can I switch my mind to the terms of multidimensional covariance? What is it?
Or should I build full covariance matrix by concatenating it from pieces (e.g. particular covariances and, for instance, assuming independence of these vectors I should build partitioned block diagonal matrix) and cut (split) results of sampling into particular vectors I want to get? (I did that with R.) Or is there an easier way?
What I want is full control over all random vectors including their covariances and cross-covariances.
There is no special consideration about the dimensionality just because your random variables are distributed across multiple vectors. From a probabilistic point of view, three normally-distributed vectors of sizes 2, 3 and 4, a normally-distributed vector of size 9 and and a normally-distributed matrix of size 3x3 are all the same: a 9-dimensional normal distribution. Of course, you could have three distributions of 2, 3 and 4 dimensions, but that's a different thing, it doesn't allow you to model correlations among variables of different vectors (just like having a one-dimensional normal distribution per number does not allow you to model any correlation at all); this may or may not be enough for your use case.
If you want to use a single distribution, you just need to establish a bijection between the domain of your problem (e.g. tuples of three vectors of sizes 2, 3 and 4) and the domain of the distribution (e.g. 9-dimensional vectors). In this case is pretty obvious, just flatten (if necessary) and concatenate the vectors to obtain a distribution sample and split a sample three parts of size 2, 3 and 4 to obtain the vectors.

normal matrix for non uniform scaling

Im trying to calculate the normal matrix for my GLSL shaders on OpenGL 2.0.
The theory is : a normal matrix is the top left 3x3 matrix of the ModelView, transposed and inverted.
It seems to be correct as I have been rendering my scenes correctly, until I imported a model from maya and found non-uniform scales. Loaded models have a weird lighting, while my procedural ones are correct, so I put my money on the normal matrix calculation.
How is it computed with non uniform scale?
You already figured out that you need the transposed inverted matrix for transforming the normals. For a scaling matrix, that's easy to calculate.
A non-uniform 3x3 scaling matrix looks like this:
[ sx 0 0 ]
[ 0 sy 0 ]
[ 0 0 sz ]
with sx, sy and sz being the scaling factors for the 3 coordinate directions.
The inverse of this is:
[ 1 / sx 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 / sy 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 / sz ]
Transposing it changes nothing, so this is already your normal transformation matrix.
Note that, unlike for example a rotation, this transformation matrix will not keep vectors normalized when it is applied to a normalized vector. So after applying this matrix in your shader, you will have to re-normalize the result before using it for lighting calculations.
I would just like to add a practical example to Reto Koradi's answer.
Let's assume you already have a 4x4 model matrix and want to use it to transform normals as well. You can start by deducing scale in each axis by taking length of the 3 first columns of that matrix. If you now divide each column by its corresponding scaling factor, the matrix will no longer affect model's scale, because the basis vectors will have unit length.
As you pointed out, normals have to be scaled by the inverse of the scale in each axis. Fortunately, we have already derived the scale in the first step, so we can divide the columns again.
All that effectively means that if you want to derive transform matrix for normals from your model matrix, all you need to do is to divide each of its first three columns by their lengths squared (which can be rewritten as dot products). In GLSL you would write:
mat3 mat_n = mat3(mat_model);
mat_n[0] /= dot(mat_n[0], mat_n[0]);
mat_n[1] /= dot(mat_n[1], mat_n[1]);
mat_n[2] /= dot(mat_n[2], mat_n[2]);
vec3 new_normal = normalize(mat_n * normal);

Faster way to perform point-wise interplation of numpy array?

I have a 3D datacube, with two spatial dimensions and the third being a multi-band spectrum at each point of the 2D image.
H[x, y, bands]
Given a wavelength (or band number), I would like to extract the 2D image corresponding to that wavelength. This would be simply an array slice like H[:,:,bnd]. Similarly, given a spatial location (i,j) the spectrum at that location is H[i,j].
I would also like to 'smooth' the image spectrally, to counter low-light noise in the spectra. That is for band bnd, I choose a window of size wind and fit a n-degree polynomial to the spectrum in that window. With polyfit and polyval I can find the fitted spectral value at that point for band bnd.
Now, if I want the whole image of bnd from the fitted value, then I have to perform this windowed-fitting at each (i,j) of the image. I also want the 2nd-derivative image of bnd, that is, the value of the 2nd-derivative of the fitted spectrum at each point.
Running over the points, I could polyfit-polyval-polyder each of the x*y spectra. While this works, this is a point-wise operation. Is there some pytho-numponic way to do this faster?
If you do least-squares polynomial fitting to points (x+dx[i],y[i]) for a fixed set of dx and then evaluate the resulting polynomial at x, the result is a (fixed) linear combination of the y[i]. The same is true for the derivatives of the polynomial. So you just need a linear combination of the slices. Look up "Savitzky-Golay filters".
EDITED to add a brief example of how S-G filters work. I haven't checked any of the details and you should therefore not rely on it to be correct.
So, suppose you take a filter of width 5 and degree 2. That is, for each band (ignoring, for the moment, ones at the start and end) we'll take that one and the two on either side, fit a quadratic curve, and look at its value in the middle.
So, if f(x) ~= ax^2+bx+c and f(-2),f(-1),f(0),f(1),f(2) = p,q,r,s,t then we want 4a-2b+c ~= p, a-b+c ~= q, etc. Least-squares fitting means minimizing (4a-2b+c-p)^2 + (a-b+c-q)^2 + (c-r)^2 + (a+b+c-s)^2 + (4a+2b+c-t)^2, which means (taking partial derivatives w.r.t. a,b,c):
or, simplifying,
22a+10c = 4p+q+s+4t
10b = -2p-q+s+2t
10a+5c = p+q+r+s+t
so a,b,c = p-q/2-r-s/2+t, (2(t-p)+(s-q))/10, (p+q+r+s+t)/5-(2p-q-2r-s+2t).
And of course c is the value of the fitted polynomial at 0, and therefore is the smoothed value we want. So for each spatial position, we have a vector of input spectral data, from which we compute the smoothed spectral data by multiplying by a matrix whose rows (apart from the first and last couple) look like [0 ... 0 -9/5 4/5 11/5 4/5 -9/5 0 ... 0], with the central 11/5 on the main diagonal of the matrix.
So you could do a matrix multiplication for each spatial position; but since it's the same matrix everywhere you can do it with a single call to tensordot. So if S contains the matrix I just described (er, wait, no, the transpose of the matrix I just described) and A is your 3-dimensional data cube, your spectrally-smoothed data cube would be numpy.tensordot(A,S).
This would be a good point at which to repeat my warning: I haven't checked any of the details in the few paragraphs above, which are just meant to give an indication of how it all works and why you can do the whole thing in a single linear-algebra operation.