Sticky side navigation how to control top margin and bottom margin - css-position

In Webflow I've created a sticky sidebar dot navigation that takes users to sections on the page. I'd like the sidebar to start in the first section and end in the last section. Currently when you click the dots it goes to the correct place, but on scroll it scrolls into the header image and the bottom footer. How can I add a top and bottom position for a sticky sidebar?
I tried adding margin and padding, but that creates blank space on the page. I can add CSS to the before body of the page or add HTML directly to the page, but I'm not practiced in writing either. Any help is appreciated.


Vue v-expansion-panels move position randomly

I'm using v-expansion-panels from Vue, and I notice an odd behaviour: When expanding the panels the page scrolls randomly, sometimes it scrolls leaving the header on the top page, sometimes it scroll way down moving the desired panel out of sight so I have to scroll up.
Is this normal? Is there a way to control this random scrolling, so when expanding the panel the automatic scroll moves the page to the top of the window browser?
I tried already all the v-expansion-panels attributes.

How to Auto adjust Scroll height of tab render items in native base react-native

I am using native base tabs to display scrollable tab bars in react-native
I had 4 tabs and the content in each render item tab changes, so the length of the tab bar content changes. how can I adjust the height of the scroll view based on content in tabview. it should not scroll when content is less. it leaves blank space below when content is less.
when content in tab bar render item is more than the screen height it scrolls.
when content in tab bar render item is less than the screen height it should not scroll.
even if the content in the 2nd tab is less it scrolls based on height of 1st tab content height.
It should not scroll if the content on in tab render item is less.It should scroll based on the content in tab view
it's the sole reason why i left native-base because of the issue. It's and open issue with native base and they havent resolved it yet. The problem is that i had 3 tabs and three scrollViews had different height. so it takes the longest height and when we go to any other tab , it leaves blank space.
this is the link to the open issue in github native base tabs . Do check it out if you can find any resolution for it. I couldnt find it so ive switched to
react native tab view . .This is a better library for tabs and coz of the issue in native abse. i switched to it.
Hope it helps. Feel free for doubts

How to show header when scroll up and hide header when scroll down on FlatList

Now I want to create, exactly like Facebook's app do, a bar displayed above my tabNavigator. This tabs hide on scroll down and show on scroll up.
And now I'm using FlatList, but the FlatList component has ListHeaderComponent option for rendering his header who also hide when scrolling down. (because it is on top, so need to scroll to beginning to see it, not user-friendly with my very long list item )
Please help me any idea.
Flat list provide you a header and footer of it self. You have to make it manually. I found one link which is related to collapsible navbar. this lnk has a demo. so you can check it out here
might this helpful !

Overlay the whole AppBar on the page content in windows phone 8.1

When app bar is present, the height of the app bar affects the content on the rest of the page.
For example, if the app bar has a Height of about 25px when ClosedDisplayMode="Minimal", the rest of the content on the page (rootGrid) would have its actual height of Screen Height - 25px. So the app bar is not overlay on page content.
This is visible especially when the content is VerticalAlignment="Center" or Bottom.
Is there any way to avoid this? Something like a ZIndex on the AppBar so that it is displayed over the page content and not trimming it on the bottom side of the screen.
It is possible to tell the renderer that the whole "window" should be used when rendering and not just the visible part. By calling Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().SetDesiredBoundsMode(ApplicationViewBoundsMode.UseCoreWindow) the renderer will include the areas beneath the chrome of the window (ie the system tray on top of the screen and the app bar at the bottom). The chrome will always be on top of whatever is rendered from xaml.
ApplicationView is documented here.
If you don't want the system tray on the top of the screen to overlap the content, you'll have to compensate with a margin on the root container of your visible xaml.

Fixed nav under a relative div

I have a relative div above a fixed one which acts like a navigation bar.
I want to be able to scroll past the relative div before the fixed div starts having to scroll here is my website.
as you can see from just scrolling on the site the sidebar doesn't work as intended.
Try using JavaScript to detect the scroll position of the window and then change the CSS to start scrolling like a fixed div.
Another tip, the the fixed div which contains your projects on the home page lays over your footer when you scroll to the bottom.
Use JavaScript to detect if the user is at the bottom of the page or not and then set the CSS of it to have a margin from the bottom of the page.
Hope I helped.