Are there any CDNs that can connect to custom Google NPM Artifact Registries? - npm

I have a public custom repo and I can access the tar file using the curl -L -v "". The problem is I need to host the contents of the tgz similar to the site unpkg I know I could create a server that streams the tar, decompresses it and cache it; but that seems like it should be a solved problem.
Are there any CDNs that support custom registries like Google's Artifact Registry?
I see ones like that seem to support Github packages but I can't find any that support Google.


What is the proper way to upload a Vue.js app to GitHub?

I tried uploading my files to Github, but GitHub says it's too big.
I then uploaded the content of the dist folder after building for production.
This worked just fine, but it's not very useful.
What is the proper way to upload a Vue.js app to GitHub?
What you generate (binary files which can be big) should not be versioned/pushed to GitHub.
It is better to use a local plugin which will, on GitHub side, build, tag and publish a release associated to your project.
For instance: semantic-release/github.
You can combine that with a GitHub Action, which can take that release, and deploy it on a remote server of your choice (provided it is publicly accessible from GitHub): see for example "How to deploy your VueJS using Github Actions (on Firebase Hosting)" from John Kilonzi.
For your existing dist, you should delete it (from Git only, not your disk) and add it to your .gitignore:
cd /path/to/repo
git rm --cached dist
echo dist/>>.gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Delete and ignore dist/"
git push
What happens if I add a node module( like if I decide to add an image cropper). How can the other contributers deal with that?
You need to add the declaration of that module in your project, not version the module itself. For instance, using Vue.use.
Also: I host the app on netlify. It builds the site straight from github. But it wont be able to build the site if gihub doesnt have the dist folder...
See "How to deploy your Vue app with Netlify in less than 2 min!" from Jean-Philippe Fong: Netlify itself will build the dist (from your GitHub project sources) and publish it.
You should add a .gitignore file to the root of your directory where you can ignore files and directories.
Most typical ones to ignore are the following:

Upload node modules to nexus

I would like to create a private npm repo on our nexus.
So i guess i need to take the current node_modules folder on my machine and put it in Nexus, right?
I cant proxy npm, because on our jenkins machine we don't have internet access.
So how do i put all my node modules (lots of folders) onto Nexus?
and in what structure and format?
See for uploading a lot of files into NXRM3.
If that doesn't work for you, likely you can modify that script for your needs.

Are phantomjs binary artifacts hosted on some repository?

I would like to download phantomjs binary within a Gradle build script.
Where are they hosted ?
There is an official download repository for PhantomJS:
They are only hosted on bitbucket:
To use them with Gradle, the only option found to be working so far is to use the gradle-download-task plugin. To implement caching, you can copy paste this code.
Otherwise, another potential option is to declare a custom ivy dependency, but so far I haven't found a way to get it to work. The issue is that bitbucket redirects to an Amazon S3 location, and the HEAD request that Gradle first issues to get the file size fails, probably because of a request signature problem.

How do I upload files to source?

I've switched to windows and am having a hard time using bitbucket with it.
Within the downloads menu you can add files but this is not added to source.
I've also tried using source tree (web application) but when I attempt to push the files they do not exist in my directory. Any idea how I can do this or a guide which explains how to upload files. It's been a number of years since I have used bitbucket on windows.
Bitbucket is simply a git provider. You'll have to use Git commands (or a GUI like Sourcetree, Gitkraken, etc.) to push (upload) your files to source.
A basic guide to working with Git can be found here.
Windows or Linux only you need a git console or git cli installed in your default cli.
First clone your repository to your local system. Go to your
bitbucket account and your repository need to be file uploaded. Copy
the git url command. Open git console and type the following command.
git clone "git URL"
Explore you repository and make changes. Like add file which you want to upload to it.
Go to your git console again and type the following commands.
git add .
git commit -m "commit message like - adding file"
git push origin master

Download artifacts archive from Artifactory

I'm testing Artifactory 4.2.0 PRO.
The really nice feature is the possibility to download an archive of all files produced by the build by executing, something like:
curl -XPOST -u admin:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/archive/buildArtifacts -d '
"buildName": "Vehicle Routing Problem",
"buildNumber": "3",
"archiveType": "zip"
}' >
However, I'm unable to find if there is a possibility to do the same (download archive) when specifying exact properties using AQL. I have been trying to upload other artifacts with properties exactly the same as those pushed by the build, but they were not fetch by the snippet above (I assume some sort of metadata is stored somewhere).
What are the possibilities to fetch multiple artifacts without using many HTTP queries?
The Retrieve Folder or Repository Archive API allows to download an archive file (supports zip/tar/tar.gz/tgz) containing all the artifacts that reside under the specified path (folder or repository root). However it does not support filtering by properties.
The Artifactory CLI supports concurrently downloading multiple files. It also supports downloading files we matches a set of property values. The CLI, however, will use multiple HTTP requests for doing so.
A third option would be developing a custom user plugin which allows downloading an archive of artifacts matching a set of properties. An execution user plugin can be executed as a REST API call. There is a sample plugin in the JFrogDev GitHub account which can serve as a good start point. This plugin allows downloading the content of a directory as an archive.