validate two data columns from difrnt source dataframes in databricks, if data matched(record counts) row wise , then excute the command or else error - sql

dataframe -1:
created year, rec_counts
2016 50
2015 40
Dataframe -2:
created year, rec_counts
2016 1000
2015 47

There are 2 methods you can try.
Let's assume the names of two DataFrames are df1 and df2.
Now, if you just want to count the number of rows and check if both has same row count or not, use df1.count() and df2.count() and check if both gives the same output (total number of rows in each group).
Secondly, you can write statement df2.except(df1) and this will return the complete rows which haven't present in other dataframe. If it returns NULL, it means both dataframes are same.


Selecting Rows Based On Specific Condition In Python Pandas Dataframe

So I am new to using Python Pandas dataframes.
I have a dataframe with one column representing customer ids and the other holding flavors and satisfaction scores that looks something like this.
Although each customer should have 6 rows dedicated to them, Customer 1 only has 5. How do I create a new dataframe that will only print out customers who have 6 rows?
I tried doing: df['Customer No'].value_counts() == 6 but it is not working.
Here is one way to do it
if you post data as a code (preferably) or text, i would be able to share the result
# create a temporary column 'c' by grouping on Customer No
# and assigning count to it using transform
# finally, using loc to select rows that has a count eq 6
c=df.groupby(['Customer No'])['Customer No']

Sum pandas columns, excluding some rows based on other column values

I'm attempting to determine the number of widget failures from a test population.
Each widget can fail in 0, 1, or multiple ways. I'd like to calculate the number of failures of for each failure method, but once a widget is known to have failed, it should be excluded from future sums. In other words, the failure modes are known and ordered. If a widget fails via mode 1 and mode 3, I don't care about mode 3: I just want to count mode 1.
I have a dataframe with one row per item, and one column per failure mode. If the widget fails in that mode, the column value is 1, else it is 0.
d = {"item_1":
{"failure_1":0, "failure_2":0},
{"failure_1":1, "failure_2":0},
{"failure_1":0, "failure_2":1},
{"failure_1":1, "failure_2":1}}
df = pd.DataFrame(d).T
failure_1 failure_2
item_1 0 0
item_2 1 0
item_3 0 1
item_4 1 1
If I just want to sum the columns, that's easy: df.sum(). And if I want to calculate percentage failures, easy too: df.sum()/len(df). But this counts widgets that fail in multiple ways, multiple times. For the problem stated, the best I can come up with is this:
# create empty df to store results
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["total_failures"])
for col in df.columns:
# create a row, named after the column, and assign it the value of the sum
df2.loc[col] = df[col].sum()
# drop rows in the df column that are equal to 1
df = df.loc[df[col] != 1]
failure_1 2
failure_2 1
This requires creating another dataframe (that's fine), but also requires iterating over the existing dataframe columns and deleting it a couple of rows at a time. If the dataframe takes a while to generate, or is needed for future calculations, this is not workable. I can deal with iterating over the columns.
Is there a way to do this without deleting the original df, or making a temporary copy? (Not workable with large data sets.)
You can do a cumsum on axis=1 and wherever the value is greater than 1 , mask it as 0 and then take sum:
out = df.mask(df.cumsum(axis=1).gt(1), 0).sum().to_frame('total_failures')
failure_1 2
failure_2 1
This way the original df is retained too.

Pandas groupby year filtering the dataframe by n largest values

I have a dataframe at hourly level with several columns. I want to extract the entire rows (containing all columns) of the 10 top values of a specific column for every year in my dataframe.
so far I ran the following code:
df = df.groupby([df.index.year])['totaldemand'].apply(lambda grp: grp.nlargest(10)))
The problem here is that I only get the top 10 values for each year of that specific column and I lose the other columns. How can I do this operation and having the corresponding values of the other columns that correspond to the top 10 values per year of my 'totaldemand' column?
We usually do head after sort_values
df = df.sort_values('totaldemand',ascending = False).groupby([df.index.year])['totaldemand'].head(10)
nlargest can be applied to each group, passing the column to look for
largest values.
So run:
df.groupby([df.index.year]).apply(lambda grp: grp.nlargest(3, 'totaldemand'))
Of course, in the final version replace 3 with your actual value.
Get the index of your query and use it as a mask on your original df:
idx = df.groupby([df.index.year])['totaldemand'].apply(lambda grp: grp.nlargest(10))).index.to_list()
(or something to that extend, I can't test now without any test data)

How to group by and sum several columns?

I have a big dataframe with several columns which contains strings, numbers, etc. I am trying to group by SCENARIO and then sum only the columns between 2020 and 2050. The only thing I have got so far is sum one column as displayed as follows, but I need to change this '2050' by the columns between 2020 and 2050, for instance.
df1 = df.groupby(["SCENARIO"])['2050'].sum().sum(axis=0)
You are creating a subset of the df with only that single column. I can't tell how your dataset looks like from the information provided, but try:
This should some up all the rows which are in the column.
Alternatively select the columns which you want to perform the summation on.

Fillna (forward fill) on a large dataframe efficiently with groupby?

What is the most efficient way to forward fill information in a large dataframe?
I combined about 6 million rows x 50 columns of dimensional data from daily files. I dropped the duplicates and now I have about 200,000 rows of unique data which would track any change that happens to one of the dimensions.
Unfortunately, some of the raw data is messed up and has null values. How do I efficiently fill in the null data with the previous values?
id start_date end_date is_current location dimensions...
xyz987 2016-03-11 2016-04-02 Expired CA lots_of_stuff
xyz987 2016-04-03 2016-04-21 Expired NaN lots_of_stuff
xyz987 2016-04-22 NaN Current CA lots_of_stuff
That's the basic shape of the data. The issue is that some dimensions are blank when they shouldn't be (this is an error in the raw data). An example is that for previous rows, the location is filled out for the row but it is blank in the next row. I know that the location has not changed but it is capturing it as a unique row because it is blank.
I assume that I need to do a groupby using the ID field. Is this the correct syntax? Do I need to list all of the columns in the dataframe?
cols = [list of all of the columns in the dataframe]
wfm.groupby(['id'])[cols].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
There are about 75,000 unique IDs within the 200,000 row dataframe. I tried doing a
df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
but I need to do it based on the IDs and I want to make sure that I am being as efficient as possible (it took my computer a long time to read and consolidate all of these files into memory).
It is likely efficient to execute the fillna directly on the groupby object:
df = df.groupby(['id']).fillna(method='ffill')
Method referenced
in documentation.
How about forward filling each group?
df = df.groupby(['id'], as_index=False).apply(lambda group: group.ffill())
github/jreback: this is a dupe of #7895. .ffill is not implemented in cython on a groupby operation (though it certainly could be), and instead calls python space on each group.
here's an easy way to do this.
according to jreback's answer, when you do a groupby ffill() is not optimized, but cumsum() is. try this:
df = df.sort_values('id')
df.ffill() * (1 - df.isnull().astype(int)).groupby('id').cumsum().applymap(lambda x: None if x == 0 else 1)