Im testing some API and i want to use only part of the URL.
Some of the URL params are are unexpected so when im using request i want to ignore some params.
Here is an example:
I want to use only the value of targeting_radius param and ignore the values of the rest of the params, like :**&lng=**&targeting_radius=2500.
How can i do it?
Run some string splitting on the URL
const url = ``
const urlBaseAndParams = url.split('?')
const paramSection = urlBaseAndParams[1].split('&')
const params = paramSection.split('&')
const lastParam = params[params.length-1]
const requestUrl = `${urlBaseAndParams[0]}?${lastParam}`
You can merge some of those steps, I just break it down for clarity.
I have a Vue app which needs to remove query parameter from url. Url looks like http://localhost:8080/campaigns/279707824dd21366?screenshot=1 Needs to remove screenshot param without redirect. So I found solution which looks like this:
if( this.$route.query.screenshot ) {
const query = this.$route.query;
delete query.screenshot;
this.$router.replace({query: null}).catch((error)=>{
This throws me an error without redirect:
NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current
location: "/campaigns/279707824dd21366?screenshot=1".
I also tried this:
if( this.$route.query.screenshot ) {
const query = this.$route.query;
query.screenshot = null;
What is wrong with this code? Thanks for any help.
My url re-updating after the push
I want to make this url:,half,etc;stars:1,2,4
const query = {
checkin: '2019-05-08',
checkout: '2019-05-16',
after this gettin like this,half,etc%3Bstars%3A1,2,4
do you have any idea ? how can fix it ?
See - %3A is just a URL-encoded colon. URL-encoding Strings is standard practice, and in most cases required in order to make a valid URL.
If you need to decode a URL, something like decodeURIComponent() could work for you, e.g.:
const uri = '";[]}'
const encodedURI = encodeURIComponent(uri)
const decodedURI = decodeURIComponent(encodedURI)
I'm working on an electron app and im using cryptocompare api to display BTC price but it dosen't displays. I've tried every solution i could think of, some help would be appreciated!!
const electron = require('electron');
const path = require('path');
const BrowserWindow = electron.remote.BrowserWindow;
const axios = require('axios');
const notifyBtn = document.querySelector('.notify-btn');
const price = document.querySelector('.price');
const targetPrice = document.querySelector('.target-price');
function getBTC(){
const cryptos = axios.get('{api_key}')
price.innerHTML = '$'+cryptos
setInterval(getBTC, 20000);
It gives me an output of '$[object Promise]'
In the documentation for axios, it says you need to do this instead:
.then(function (response) {
// do something with response
This is because the value returned by axios.get isn't a response, it's a promise that will resolve to a response. (So it gets coerced to the string [object Promise].) If you don't know what this means, read this link. Basically promises are a way of dealing with tasks that take a long time to run (such as api calls) without blocking other javascript code from runnning. But anyway, what you want is this:
function getBTC(){
.then(function(response) {
var data =;
var cryptos = // get cryptos from data somehow
price.innerHTML = '$'+cryptos;
I haven't read the axios documentation in detail. I believe what you are looking for is in, but I couldn't tell you any more than that. Try console.log('Response:', response); to find out how the response is structured.
I'm looking to make a fetch request to an API, in my code I added a text input:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
UserInput: '',
<TextInput onChangeText={(UserInput) =>
this.setState({UserInput})} value={this.state.UserInput} />
I can definitely see UserInput variable if I render <Text>{this.state.UserInput}</Text> in my view, however I'm trying to use that variable to generate a dynamic url path for my api request.
The url looks like that msft is what I have to change by UserInput
In pure javascript, I usually do something like this:
const userstock = UserInput;
const path = "";
const end = "/company";
const url = path + userstock + end;
I changed var by const because it's react native but it's still not working,
Can't find variable: UserInput
I also tried${UserInput}/company can someone help on this please? Thanks
As you write,it works if you render <Text>{this.state.UserInput}</Text>!
Why not write like this:
const userstock = this.state.UserInput;
or :
""+ this.state.UserInput +"/company"
I suggest you should read official document and learn more about props and state!
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/files/:service/:op/:file', function(req, res){
Calling http://localhost:3000/files/farm/get/chicken will log chicken.
Calling http://localhost:3000/files/farm/get/barn/yard/chicken will log barn.
How can I make an Express app.VERB(path, callback) path log barn/yard/chicken?
Change your route to something like this:
app.get('/files/:service/:op/*', function(req, res){
console.log(req.params[0]); // this is what you want
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
Notice how the last parameter was changed to an * so that it takes single values (like chicken) or multi-values (like barn/yard/chicken). The issue here is that the slash character is used to split the URL components but you want to sometimes split the values but not others. The * will automatically lump the last set of values (1 or many) into a single element.
Try this:
console.log(req.params.service + "/" + req.params.op + "/" + req.params.file);