Azure Logic Apps SQL Connector Error: Bad Request - sql

I'm using the SQL Connector in Azure Logic Apps to connect to our Azure SQL Database to perform queries, update tables, and execute stored procedures. After several months of developing logic apps, I'm seeing the below error message when using the SQL Connector "Execute Stored Procedure (V2)". I'm only encountering this error with this specific connector. All the other connectors work just fine. Has anyone encountered this error before and had success troubleshooting?
Could not retrieve values. Error code: 'BadRequest', Message: 'The value's length for key 'application name' exceeds it's limit of '128'.
clientRequestId: 'XXXXX'. More diagnostic information: x-ms-client-request-id is 'XXXXX'.

Just had a call with Microsoft Support and got confirmation: this is the global issue in the SQL connector of LogicApp. They are working on this to fix, no ETA for now.
Update: should be fixed from around 29.03.2022 03:00 CET


SQLVDI error when backing up to Azure Storage BLOB

I'm running a patched SQL 2014 trying to backup a database to one of our Azure Storage BLOBs, using:
TO URL = N''
WITH CREDENTIAL = N'AzureCredential'
,NAME = N'DBA_DB-Full Database Backup'
,STATS = 5
but the query throws the following error:
Msg 3292, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
A failure occurred while attempting to execute Backup or Restore with a URL device specified. Consult the Windows Event Log for details.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Checking the server's Event Logs shows the actual error as:
SQLVDI: Loc=IdentifySQLServer. Desc=MSSQLSERVER. ErrorCode=(5)Access is denied.
. Process=4668. Thread=6596. Client. Instance=MSSQLSERVER. VD=.
I have made sure that the SQL Server Agent service's account has the Create global objects policy, and also made sure the SQL VSS Writer service is running under the Local System account. The error keeps happening!
Is there something I can do to fix it, or just log some more detailed error messages than the "SQLVDI: Loc=IdentifySQLServer" one above?
Crikey, this is one of those "no idea how I fixed it" things.
Before I went to lunch, I could reliably generate the error in question by running the provided T-SQL, yet when I came back from lunch the BACKUP command completed fine!
The main thing I remember changing was on the Azure side, where I created a SAS (Shared Access Signature).
This is supposedly not required for SQL 2014 as it uses an actual Azure Credential to connect to the storage instead. I actually created the SAS for an instance of SQL Server 2016 that I want backing up to the same container, and that may have opened the access pathway to the container for SQL Server 2014 too!
Many thanks to Sean Gallardy for recommending ProcMon, which showed a whole ton more error log information than the "ErrorCode=(5)Access is denied" message did.

Error while disabling publishing and distribution

Hi I delete all publications and subscriptions on sql server 2008 . Then try to disabling publishing and distribution for reconfigure replication but have an error :
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Invalid object name 'dbo.sysmergesubscriptions'.
Changed database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208) Ho solve it ?
One thing you can do is: create that object by yourself. Most likely there would be more than one table/view missing. Just script those missing objects from another database (for example, develop environment) and create them in your production box.

SSRS - Renamed TempDB and now Subscription Reports not Emailing

I'm currently unable to email out time based subscription reports from SSRS on a new SQL Server 2012 installation on Server 2012.
I receive the following error in the SSRS LogFiles
schedule!WindowsService_5!dc4!10/14/2013-10:01:09:: i INFO: Handling Event TimedSubscription with data 1a762da1-75ab-4c46-b989-471185553304.
library!WindowsService_5!dc4!10/14/2013-10:01:09:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException: , An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database.;
library!WindowsService_5!dc4!10/14/2013-10:01:09:: w WARN: Transaction rollback was not executed connection is invalid
schedule!WindowsService_5!dc4!10/14/2013-10:01:09:: i INFO: Error processing event 'TimedSubscription', data = 1a762da1-75ab-4c46-b989-471185553304, error = Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException: An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache'.
Databases were migrated from SQL 2008, this was done by a third party and I'm unsure if something was overlooked.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
This thread seems to address your issue.
Please do a modicum of research before posting error messages.
From the Link
After much consternation, I have found a trigger referencing the invalid object. Trigger [Schedule_UpdateExpiration] on ReportServer table Schedule has the offending reference in it. In test, I altered this trigger to reference the correct report server tempdb and now subscriptions appear to be working properly. So far I have found nothing else broken."
"If anyone is looking for a quick answer then here is what I did to solve my problem:
Updated trigger on dbo.schedule to reference the correct tempdb.
Scripted all stored procedures with their permissions onto a new query then "find and replaced" all instances of the old tempdb with the new one. "
After a while searching for a solution to fix this issue, I found that this is caused by the jobs definition of SQL Server Agent was not fully migrated to the new service. For every subscription created in SSRS, there is an associated job defined in SQL Server Agent. For services reply heavily on report delivery via subscriptions, it's best to export those jobs definition and import them into the new server.
Daniel E. answer is Correct.
I have spend a lot of time to find it and the error I am getting while updating the existing subscriptions
“An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. (rsReportServerDatabaseError)”
when i search online with the above error, i couldn't manage to fix it. after a long time i found the tigger is pointing to old database.
Temp database in the below: [ReportServerTempDB]
after updating to correct tempDB all started working fine.
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[Schedule_UpdateExpiration] ON [dbo].[Schedule]
AbsoluteExpiration = I.NextRunTime
[ReportServerTempDB].dbo.ExecutionCache AS EC
INNER JOIN ReportSchedule AS RS ON EC.ReportID = RS.ReportID
INNER JOIN inserted AS I ON RS.ScheduleID = I.ScheduleID AND RS.ReportAction = 3

Getting an Invalid Cursor state error in the forge process of an Endeca baseline

Error in the forge log is Unable to determine the number of columns in the ODBC result: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid cursor state
Endeca is a bit black-box, so I'm not sure exactly what sql call is causing this error
In SQLServer 2005 (and perhaps other SQLServer versions), calls to ODBC SQLNumResultCols have been known to return invalid column counts or throw errors when the query is a call to a non-trivial stored procedure. If your query calls a stored procedure, see if you derive the same outcome using direct table or view reads, perhaps combined with logic in Forge.

Can't create branch TFS 2008 - Error 8152

I'm trying to create a new development branch from main (our first branch) but with no luck.
I've tried google but google doesn't seem to want to help me today...
The error i receive is this:
A database error occurred (SQL error 8152) ---> String or binary data would be truncated.
SRV-TFS.TfsVersionControl..prc_PendBranch: Database Update Failure - Error 8152 executing INSERT statement for tbl_PendingChange
please check the name of your branch. I think its too long that TFS database allows.