Why does training a pretrained model take longer time? - tensorflow

From my limited experience in training and testing object detection models like faster rcnn I've noticed that whenever I set the variable pretrained to True the training time took way more than when I trained it with pretrained set to False. The model that I've particularly seen this effect on is Faster RCNN with ResNet50 fpn backbone that has pretrained weights from ImageNet dataset.
I've googled the sentence "Why does training a pretrained model take longer time?" and all it shows is examples of "How to use pretrained model...etc." and not "Why.." 😐
So I felt curious to know if anyone here could explain or hint.


Quantization aware training examples?

I want to do quantization-aware training with a basic convolutional neural network that I define directly in tensorflow (I don't want to use other API's such as Keras). The only ressource that I am aware of is the readme here:
However its not clear exactly where the different quantization commands should go in the overall process of training and then freezing the graph for actual inference.
Therefore I am wondering if there is any code example out there that shows how to define, train, and freeze a simple convolutional neural network with quantization aware training in tensorflow?
It seems that others have had the same question as well, see for instance here.

Can I add Tensorflow Fake Quantization in a Keras sequential model?

I have searched this for a while, but it seems Keras only has quantization feature after the model is trained. I wish to add Tensorflow fake quantization to my Keras sequential model. According to Tensorflow's doc, I need these two functions to do fake quantization: tf.contrib.quantize.create_training_graph() and tf.contrib.quantize.create_eval_graph().
My question is has anyone managed to add these two functions in a Keras model? If yes, where should these two function be added? For example, before model.compile or after model.fit or somewhere else? Thanks in advance.
I worked around by post-training quantization. Since my final goal is to train a mdoel for mobile device, instead of fake quantization during training, I exported keras .h5 file and converted to Tenforflow lite .tflite file directly (with post_training_quantize flag set to true). I tested this on a simple cifar-10 model. The original keras model and the quantized tflite model have very close accuracy (the quantized one a bit lower).
Post-training quantization: https://www.tensorflow.org/performance/post_training_quantization
Convert Keras model to tensorflow lite: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco/g3doc/python_api.md
Used the tf-nightly tensorflow here: https://pypi.org/project/tf-nightly/
If you still want to do fake quantization (because for some model, post-training quantization may give poor accuracy according to Google), the original webpage is down last week. But you can find it from github: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/quantize
Update: Turns out post-quantization does not really quantize the model. During inference, it still uses float32 kernels to do calculations. Thus, I've switched to quantization-aware training. The accuracy is pretty good for my cifar10 model.

Training Resnet deep neural network from scratch

I need to gain some knowledge about deep neural networks.
For a 'ResNet' very deep neural network, we can use transfer learning to train a model.
But Resnet has been trained over the ImageNet dataset. So their pre-trained weights can be used to train the model with another dataset. (for an example training a model for lung cancer detection with CT lung images)
I feels that this approach will be not accurate as the pre-trained weights has been completely trained over other objects but not with medical data.
Instead of transfer learning, is it possible to train the resnet from scratch? (but the available number of images to train the resnet is around 1500) . Is it something possible to do with a normal computer.
Can someone please share your valuable ideas with me
is it possible to train the resnet from scratch?
Yes, it is possible, but the amount of time one needs to get to good accuracy greatly depends on the data. For instance, training original ResNet-50 on a NVIDIA M40 GPU took 14 days (10^18 single precision ops). The most expensive operation in CNN is the convolution in the early layers.
ImageNet contains 14m 226x226x3 images. Since your dataset is ~10000x smaller, each epoch will take ~10000x less ops. On top of that, if you pass gray-scale instead of RGB images, the first convolution will take 3x less ops. Likewise spatial image size affects the training time as well. Training on smaller images can also increase the batch size, which usually speeds things up due to vectorization.
All in all, I estimate that a machine with a single consumer GPU, such as 1080 or 1080ti, can train ~100 epochs of ResNet-50 model in a day. Obviously, training on a 2-GPU machine would be even faster. If that is what you mean by a normal computer, the answer is yes.
But since your dataset is very small, there's a big chance of overfitting. This looks like the biggest issue that your approach faces.

Training object detectors from scratch leads to really bad performance

I am trying to train a Faster-RCNN network with Inception-v3 architecture (reference paper: Google's paper) as my fixed feature extractor using keras on my own dataset (number of classes = 4) which is very different compared to the Image-net. Still I initialized it with Image-net weights because this paper gives evidence that initializing with pre-trained weights is always better compared to random initialization.
Upon Training for 60 Epochs my Training accuracy is at 96% and my validation accuracy is at 84% ,Over-fit! (severe maybe?). But what is more worrying is that my loss did not converge at all. Upon testing the network it failed miserably! like, it didn't even detect.
Then I took a slightly different approach. I did a two step training. First I trained the Inception-v3 on my dataset like a classification problem (Still initialized it with Image-net weights) it converged well. Then I used those weights to initialize the Faster-RCNN network. This worked! But, I am confused why this two staged approach works but Training from scratch didn't work. Given I initialized both the methods with the pre-trained image-net weights initially.
Is there a way to train Faster RCNN from scratch?

Tensorflow SSD-Mobilenet model accuracy drop after quantization using transform_graph

I am working on the recently released "SSD-Mobilenet" model by google for object detection.
Model downloaded from following location: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/object_detection/g3doc/detection_model_zoo.md
The frozen graph file downloaded from the site is working as expected, however after quantization the accuracy drops significantly (mostly random predictions).
I built tensorflow r1.2 from source, and used following method to quantize:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph --in_graph=frozen_inference_graph.pb --out_graph=optimized_graph.pb --inputs='image_tensor' --outputs='detection_boxes','detection_scores','detection_classes','num_detections' --transforms='add_default_attributes strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,224,224,3") fold_constants(ignore_errors=true) fold_batch_norms fold_old_batch_norms quantize_weights strip_unused_nodes sort_by_execution_order'
I tried various combinations in the "transforms" part, and the transforms mentioned above gave sometimes correct predictions, however no where close to the original model.
Is there any other way to improve performance of the quantized model?
In this case SSD uses mobilenet as it's feature extractor . In-order to increase the speed. If you read the mobilenet paper , it's a lightweight convolutional neural nets specially using separable convolution inroder to reduce parameters .
As I understood separable convolution can loose information because of the channel wise convolution.
So when quantifying a graph according to TF implementation it makes 16 bits ops and weights to 8bits . If you read the tutorial in TF for quantization they clearly have mentioned how this operation is more like adding some noise in to already trained net hoping our model has well generalized .
So this will work really well and almost lossless interms of accuracy for a heavy model like inception , resnet etc. But with the lightness and simplicity of ssd with mobilenet it really can make a accuracy loss .
MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications
How to Quantize Neural Networks with TensorFlow