What happens if no records exists when I use Room to query? - kotlin

I use Room in my Android Studio App, the Code A will crash when no record exists to query
What happens if no records exists when I use Room to query with Code B ?
interface RecordDao {
// Code A
#Query("SELECT * FROM record_table where id=:id")
fun getByID(id:Int): Flow<RecordEntity>
// Code B
#Query("SELECT * FROM record_table")
fun getAll(): Flow<List<RecordEntity>>

If you look at the code generated by room for the RecordDao_Impl class implementation of RecordDao, you'll notice multiple things:
The getById function code returns null when no matching records exist in the table, and since your 'Code A' function return type is not null, kotlin throws a NullPointerException for the first function.
The getAll function code returns a Flow object with an ArrayList, in case it found any records then it adds them to the list, otherwise it just emits the empty ArrayList to the Flow object, therefore, you'll always get a flow object with a list inside it regardless if room found matching records or not, so no exception is thrown.
You can understand this a bit more if you look at the code generated for the two functions here:
public Flow<RecordEntity> getByID(final int id) {
final String _sql = "SELECT * FROM record_table where id=?";
final RoomSQLiteQuery _statement = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(_sql, 1);
int _argIndex = 1;
_statement.bindLong(_argIndex, id);
return CoroutinesRoom.createFlow(__db, false, new String[]{"record_table"}, new Callable<RecordEntity>() {
public RecordEntity call() throws Exception {
final Cursor _cursor = DBUtil.query(__db, _statement, false, null);
try {
final int _cursorIndexOfId = CursorUtil.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "id");
final RecordEntity _result;
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
final int _tmpId;
_tmpId = _cursor.getInt(_cursorIndexOfId);
_result = new RecordEntity(_tmpId);
} else {
_result = null;
return _result;
} finally {
protected void finalize() {
public Flow<List<RecordEntity>> getAll() {
final String _sql = "SELECT * FROM record_table";
final RoomSQLiteQuery _statement = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(_sql, 0);
return CoroutinesRoom.createFlow(__db, false, new String[]{"record_table"}, new Callable<List<RecordEntity>>() {
public List<RecordEntity> call() throws Exception {
final Cursor _cursor = DBUtil.query(__db, _statement, false, null);
try {
final int _cursorIndexOfId = CursorUtil.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "id");
final List<RecordEntity> _result = new ArrayList<RecordEntity>(_cursor.getCount());
while (_cursor.moveToNext()) {
final RecordEntity _item;
final int _tmpId;
_tmpId = _cursor.getInt(_cursorIndexOfId);
_item = new RecordEntity(_tmpId);
return _result;
} finally {
protected void finalize() {


Hibernate QueryException Named parameter not bound error

I keep getting the error org.hibernate.QueryException: Named parameter not bound : item when I start my transaction in JPA using EntityManager createNativeQuery. I have my code below utilizing the entity manager, along with my embeddedID class (for the composite key) and my persistence entity bean. Is there a problem in my query syntax? I am not sure as I've tried multiple ways of formatting the sql (coming from a properties file where there resides multiple sqls used throughout the project, and attempting to persist data to an oracle db). I am not sure why I keep falling on this error. I want to persist this data to my oracle database but this error keeps preventing that.
Query from query.properties file:
insertPromoData =INSERT INTO TEST.U_USER_PROMO (ITEM, LOC, WK_START, NUMBER_OF_WEEKS, TYPE, FCSTID, QTY, U_TIMESTAMP) VALUES (:item, :location, :wkStart, :numberOfWeeks, :type, :fcstId, :quantity, SYSDATE)
Embeddedable Class for establishing composite primary key on the target table:
public class PromoID implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "ITEM")
private String item;
#Column(name = "LOC")
private String loc;
#Column(name = "WK_START")
private Date weekStart;
#Column(name = "TYPE")
private int type;
#Column(name = "FCSTID")
private String forecastId;
#Column(name = "U_TIMESTAMP")
private Timestamp insertTS;
public PromoID() {
public PromoID (String item, String loc, Date weekStart, int type, String forecastId, Timestamp insertTS) {
this.item = item;
this.loc = loc;
this.weekStart = weekStart;
this.type = type;
this.forecastId = forecastId;
this.insertTS = insertTS;
public String getItem() {
return item;
public void setItem(String item) {
this.item = item;
public String getLoc() {
return loc;
public void setLoc(String loc) {
this.loc = loc;
public Date getWeekStart() {
return weekStart;
public void setWeekStart(Date weekStart) {
this.weekStart = weekStart;
public int getType() {
return type;
public void setType(int type) {
this.type = type;
public String getForecastId() {
return forecastId;
public void setForecastId(String forecastId) {
this.forecastId = forecastId;
public Timestamp getInsertTS() {
return insertTS;
public void setInsertTS(Timestamp insertTS) {
this.insertTS = insertTS;
//removed hashcode and equals methods for simplicity
Persistence Entity Bean:
#Table(name = "U_USER_PROMO")
public class InsertPromoData {
private PromoID id;
String batchID;*/
String item;
String loc;
String weekStart;
String type;
String forecastId;
String insertTS;
String numberOfWeeks;
String qty;
#AttributeOverride(name = "item",column = #Column(name="ITEM")),
#AttributeOverride(name = "loc", column = #Column(name="LOC")),
#AttributeOverride(name = "weekStart", column = #Column(name="WK_START")),
#AttributeOverride(name = "type", column = #Column(name="TYPE")),
#AttributeOverride(name = "forecastId", column = #Column(name="FCSTID"))
public PromoID getId() {
return id;
public void setId(PromoID id) {
this.id = id;
public String getItem() {
return item;
public void setItem(String item) {
this.item = item;
public String getLoc() {
return loc;
public void setLoc(String loc) {
this.loc = loc;
public String getWeekStart() {
return weekStart;
public void setWeekStart(String weekStart) {
this.weekStart = weekStart;
public String getNumberOfWeeks() {
return numberOfWeeks;
public void setNumberOfWeeks(String numberOfWeeks) {
this.numberOfWeeks = numberOfWeeks;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String getForecastId() {
return forecastId;
public void setForecastId(String forecastId) {
this.forecastId = forecastId;
public String getQty() {
return qty;
public void setQty(String qty) {
this.qty = qty;
public String getInsertTS() {
return insertTS;
public void setInsertTS(String insertTS) {
this.insertTS = insertTS;
My dao OracleImpl.java using EntityManager for persisting:
public void insertPromoData(List<InsertPromoData> insertData) {
logger.debug("Execution of method insertPromoData in Dao started");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
try {
System.out.println("Beginning transaction for insertPromoData");
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(env.getProperty("insertPromoData"));
for (InsertPromoData promoData : insertData) {
query.setParameter("item", promoData.getItem());
query.setParameter("location", promoData.getLoc());
query.setParameter("wkStart", promoData.getWeekStart());
query.setParameter("numberOfWeeks", promoData.getNumberOfWeeks());
query.setParameter("type", promoData.getType());
query.setParameter("fcstId", promoData.getForecastId());
query.setParameter("quantity", Double.valueOf(promoData.getQty()));
System.out.println("Data for promo persisted");
catch(Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception in beginning transaction");
finally {
logger.debug("Execution of method insertPromoData in Dao ended");
PromoValidator.java class:
List <InsertPromoData> insertPromos = new ArrayList<>();
promo.forEach(record -> {
if (record.getErrorList().size() == 0) {
insertPromos = (List<InsertPromoData>) new InsertPromoData();
for (InsertPromoData insertPromoData : insertPromos) {
} else {
if (rowsFailure == 0) {
Util.writeHeaderToFile(templateCd, errorFile);
Util.writeErrorToFile(templateCd, errorFile, record, record.getErrorList());
One of the reason this can happen is when insertData List you are passing is empty.
If I use below code ( please note that I have removed few columns to simplify it on my test environment with H2 database) - I get the error you described if empty list is passed and that's because there is indeed nothing to bind for the name parameter as the loop is not executed.
try {
System.out.println("Beginning transaction for insertPromoData");
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(
"INSERT INTO U_USER_PROMO (ITEM, LOC, WK_START, NUMBER_OF_WEEKS, TYPE, FCSTID, QTY) VALUES (:item, :location, :wkStart, :numberOfWeeks, :type, :fcstId, :quantity)");
for (InsertPromoData promoData : insertData) {
query.setParameter("item", promoData.getId().getItem());
query.setParameter("location", promoData.getId().getLoc());
query.setParameter("wkStart", promoData.getId().getWeekStart());
query.setParameter("numberOfWeeks", promoData.getNumberOfWeeks());
query.setParameter("type", promoData.getId().getType());
query.setParameter("fcstId", promoData.getId().getForecastId());
query.setParameter("quantity", Double.valueOf(promoData.getQty()));
System.out.println("Data for promo persisted");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
The error I get is
org.hibernate.QueryException: Named parameter not bound : item
at org.hibernate.query.internal.QueryParameterBindingsImpl.verifyParametersBound(QueryParameterBindingsImpl.java:210)
at org.hibernate.query.internal.AbstractProducedQuery.beforeQuery(AbstractProducedQuery.java:1425)
at org.hibernate.query.internal.NativeQueryImpl.beforeQuery(NativeQueryImpl.java:249)
at org.hibernate.query.internal.AbstractProducedQuery.executeUpdate(AbstractProducedQuery.java:1610)
at com.danielme.blog.nativesql.dao.UserDao.insertPromoData(UserDao.java:99)
However - if I pass non-empty list - this works as expected
SQLCustomQuery:72 - Starting processing of sql query [INSERT INTO U_USER_PROMO (ITEM, LOC, WK_START, NUMBER_OF_WEEKS, TYPE, FCSTID, QTY) VALUES (:item, :location, :wkStart, :numberOfWeeks, :type, :fcstId, :quantity)]
AbstractFlushingEventListener:74 - Flushing session
I also encountered same problem. I noticed that I was defining the parameter in the query but I was not setting its value in:
For example,
String hql = "FROM COLLEGE FETCH ALL PROPERTIES WHERE studentId = :studentId AND departmentId = :departmentId AND studentName = :studentName";
DBConnectionManager.getInstance().invokeCallableOnSessionMasterDB(session -> {
Query<CollegeEntity> query = session.createQuery(hql);
query.setParameter("studentId", studentId);
query.setParameter("departmentId", departmentId);
As you can see the student name value was not set. So, after adding:
query.setParameter("studentName", studentName);
It got solved.
GETRequest : localhost:8080/getbyCity/chennai,mumbai,kolkata -
error ---> when I send this request I got------->"Hibernate QueryException Named parameter not bound error".
Answer: when we send list of parameter we should mention the "/" at the End. ((( localhost:8080/getbyCity/chennai,mumbai,kolkata/ ))). Set the bound using "/".
In my case I have put same parameter name to the procedure as:
#Param("managementAccess") Boolean managementAccess,
#Param("managementAccess") String dealerCode,
#Param("managementAccess") String dealerName,
Here the parameter name is different but inside string the name is same.
Solution is:
#Param("managementAccess") Boolean managementAccess,
#Param("dealerCode") String dealerCode,
#Param("dealerName") String dealerName,

Oracle Coherence index not working with ContainsFilter query

I've added an index to a cache. The index uses a custom extractor that extends AbstractExtractor and overrides only the extract method to return a List of Strings. Then I have a ContainsFilter which uses the same custom extractor that looks for the occurence of a single String in the List of Strings. It does not look like my index is being used based on the time it takes to execute my test. What am I doing wrong? Also, is there some debugging I can switch on to see which indices are used?
public class DependencyIdExtractor extends AbstractExtractor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Object extract(Object oTarget) {
if (oTarget == null) {
return null;
if (oTarget instanceof CacheValue) {
CacheValue cacheValue = (CacheValue)oTarget;
// returns a List of String objects
return cacheValue.getDependencyIds();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Adding the index:
mCache = CacheFactory.getCache(pCacheName);
mCache.addIndex(new DependencyIdExtractor(), false, null);
Performing the ContainsFilter query:
public void invalidateByDependencyId(String pDependencyId) {
ContainsFilter vContainsFilter = new ContainsFilter(new DependencyIdExtractor(), pDependencyId);
Set setKeys = mCache.keySet(vContainsFilter);
I solved this by adding a hashCode and equals method implementation to the DependencyIdExtractor class. It is important that you use exactly the same value extractor when adding an index and creating your filter.
public class DependencyIdExtractor extends AbstractExtractor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Object extract(Object oTarget) {
if (oTarget == null) {
return null;
if (oTarget instanceof CacheValue) {
CacheValue cacheValue = (CacheValue)oTarget;
return cacheValue.getDependencyIds();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int hashCode() {
return 1;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (obj instanceof DependencyIdExtractor) {
return true;
return false;
To debug Coherence indices/queries, you can generate an explain plan similar to database query explain plans.
public void invalidateByDependencyId(String pDependencyId) {
ContainsFilter vContainsFilter = new ContainsFilter(new DependencyIdExtractor(), pDependencyId);
if (mLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
QueryRecorder agent = new QueryRecorder(RecordType.EXPLAIN);
Object resultsExplain = mCache.aggregate(vContainsFilter, agent);
mLog.trace("resultsExplain = \n" + resultsExplain + "\n");
Set setKeys = mCache.keySet(vContainsFilter);

Finding total number of matches to a query with lucene

I'm new to lucene so I don't know if it is possible, but I have an index and I would like to get the total amount of phrases in a subset of the index(the subset is defined by a filter).
I can use FilteredQuery with my Filter and a PhraseQuery to search for the phrase and thus I can count the documents in which this phrase occurs, but I can't seem to find a way to count the number of matches per document as well.
You can do this, see LUCENE-2590 for details.
For example code you can look at the unit tests for this feature.
I've copied the relevant code for phrase searchers below,
This is the collector,
private static class CountingCollector extends Collector {
private final Collector other;
private int docBase;
public final Map<Integer, Map<Query, Float>> docCounts = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Query, Float>>();
private final Map<Query, Scorer> subScorers = new HashMap<Query, Scorer>();
private final ScorerVisitor<Query, Query, Scorer> visitor = new MockScorerVisitor();
private final EnumSet<Occur> collect;
private class MockScorerVisitor extends ScorerVisitor<Query, Query, Scorer> {
public void visitOptional(Query parent, Query child, Scorer scorer) {
if (collect.contains(Occur.SHOULD))
subScorers.put(child, scorer);
public void visitProhibited(Query parent, Query child, Scorer scorer) {
if (collect.contains(Occur.MUST_NOT))
subScorers.put(child, scorer);
public void visitRequired(Query parent, Query child, Scorer scorer) {
if (collect.contains(Occur.MUST))
subScorers.put(child, scorer);
public CountingCollector(Collector other) {
this(other, EnumSet.allOf(Occur.class));
public CountingCollector(Collector other, EnumSet<Occur> collect) {
this.other = other;
this.collect = collect;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
final Map<Query, Float> freqs = new HashMap<Query, Float>();
for (Map.Entry<Query, Scorer> ent : subScorers.entrySet()) {
Scorer value = ent.getValue();
int matchId = value.docID();
freqs.put(ent.getKey(), matchId == doc ? value.freq() : 0.0f);
docCounts.put(doc + docBase, freqs);
public void setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
throws IOException {
this.docBase = docBase;
other.setNextReader(reader, docBase);
public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() {
return other.acceptsDocsOutOfOrder();
The unit test is,
public void testPhraseQuery() throws Exception {
PhraseQuery q = new PhraseQuery();
q.add(new Term("f", "b"));
q.add(new Term("f", "c"));
CountingCollector c = new CountingCollector(TopScoreDocCollector.create(10,
s.search(q, null, c);
final int maxDocs = s.maxDoc();
assertEquals(maxDocs, c.docCounts.size());
for (int i = 0; i < maxDocs; i++) {
Map<Query, Float> doc0 = c.docCounts.get(i);
assertEquals(1, doc0.size());
assertEquals(2.0F, doc0.get(q), FLOAT_TOLERANCE);
Map<Query, Float> doc1 = c.docCounts.get(++i);
assertEquals(1, doc1.size());
assertEquals(1.0F, doc1.get(q), FLOAT_TOLERANCE);

How does hive achieve count(distinct ...)?

In the GenericUDAFCount.java:
#Description(name = "count",
value = "_FUNC_(*) - Returns the total number of retrieved rows, including "
+ "rows containing NULL values.\n"
+ "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the number of rows for which the supplied "
+ "expression is non-NULL.\n"
+ "_FUNC_(DISTINCT expr[, expr...]) - Returns the number of rows for "
+ "which the supplied expression(s) are unique and non-NULL.")
but I don`t see any code to deal with the 'distinct' expression.
public static class GenericUDAFCountEvaluator extends GenericUDAFEvaluator {
private boolean countAllColumns = false;
private LongObjectInspector partialCountAggOI;
private LongWritable result;
public ObjectInspector init(Mode m, ObjectInspector[] parameters)
throws HiveException {
super.init(m, parameters);
partialCountAggOI =
result = new LongWritable(0);
return PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableLongObjectInspector;
private GenericUDAFCountEvaluator setCountAllColumns(boolean countAllCols) {
countAllColumns = countAllCols;
return this;
/** class for storing count value. */
static class CountAgg implements AggregationBuffer {
long value;
public AggregationBuffer getNewAggregationBuffer() throws HiveException {
CountAgg buffer = new CountAgg();
return buffer;
public void reset(AggregationBuffer agg) throws HiveException {
((CountAgg) agg).value = 0;
public void iterate(AggregationBuffer agg, Object[] parameters)
throws HiveException {
// parameters == null means the input table/split is empty
if (parameters == null) {
if (countAllColumns) {
assert parameters.length == 0;
((CountAgg) agg).value++;
} else {
assert parameters.length > 0;
boolean countThisRow = true;
for (Object nextParam : parameters) {
if (nextParam == null) {
countThisRow = false;
if (countThisRow) {
((CountAgg) agg).value++;
public void merge(AggregationBuffer agg, Object partial)
throws HiveException {
if (partial != null) {
long p = partialCountAggOI.get(partial);
((CountAgg) agg).value += p;
public Object terminate(AggregationBuffer agg) throws HiveException {
result.set(((CountAgg) agg).value);
return result;
public Object terminatePartial(AggregationBuffer agg) throws HiveException {
return terminate(agg);
How does hive achieve count(distinct ...)? When task runs, it really cost much time.
Where is it in the source code?
As you can just run SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM table1, DISTINCT expression isn't a flag or option, it's evaluated independently
This page says:
The actual filtering of data bound to parameter types for DISTINCT
implementation is handled by the framework and not the COUNT UDAF
If you want drill down to source details, have a look into hive git repository

why does hibernate hql distinct cause an sql distinct on left join?

I've got this test HQL:
select distinct o from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems
and it does generate an SQL distinct without an obvious reason:
select distinct order0_.id as id61_0_, orderline1_.order_id as order1_62_1_...
The SQL resultset is always the same (with and without an SQL distinct):
order id | order name | orderline id | orderline name
1 | foo | 1 | foo item
1 | foo | 2 | bar item
1 | foo | 3 | test item
2 | empty | NULL | NULL
3 | bar | 4 | qwerty item
3 | bar | 5 | asdfgh item
Why does hibernate generate the SQL distinct? The SQL distinct doesn't make any sense and makes the query slower than needed.
This is contrary to the FAQ which mentions that hql distinct in this case is just a shortcut for the result transformer:
session.createQuery("select distinct o
from Order o left join fetch
It looks like you are using the SQL DISTINCT keyword here. Of course, this is not SQL, this is HQL. This distinct is just a shortcut for the result transformer, in this case. Yes, in other cases an HQL distinct will translate straight into a SQL DISTINCT. Not in this case: you can not filter out duplicates at the SQL level, the very nature of a product/join forbids this - you want the duplicates or you don't get all the data you need.
Have a closer look at the sql statement that hibernate generates - yes it does use the "distinct" keyword but not in the way I think you are expecting it to (or the way that the Hibernate FAQ is implying) i.e. to return a set of "distinct" or "unique" orders.
It doesn't use the distinct keyword to return distinct orders, as that wouldn't make sense in that SQL query, considering the join that you have also specified.
The resulting sql set still needs processing by the ResultTransformer, as clearly the sql set contains duplicate orders. That's why they say that the HQL distinct keyword doesn't directly map to the SQL distinct keyword.
I had the exact same problem and I think this is an Hibernate issue (not a bug because code doesn't fail). However, I have to dig deeper to make sure it's an issue.
Hibernate (at least in version 4 which its the version I'm working on my project, specifically 4.3.11) uses the concept of SPI, long story short: its like an API to extend or modify the framework.
I took advantage of this feature to replace the classes org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory (This class is called by Hibernate and delegates the job of generating the SQL query) and org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl (This is sort of an internal class which is called by org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory and generates the actual SQL query). I did it as follows:
Replacement for org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast;
import java.util.Map;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.EntityGraphQueryHint;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.QueryTranslator;
public class NoDistinctInSQLASTQueryTranslatorFactory extends ASTQueryTranslatorFactory {
public QueryTranslator createQueryTranslator(String queryIdentifier, String queryString, Map filters, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
return new NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl(queryIdentifier, queryString, filters, factory, entityGraphQueryHint);
Replacement for org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl:
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.EntityGraphQueryHint;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.SqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.BasicExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.DeleteExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.MultiTableDeleteExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.MultiTableUpdateExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.StatementExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.AggregatedSelectExpression;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.InsertStatement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.QueryNode;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.Statement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTPrinter;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTUtil;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.NodeTraverser;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.FilterTranslator;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.ParameterTranslations;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.IdentitySet;
import org.hibernate.loader.hql.QueryLoader;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import antlr.ANTLRException;
import antlr.RecognitionException;
import antlr.TokenStreamException;
import antlr.collections.AST;
* A QueryTranslator that uses an Antlr-based parser.
* #author Joshua Davis (pgmjsd#sourceforge.net)
public class NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl extends QueryTranslatorImpl implements FilterTranslator {
private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(
private SessionFactoryImplementor factory;
private final String queryIdentifier;
private String hql;
private boolean shallowQuery;
private Map tokenReplacements;
//TODO:this is only needed during compilation .. can we eliminate the instvar?
private Map enabledFilters;
private boolean compiled;
private QueryLoader queryLoader;
private StatementExecutor statementExecutor;
private Statement sqlAst;
private String sql;
private ParameterTranslations paramTranslations;
private List<ParameterSpecification> collectedParameterSpecifications;
private EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint;
* Creates a new AST-based query translator.
* #param queryIdentifier The query-identifier (used in stats collection)
* #param query The hql query to translate
* #param enabledFilters Currently enabled filters
* #param factory The session factory constructing this translator instance.
public NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl(
String queryIdentifier,
String query,
Map enabledFilters,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
super(queryIdentifier, query, enabledFilters, factory);
this.queryIdentifier = queryIdentifier;
this.hql = query;
this.compiled = false;
this.shallowQuery = false;
this.enabledFilters = enabledFilters;
this.factory = factory;
public NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl(
String queryIdentifier,
String query,
Map enabledFilters,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
this(queryIdentifier, query, enabledFilters, factory);
this.entityGraphQueryHint = entityGraphQueryHint;
* Compile a "normal" query. This method may be called multiple times.
* Subsequent invocations are no-ops.
* #param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* #param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id)
* select?
* #throws QueryException There was a problem parsing the query string.
* #throws MappingException There was a problem querying defined mappings.
public void compile(
Map replacements,
boolean shallow) throws QueryException, MappingException {
doCompile(replacements, shallow, null);
* Compile a filter. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent
* invocations are no-ops.
* #param collectionRole the role name of the collection used as the basis
* for the filter.
* #param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* #param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id)
* select?
* #throws QueryException There was a problem parsing the query string.
* #throws MappingException There was a problem querying defined mappings.
public void compile(
String collectionRole,
Map replacements,
boolean shallow) throws QueryException, MappingException {
doCompile(replacements, shallow, collectionRole);
* Performs both filter and non-filter compiling.
* #param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* #param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id)
* select?
* #param collectionRole the role name of the collection used as the basis
* for the filter, NULL if this is not a filter.
private synchronized void doCompile(Map replacements, boolean shallow, String collectionRole) {
// If the query is already compiled, skip the compilation.
if (compiled) {
LOG.debug("compile() : The query is already compiled, skipping...");
// Remember the parameters for the compilation.
this.tokenReplacements = replacements;
if (tokenReplacements == null) {
tokenReplacements = new HashMap();
this.shallowQuery = shallow;
try {
// PHASE 1 : Parse the HQL into an AST.
final HqlParser parser = parse(true);
// PHASE 2 : Analyze the HQL AST, and produce an SQL AST.
final HqlSqlWalker w = analyze(parser, collectionRole);
sqlAst = (Statement) w.getAST();
// at some point the generate phase needs to be moved out of here,
// because a single object-level DML might spawn multiple SQL DML
// command executions.
// Possible to just move the sql generation for dml stuff, but for
// consistency-sake probably best to just move responsiblity for
// the generation phase completely into the delegates
// (QueryLoader/StatementExecutor) themselves. Also, not sure why
// QueryLoader currently even has a dependency on this at all; does
// it need it? Ideally like to see the walker itself given to the delegates directly...
if (sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
statementExecutor = buildAppropriateStatementExecutor(w);
} else {
// PHASE 3 : Generate the SQL.
generate((QueryNode) sqlAst);
queryLoader = new QueryLoader(this, factory, w.getSelectClause());
compiled = true;
} catch (QueryException qe) {
if (qe.getQueryString() == null) {
throw qe.wrapWithQueryString(hql);
} else {
throw qe;
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
// we do not actually propagate ANTLRExceptions as a cause, so
// log it here for diagnostic purposes
LOG.trace("Converted antlr.RecognitionException", e);
throw QuerySyntaxException.convert(e, hql);
} catch (ANTLRException e) {
// we do not actually propagate ANTLRExceptions as a cause, so
// log it here for diagnostic purposes
LOG.trace("Converted antlr.ANTLRException", e);
throw new QueryException(e.getMessage(), hql);
//only needed during compilation phase...
this.enabledFilters = null;
private void generate(AST sqlAst) throws QueryException, RecognitionException {
if (sql == null) {
final SqlGenerator gen = new SqlGenerator(factory);
sql = gen.getSQL();
//Hack: The distinct operator is removed from the sql
//string to avoid executing a distinct query in the db server when
//the distinct is used in hql.
sql = sql.replace("distinct", "");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debugf("HQL: %s", hql);
LOG.debugf("SQL: %s", sql);
collectedParameterSpecifications = gen.getCollectedParameters();
private static final ASTPrinter SQL_TOKEN_PRINTER = new ASTPrinter(SqlTokenTypes.class);
private HqlSqlWalker analyze(HqlParser parser, String collectionRole) throws QueryException, RecognitionException {
final HqlSqlWalker w = new HqlSqlWalker(this, factory, parser, tokenReplacements, collectionRole);
final AST hqlAst = parser.getAST();
// Transform the tree.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(SQL_TOKEN_PRINTER.showAsString(w.getAST(), "--- SQL AST ---"));
return w;
private HqlParser parse(boolean filter) throws TokenStreamException, RecognitionException {
// Parse the query string into an HQL AST.
final HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance(hql);
LOG.debugf("parse() - HQL: %s", hql);
final AST hqlAst = parser.getAST();
final NodeTraverser walker = new NodeTraverser(new JavaConstantConverter());
return parser;
private static final ASTPrinter HQL_TOKEN_PRINTER = new ASTPrinter(HqlTokenTypes.class);
void showHqlAst(AST hqlAst) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(HQL_TOKEN_PRINTER.showAsString(hqlAst, "--- HQL AST ---"));
private void errorIfDML() throws HibernateException {
if (sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
throw new QueryExecutionRequestException("Not supported for DML operations", hql);
private void errorIfSelect() throws HibernateException {
if (!sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
throw new QueryExecutionRequestException("Not supported for select queries", hql);
public String getQueryIdentifier() {
return queryIdentifier;
public Statement getSqlAST() {
return sqlAst;
private HqlSqlWalker getWalker() {
return sqlAst.getWalker();
* Types of the return values of an <tt>iterate()</tt> style query.
* #return an array of <tt>Type</tt>s.
public Type[] getReturnTypes() {
return getWalker().getReturnTypes();
public String[] getReturnAliases() {
return getWalker().getReturnAliases();
public String[][] getColumnNames() {
return getWalker().getSelectClause().getColumnNames();
public Set<Serializable> getQuerySpaces() {
return getWalker().getQuerySpaces();
public List list(SessionImplementor session, QueryParameters queryParameters)
throws HibernateException {
// Delegate to the QueryLoader...
final QueryNode query = (QueryNode) sqlAst;
final boolean hasLimit = queryParameters.getRowSelection() != null && queryParameters.getRowSelection().definesLimits();
final boolean needsDistincting = (query.getSelectClause().isDistinct() || hasLimit) && containsCollectionFetches();
QueryParameters queryParametersToUse;
if (hasLimit && containsCollectionFetches()) {
RowSelection selection = new RowSelection();
queryParametersToUse = queryParameters.createCopyUsing(selection);
} else {
queryParametersToUse = queryParameters;
List results = queryLoader.list(session, queryParametersToUse);
if (needsDistincting) {
int includedCount = -1;
// NOTE : firstRow is zero-based
int first = !hasLimit || queryParameters.getRowSelection().getFirstRow() == null
? 0
: queryParameters.getRowSelection().getFirstRow();
int max = !hasLimit || queryParameters.getRowSelection().getMaxRows() == null
? -1
: queryParameters.getRowSelection().getMaxRows();
List tmp = new ArrayList();
IdentitySet distinction = new IdentitySet();
for (final Object result : results) {
if (!distinction.add(result)) {
if (includedCount < first) {
// NOTE : ( max - 1 ) because first is zero-based while max is not...
if (max >= 0 && (includedCount - first) >= (max - 1)) {
results = tmp;
return results;
* Return the query results as an iterator
public Iterator iterate(QueryParameters queryParameters, EventSource session)
throws HibernateException {
// Delegate to the QueryLoader...
return queryLoader.iterate(queryParameters, session);
* Return the query results, as an instance of <tt>ScrollableResults</tt>
public ScrollableResults scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters, SessionImplementor session)
throws HibernateException {
// Delegate to the QueryLoader...
return queryLoader.scroll(queryParameters, session);
public int executeUpdate(QueryParameters queryParameters, SessionImplementor session)
throws HibernateException {
return statementExecutor.execute(queryParameters, session);
* The SQL query string to be called; implemented by all subclasses
public String getSQLString() {
return sql;
public List<String> collectSqlStrings() {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (isManipulationStatement()) {
String[] sqlStatements = statementExecutor.getSqlStatements();
Collections.addAll(list, sqlStatements);
} else {
return list;
// -- Package local methods for the QueryLoader delegate --
public boolean isShallowQuery() {
return shallowQuery;
public String getQueryString() {
return hql;
public Map getEnabledFilters() {
return enabledFilters;
public int[] getNamedParameterLocs(String name) {
return getWalker().getNamedParameterLocations(name);
public boolean containsCollectionFetches() {
List collectionFetches = ((QueryNode) sqlAst).getFromClause().getCollectionFetches();
return collectionFetches != null && collectionFetches.size() > 0;
public boolean isManipulationStatement() {
return sqlAst.needsExecutor();
public void validateScrollability() throws HibernateException {
// Impl Note: allows multiple collection fetches as long as the
// entire fecthed graph still "points back" to a single
// root entity for return
final QueryNode query = (QueryNode) sqlAst;
// If there are no collection fetches, then no further checks are needed
List collectionFetches = query.getFromClause().getCollectionFetches();
if (collectionFetches.isEmpty()) {
// A shallow query is ok (although technically there should be no fetching here...)
if (isShallowQuery()) {
// Otherwise, we have a non-scalar select with defined collection fetch(es).
// Make sure that there is only a single root entity in the return (no tuples)
if (getReturnTypes().length > 1) {
throw new HibernateException("cannot scroll with collection fetches and returned tuples");
FromElement owner = null;
for (Object o : query.getSelectClause().getFromElementsForLoad()) {
// should be the first, but just to be safe...
final FromElement fromElement = (FromElement) o;
if (fromElement.getOrigin() == null) {
owner = fromElement;
if (owner == null) {
throw new HibernateException("unable to locate collection fetch(es) owner for scrollability checks");
// This is not strictly true. We actually just need to make sure that
// it is ordered by root-entity PK and that that order-by comes before
// any non-root-entity ordering...
AST primaryOrdering = query.getOrderByClause().getFirstChild();
if (primaryOrdering != null) {
// TODO : this is a bit dodgy, come up with a better way to check this (plus see above comment)
String[] idColNames = owner.getQueryable().getIdentifierColumnNames();
String expectedPrimaryOrderSeq = StringHelper.join(
", ",
StringHelper.qualify(owner.getTableAlias(), idColNames)
if (!primaryOrdering.getText().startsWith(expectedPrimaryOrderSeq)) {
throw new HibernateException("cannot scroll results with collection fetches which are not ordered primarily by the root entity's PK");
private StatementExecutor buildAppropriateStatementExecutor(HqlSqlWalker walker) {
final Statement statement = (Statement) walker.getAST();
switch (walker.getStatementType()) {
case HqlSqlTokenTypes.DELETE: {
final FromElement fromElement = walker.getFinalFromClause().getFromElement();
final Queryable persister = fromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
return new MultiTableDeleteExecutor(walker);
} else {
return new DeleteExecutor(walker, persister);
case HqlSqlTokenTypes.UPDATE: {
final FromElement fromElement = walker.getFinalFromClause().getFromElement();
final Queryable persister = fromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
// even here, if only properties mapped to the "base table" are referenced
// in the set and where clauses, this could be handled by the BasicDelegate.
// TODO : decide if it is better performance-wise to doAfterTransactionCompletion that check, or to simply use the MultiTableUpdateDelegate
return new MultiTableUpdateExecutor(walker);
} else {
return new BasicExecutor(walker, persister);
case HqlSqlTokenTypes.INSERT:
return new BasicExecutor(walker, ((InsertStatement) statement).getIntoClause().getQueryable());
throw new QueryException("Unexpected statement type");
public ParameterTranslations getParameterTranslations() {
if (paramTranslations == null) {
paramTranslations = new ParameterTranslationsImpl(getWalker().getParameters());
return paramTranslations;
public List<ParameterSpecification> getCollectedParameterSpecifications() {
return collectedParameterSpecifications;
public Class getDynamicInstantiationResultType() {
AggregatedSelectExpression aggregation = queryLoader.getAggregatedSelectExpression();
return aggregation == null ? null : aggregation.getAggregationResultType();
public static class JavaConstantConverter implements NodeTraverser.VisitationStrategy {
private AST dotRoot;
public void visit(AST node) {
if (dotRoot != null) {
// we are already processing a dot-structure
if (ASTUtil.isSubtreeChild(dotRoot, node)) {
// we are now at a new tree level
dotRoot = null;
if (node.getType() == HqlTokenTypes.DOT) {
dotRoot = node;
private void handleDotStructure(AST dotStructureRoot) {
final String expression = ASTUtil.getPathText(dotStructureRoot);
final Object constant = ReflectHelper.getConstantValue(expression);
if (constant != null) {
public EntityGraphQueryHint getEntityGraphQueryHint() {
return entityGraphQueryHint;
public void setEntityGraphQueryHint(EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
this.entityGraphQueryHint = entityGraphQueryHint;
If you follow the code flow you will notice that I just modified the method private void generate(AST sqlAst) throws QueryException, RecognitionException and added the a following lines:
//Hack: The distinct keywordis removed from the sql string to
//avoid executing a distinct query in the DBMS when the distinct
//is used in hql.
sql = sql.replace("distinct", "");
What I do with this code is to remove the distinct keyword from the generated SQL query.
After creating the classes above, I added the following line in the hibernate configuration file:
<property name="hibernate.query.factory_class">org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.NoDistinctInSQLASTQueryTranslatorFactory</property>
This line tells hibernate to use my custom class to parse HQL queries and generate SQL queries without the distinct keyword. Notice I created my custom classes in the same package where the original HQL parser resides.