Path aliases not working in vue script block - vue.js

I'm trying to completely understand the path aliases with Vue and Vite.
Outside of the <script> block (e.g. <style> and <template> or other .js files) absolute paths with ~ or the # alias, for getting the root directory are working. But inside I still need to use ../../../ for getting back to the root. If I try using ~ or # I get errors for files not being found.
Also wouldn't # and ~ do the same in that case?
// Somehow working cause it's no component but a mere .js file
import {
} from '#/services/signup/filterwords.js';
// Working
import passwordMeter from '../../utility/PasswordMeter.vue';
// Not working
import passwordMeter from '~/utility/PasswordMeter.vue';
import passwordMeter from '#/utility/PasswordMeter.vue';

Do proper changes in vite.config.js. Tested this locally and it solves it.
Add '~' if you also want to use that.
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
const path = require('path')
export default defineConfig({
'#' : path.resolve(__dirname, './src')
plugins: [vue()]
Credit to this article:


How to make create-vue parse JSX without problems (as VueCLI does)

I use JSX extensively to customize Naive-UI library elements. But after migrating from VueCLI to create-vue, I noticed it looks like create-vue doesn't understand JSX in .vue file at all. For example it throws Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' for this:
const x = <div>Hi all</div>;
But VueCLI does understand... So the question is:
How to make create-vue parse JSX without problems (as VueCLI does)?
PS. Here is vite.config.js
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "node:url";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "#vitejs/plugin-vue";
import vueJsx from "#vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), vueJsx()],
resolve: {
alias: {
"#": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
To use JSX in .vue files, make sure to use <script lang="jsx"> (or "tsx" if using TypeScript)

Icons not shown for controls [duplicate]

I have an application that uses UIkit, Less for local styling, and Vite for frontend tooling (bundling and whatnot). I'm not sure that this is relevant, but this is a Vue 2/Webpack application that I'm upgrading to Vue 3/Vite.
Per UIkit's Less documentation, we import UIkit's uikit.theme.less file in our project's base less file. UIkit's stylesheets have some relative paths to SVG files that get run through less's data-uri function (examples below). That worked fine with Webpack, but with Vite it's not quite working. As I understand it, for small files, data-uri will UTF-8 encode the asset and essentially inline it--at least that's what we got in our Webpack bundles. But with our Vite build, it seems these relative image paths aren't being resolved, data-uri hence falls back to a url(), and we get 404s for the images.
For example, in UIkit's code the relative path to a spinner image is defined here; it's used in a And here that path is passed to a .svg-fill mixin (here). When we bundle the code using Vite, or run a local dev server, the result is:
background-image: url(../../images/backgrounds/form-select.svg);
That, of course, doesn't load because the "images" directory is relative to the form.less file. In Webpack, the output was as expected:
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='24' height='16' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill='%23001c30' d='M12 1 9 6h6zM12 13 9 8h6z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
For this type of question, I would normally include an HTML/CSS/JS snippet; however, I don't think SO supports Vite. As such, I'm including a small Stackblitz that minimally demonstrates the issue: Please see main.js, style.less, and note that there's a 404 error in the console complaining about the aforementioned form-select.svg file.
In case the question isn't clear, how can I get Vite to resolve images which are relative to a dependency in node_modules?
Thanks in advance.
A workaround is to configure resolve.alias to point ../../images to uikit/src/images (which resolves to the uikit package under node_modules/). This tells Vite how to resolve the problematic relative image paths.
The resolve.alias config is passed to #rollup/plugin-alias as entries. Each entry can have a custom resolver that can be used to only replace imports from UIKit. However, it requires that the import of uikit.theme.less be in its own file so that the custom resolver can correctly identify the importer in order to determine when to replace the import.
Put the import of uikit.theme.less in its own file, and import that from main.js (not from style.less):
// style.less
// #import './node_modules/uikit/src/less/uikit.theme.less'; ❌ move to own file
// my-uikit.less
#import './node_modules/uikit/src/less/uikit.theme.less';
// main.js
import './style.less';
import './my-uikit.less';
Create vite.config.js with the following configuration:
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { basename } from 'path';
export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: [
find: '../../images',
replacement: '',
customResolver(updatedId, importer, resolveOptions) {
// don't replace if importer is not our my-uikit.less
if (basename(importer) !== 'my-uikit.less') {
return '../../images';
return fileURLToPath(
new URL(
'./node_modules/uikit/src/images' + updatedId,

How to fix the asset file path in my Vue (Vite) application build?

I recently completed a small project in Vue, but when I uploaded it to my server, I am just seeing a blank screen. From my research, I discovered it was likely an issue relating to the asset path as I had it in a sub-directory ( After some time trying to fix it by editing the vite.config.js file, I gave up and decided to host it in a subdomain ( instead, where it is now.
The problem is, the index.html now thinks the assets files are at, which is true I suppose, but they don't seem to be working from there (nor should they be). Frustratingly, when the build is in, the assets directory is, so it's broken no matter where I have it.
I based my project on the Vue.js quick start guide using vite.
My complete repo is on GitHub, and this is the vite.config.js file:
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
import vueJsx from '#vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), vueJsx()],
resolve: {
alias: {
'#': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url))
Thanks to anyone who is able to help.
The subdirectory on your site is /portfolio/wii/, so you should configure the base URL to match:
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
base: '/portfolio/wii/'

Loading vuetify in a package that i use in a vuetify project

What is the correct way of loading vuetify into a package that i use in a vuetify project?
When serving projects it all seems to work fine but when i build the project i've got some issues with the css/sass
things i've tried:
With vuetify loader: the css is loaded twice so i can't overwrite sass variables
Without vuetify loader: the package doesn't have the vuetify css, so it looks horrible
Without vuetify loader with vuetify.min.css: the css is loaded twice so i can't overwrite sass variables, and the loaded css is all the css so it's huge
My package is called vuetify-resource, and this is the source code of the index.js (without the vuetify loader) At this point everything works on npm run serve But when i build the package doesn't have "access" to the vuetify css.
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
import VuetifyResourceComponent from './VuetifyResource.vue';
const VuetifyResource = {
install(Vue, options) {
Vue.component('vuetify-resource', VuetifyResourceComponent);
export default VuetifyResource;
To solve my issue i had to do a couple of things.
Make peer dependencies of vuetify and vue
add vuetify to the webpack externals, so when someone uses the package, the package uses that projects vuetify
not longer import vue and vuetify in the index.js it's not needed, the project that uses the package imports that
import the specific components that you use in every .vue file
for example:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
externals: {'vuetify/lib': 'vuetify/lib'},
import VuetifyResourceComponent from './VuetifyResource.vue';
const VuetifyResource = {
install(Vue, options) {
Vue.component('vuetify-resource', VuetifyResourceComponent);
export default VuetifyResource;
part of the component.vue
import { VDataTable } from 'vuetify/lib';
export default {
name: 'vuetify-resource',
components: {
Step 4 in Ricardo's answer is not needed if you use vuetify-loader, it will do the job for you.
And I would modify step 2 to also exclude Vuetify's styles/css from your bundle. If you don't exclude them you can run into styling issues when the Vuetify version differ between your library and your application.
Use a regular expression in vue.config.js like this: configureWebpack: { externals: /^vuetify\// }. That way, only your own styles are included in the library bundle.

StencilJs set Typo

I started using Stencil a few weeks ago and I was wondering if there is a way to set a global sass file to handle typo.
I already created a variables.scss file under global folder and I also tried with global.scss but without success.
There's a globalStyle config option (see
If you're already using #stencil/sass in your project, then you just need to add the config option:
// stencil.config.ts
import { Config } from '#stencil/core';
import { sass } from '#stencil/sass';
export const config: Config {
namespace: 'app',
plugins: [sass()],
// ...
globalStyle: 'src/global/variables.scss'
If you want to include multiple files in your global stylesheet, it makes sense to have a file like src/global/app.scss and then use #import to include other files in there.
Note that this will generate a file www/build/<namespace>.css (for the www output target) which you will have to include in the head of your index.html manually:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/build/app.css">