Batch read from DBs - sql

Im a bit confused on how golangs sql package reads large datasets into memory. In this previous stackoverflow question - How to set fetch size in golang?, there seems to be conflicting ideas on whether batching of large datasets on read happens or not.
I am writing a go binary that connects to different remote DBs based on input params given and fetches resutls and subsequently converts them to a csv file. Suppose I have a query that returns a lot of rows; say 20 million rows. Loading this all at once in memory would be very exhaustive. Does the library batch the results automatically and only on row.Next() load the next batch into memory ?
If the db/sql package does not handle it, are there options in the various driver packages ? - From this issue and discussion, I understand that the general idea is to have the driver packages handle this. As mentioned in the issue and also in this blog, I found out that golangs oracle driver package has this option that I can pass for batching. But am not able to find an equivalent in the other driver packages.
To summarize -
Does db/sql batch read results automatically.
If yes, then my 2nd & 3rd question does not matter
If no, are there options that I can pass to the various driver pacakges to set the batch size and where can I find what these options are. I have already tried looking at pgx docs and cannot find anything there that sets a batch size.
Is there any other way to batch reads like a prepared statement with configuration specifying the batch size ?
Some clarifications:
My question is when the a query returns a large dataset, is the entire dataset loaded into memory or is it batched whether internally by some code that is called downstream from rows.Next or not.
From what I can see there is a chunk reader that gets created with a default 8kb size and is used to chunk. Are there cases where this does not happen ? Or are the results from db always chunked.
Is there any way this 8kb buffer size that the chunk reader uses configurable ?
For more clarity, I am adding what is existing in java. This is what already exists and I am looking to rewrite it in golang.
private static final int RESULT_SIZE = 10000;
private void generate() {
... //connection and other code...
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
ResultSet resultset = stmt.executeQuery(dataQuery);
String fileInHome = getFullFileName(filePath, manager, parentDir);
rsToCSV(resultset, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileInHome)));
private void rsToCSV(ResultSet rs, BufferedWriter os) throws SQLException {
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
int columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount();
try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(os)) {
readHeaders(metaData, columnCount, pw);
if ( {
readRow(rs, metaData, columnCount, pw);
while ( {
readRow(rs, metaData, columnCount, pw);
The stmt.setFetchSize(RESULT_SIZE); sets the number of rows to return in each result set which is then processed one by one to a csv.


Changing the GemFire query ResultSender batch size

I am experiencing a performance issue related to the default batch size of the query ResultSender using client/server config. I believe the default value is 100.
If I run a simple query to get keys (with some order by columns due to the PARTITION Region type), this default batch size causes too many chunks being sent back for even 1000 records. In my tests, even the total query time is only less than 100 ms, however, the app takes more than 10 seconds to process those chunks.
Reading between the lines in your problem statement, it seems you are:
Executing an OQL query on a PARTITION Region (PR).
Running the query inside a Function as recommended when executing queries on a PR.
Sending batch results (as opposed to streaming the results).
I also assume since you posted exclusively in the #spring-data-gemfire channel, that you are using Spring Data GemFire (SDG) to:
Execute the query (e.g. by using the SDG GemfireTemplate; Of course, I suppose you could also be using the GemFire Query API inside your Function directly, too)?
Implemented the server-side Function using SDG's Function annotation support?
And, are possibly (indirectly) using SDG's BatchingResultSender, as described in the documentation?
NOTE: The default batch size in SDG is 0, NOT 100. Zero means stream the results individually.
Regarding #2 & #3, your implementation might look something like the following:
class MyApplicationFunctions {
#GemfireFunction(id = "MyFunction", batchSize = "1000")
public List<SomeApplicationType> myFunction(FunctionContext functionContext) {
RegionFunctionContext regionFunctionContext =
(RegionFunctionContext) functionContext;
Region<?, ?> region = regionFunctionContext.getDataSet();
if (PartitionRegionHelper.isPartitionRegion(region)) {
region = PartitionRegionHelper.getLocalDataForContext(regionFunctionContext);
GemfireTemplate template = new GemfireTemplate(region);
String OQL = "...";
SelectResults<?> results = template.query(OQL); // or `template.find(OQL, args);`
List<SomeApplicationType> list = ...;
// process results, convert to SomeApplicationType, add to list
return list;
NOTE: Since you are most likely executing this Function "on Region", the FunctionContext type will actually be a RegionFunctionContext in this case.
The batchSize attribute on the SDG #GemfireFunction annotation (used for Function "implementations") allows you to control the batch size.
Of course, instead of using SDG's GemfireTemplate to execute queries, you can, of course, use the GemFire Query API directly, as mentioned above.
If you need even more fine grained control over "result sending", then you can simply "inject" the ResultSender provided by GemFire to the Function, even if the Function is implemented using SDG, as shown above. For example you can do:
class MyApplicationFunctions {
#GemfireFunction(id = "MyFunction")
public void myFunction(FunctionContext functionContext, ResultSender resultSender) {
SelectResults<?> results = ...;
// now process the results and use the `resultSender` directly
This allows you to "send" the results however you see fit, as required by your application.
You can batch/chunk results, stream, whatever.
Although, you should be mindful of the "receiving" side in this case!
The 1 thing that might not be apparent to the average GemFire user is that GemFire's default ResultCollector implementation collects "all" the results first before returning them to the application. This means the receiving side does not support streaming or batching/chunking of the results, allowing them to be processed immediately when the server sends the results (either streamed, batched/chunked, or otherwise).
Once again, SDG helps you out here since you can provide a custom ResultCollector on the Function "execution" (client-side), for example:
#OnRegion("SomePartitionRegion", resultCollector="myResultCollector")
interface MyApplicationFunctionExecution {
void myFunction();
In your Spring configuration, you would then have:
class ApplicationGemFireConfiguration {
ResultCollector myResultCollector() {
return ...;
Your "custom" ResultCollector could return results as a stream, a batch/chunk at a time, etc.
In fact, I have prototyped a "streaming" ResultCollector implementation that will eventually be added to SDG, here.
Anyway, this should give you some ideas on how to handle the performance problem you seem to be experiencing. 1000 results is not a lot of data so I suspect your problem is mostly self-inflicted.
Hope this helps!
Just to clarify, I use client/server topology(actually wan, but that is not important in here). My client is a spring boot web app which has kendo grid as ui. Users can filter/sort on any combination of the columns, which will be passed to the spring boot app for generating dynamic OQL and create the pagination. Till now, except for being dynamic, my OQL queries are quite straight forward. I do not want to introduce server side functions due to the complexity of our global deployment process. But I can if you think that is something I have to do.
Again, thanks for your answers.

OutOfMemory on custom extractor

I have stitched a lot of small XML files into one file, and then made a custom extractor to return rows with one byte array that corresponds to each file.
Run on remote/master
Run it for one file (gzipped, 11Mb), it works fine.
Run it for more than one file, I get a System.OutOfMemoryException.
Run on local/master
Run it for one or more files (gzipped 500+ Mbs), works fine.
Extractor looks like this:
public override IEnumerable<IRow> Extract(IUnstructuredReader input, IUpdatableRow output)
using (var stream = new StreamReader(input.BaseStream))
var xml = stream.ReadToEnd();
// Clean stiched XML
xml = UtilsXml.CleanXml(xml);
// Get nodes - one for each stiched file
var d = new XmlDocument();
var root = d.FirstChild;
for (int i = 0; i < root.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
output.Set<object>(1, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(root.ChildNodes[i].OuterXml.ToString()));
yield return output.AsReadOnly();
yield break;
and error message looks like this:
==== Caught exception System.OutOfMemoryException
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateTextNode(String text)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadAttributeNode()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at Microsoft.Analytics.Tools.Formats.Text.XmlByteArrayRowExtractor.<Extract>d__0.MoveNext()
at ScopeEngine.SqlIpExtractor<ScopeEngine::GZipInput,Extract_0_Data0>.GetNextRow(SqlIpExtractor<ScopeEngine::GZipInput\,Extract_0_Data0>* , Extract_0_Data0* output) in d:\data\ccs\jobs\bc367467-ef86-43d2-a937-46ba2d4cc524_v0\sqlmanaged.h:line 1924
So what am I doing wrong? And how do I debug this on remote?
Unfortunately local run does not enforce memory allocations, so you would have to check memory in local vertex debug yourself.
Looking at your code above, I see that you are loading XML documents into a DOM. Please note that an XML DOM can explode the data size from the string representation up to a factor of 10 or more (I have seen 2 to 12 in my times as the resident SQL XML guru).
Each UDO today only gets 1/2 GB of RAM to play with. So what I assume is that your XML DOM document(s) start going beyond that.
The recommendation normally is that you use the XMLReader interface (there is a reader extractor in the samples on as well) and scan through the document(s) to find the information you are looking for.
If your documents are always small enough (e.g., <20MB), you may want to make sure that you release the memory of the other documents and operate one document at a time.
We do have plans to allow you to annotate your UDO with memory needs, but that is still a bit out.

How to access files stored in SQL Server's FileTable?

As I know SQL Server since version 2012 has a new feature, FileTable. It allows us to store files in the file system and to use them from T-SQL.
I am trying to use this feature and I have no idea how to do it properly.
Generally, I don't know how to access files stored in the file table. Let's suppose I have MVC app and there are a lot of images which I show on web pages in img tags. I would like to store these images in Filetable and access them as files from the filesystem. But I don't know where these files are stored and how to use them as files. Now my images are stored in web application directory in folder images and I write something like this:
<img src='/images/mypicture.png' />
And if I move my images to file table what I should write in src?
<img src='path-toimage-in-filetable' />
I don't think you still need this, anyways I'll post my answer for anyone else interested.
First, a filetable still being a table, so, if you want to access to data from it you need to use a Select SQL statement. So you'd need something like:
select name, file_stream from filetable_name
name = 'file_name',
file_type = 'file_extension'
just execute an statement like this in your app, then fetch the results and use the file_stream column to get the binary data of the stored file. If you want to retrieve the file from HTML, first you need to create an action in your controller, which will return the retrieved file:
public ActionResult GetFile(){
return File(file.file_stream,file.file_type);
After this, put in you HTML tag something like:
<img src="/controller/GetFile" />
hope this could help!
If you want to know the schema of a filetable see
I assume by FileTable you actually mean FileStream. A couple notes about that:
This feature is best used if your files are actually files
The files should be, on average, greater than 1mb - although there can be exceptions to this rule, if they're smaller than 1mb on average, you may be better off using a VARBINARY(MAX) or XML data type as appropriate. If your images are very small on average (only a few KB), consider using a VARBINARY(MAX) column.
Accessing these files will require an open transaction and that the database is properly configured for FILESTREAM
You can get some significant advantages bypassing the normal SQL engine/database file method of data access by telling SQL Server that you want to access the file directly, however it's not meant for directly accessing the file on the file system and attempting to do so can break SQL's management of these files (transactional consistency, tracking, locking, etc.).
It's pretty likely that your use case here would be better served by using a CDN and storing image URLs in the table if you really need SQL for this. You can use FILESTREAM to do this (see code sample below for one implementation), but you'll be hammering your SQL server for every request unless you store the images somewhere else anyway that the browser can properly cache (my example doesn't do that) - and if you store them somewhere else for rendering int he browser you might as well store them there to begin with (you won't have transactional consistency for those images once they're copied to some other drive/disk/location anyway).
With all that said, here's an example of how you'd access the FILESTREAM data using ADO.NET:
public static string connectionString = ...; // get your connection string from encrypted config
// assumes your FILESTREAM data column is called Img in a table called ImageTable
const string sql = #"
FROM ImageTagble
WHERE ImageId = #id";
public string RetreiveImage(int id)
string serverPath;
byte[] txnToken;
string base64ImageData = null;
using (var ts = new TransactionScope())
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("#id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id;
using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
serverPath = rdr.GetSqlString(0).Value;
txnToken = rdr.GetSqlBinary(1).Value;
using (var sfs = new SqlFileStream(serverPath, txnToken, FileAccess.Read))
// sfs will now work basically like a FileStream. You can either copy it locally or return it as a base64 encoded string
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
base64ImageData = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
// assume this is PNG image data, replace PNG with JPG etc. as appropraite. Might store in table if it will vary...
return "data:img/png;base64," + base64ImageData;
Obviously, if you have lots of images to handle like this this is not an ideal method - don't try to make an instance of SQL server into what you should be using a CDN for.... However, if you have other really good reasons, you should try to grab as many images as possible in a single request/transaction (e.g. if you know you're displaying 50 images on a page, get all 50 with a single transaction scope, don't use 50 transaction scopes - this code won't handle that).

Running Google Dataflow pipeline from a Google App Engine app?

I am creating a dataflow job using DataflowPipelineRunner. I tried the following scenarios.
Without specifying any machineType
With g1 small machine
with n1-highmem-2
In all the above scenarios, Input is a file from GCS which is very small file(KB size) and output is Big Query table.
I got Out of memory error in all the scenarios
The size of my compiled code is 94mb. I am trying only word count example and it did not read any input(It fails before the job starts). Please help me understand why i am getting this error.
Note: I am using appengine to start the job.
Note: The same code works with beta versoin 0.4.150414
As per the suggestions in the answer tried the following,
Switched from Automatic scaling to Basic Scaling.
Used machine type B2 which provides 256MB memory
After these configuration, Java Heap Memory problem is solved. But it is trying to upload a jar into stagging location which is more than 10Mb, hence it fails.
It logs the following exception execute: exception thrown while executing request The request to exceeded the 10 MiB limit.
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at Method)
I tried directly uploading the jar file - appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.9.20.jar, still it tries to upload this jar appengine-api-L4wtoWwoElWmstI1Ia93cg.jar.
which i dont know what jar it is. Any idea on what this jar is appreciated.
Please help me to fix this issue.
The short answer is that if you use AppEngine on a Managed VM you will not encounter the AppEngine sandbox limits (OOM when using a F1 or B1 instance class, execution time limit issues, whitelisted JRE classes). If you really want to run within the App Engine sandbox, then your use of the Dataflow SDK most conform to the limits of the AppEngine sandbox. Below I explain common issues and what people have done to conform to the AppEngine sandbox limits.
The Dataflow SDK requires an AppEngine instance class which has enough memory to execute the users application to construct the pipeline, stage any resources, and send the job description to the Dataflow service. Typically we have seen users require using an instance class with more than 128mb of memory to not see OOM errors.
Generally constructing a pipeline and submitting it to the Dataflow service typically takes less than a couple of seconds if the required resources for your application are already staged. Uploading your JARs and any other resources to GCS can take longer than 60 seconds. This can be solved manually by pre-staging your JARs to GCS beforehand (the Dataflow SDK will skip staging them again if it detects they are already there) or using a task queue to get a 10 minute limit (note that for large applications, 10 mins may not be enough to stage all your resources).
Finally, within the AppEngine sandbox environment, you and all your dependencies are limited to using only whitelisted classes within the JRE or you'll get an exception like:
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: YYY is not allowed on ZZZ
We perform a hash of the contents of the jars on the classpath and upload them to GCS with a modified filename. AppEngine runs a sandboxed environment with its own JARs, appengine-api-L4wtoWwoElWmstI1Ia93cg.jar refers to appengine-api.jar which is a jar that the sandboxed environment adds. You can see from our PackageUtil#getUniqueContentName(...) that we just append -$HASH before .jar.
We are working to solve why you are seeing the RequestPayloadToLarge excepton and it is currently recommended that you set the filesToStage option and filter out the jars not required to execute your Dataflow to get around the issue that you face. You can see how we build the files to stage with DataflowPipelineRunner#detectClassPathResourcesToStage(...).
I had the same problem with the 10MB limit. What I did was filtering out the JAR files bigger than that limit (instead of specific files), and then set the renaming files in the DataflowPipelineOptions with setFilesToStage.
So I just copied the method detectClassPathResourcesToStage from the Dataflow SDK and changed it sightly:
private static final long FILE_BYTES_THRESHOLD = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MB
protected static List<String> detectClassPathResourcesToStage(ClassLoader classLoader) {
if (!(classLoader instanceof URLClassLoader)) {
String message = String.format("Unable to use ClassLoader to detect classpath elements. "
+ "Current ClassLoader is %s, only URLClassLoaders are supported.", classLoader);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
for (URL url : ((URLClassLoader) classLoader).getURLs()) {
try {
File file = new File(url.toURI());
if (file.length() < FILE_BYTES_THRESHOLD) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | URISyntaxException e) {
String message = String.format("Unable to convert url (%s) to file.", url);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message, e);
return files;
And then when I'm creating the DataflowPipelineOptions:
DataflowPipelineOptions dataflowOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(DataflowPipelineOptions.class);
Here's a version of Helder's 10MB-filtering solution that will adapt to the default file-staging behavior of DataflowPipelineOptions even if it changes in a future version of the SDK.
Instead of duplicating the logic, it passes a throwaway copy of the DataflowPipelineOptions to DataflowPipelineRunner to see which files it would have staged, then removes any that are too big.
Note that this code assumes that you've defined a custom PipelineOptions class named MyOptions, along with a java.util.Logger field named logger.
// The largest file size that can be staged to the dataflow service.
private static final long MAX_STAGED_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
* Returns the list of .jar/etc files to stage based on the
* Options, filtering out any files that are too large for
* DataflowPipelineRunner.
* <p>If this accidentally filters out a necessary file, it should
* be obvious when the pipeline fails with a runtime link error.
private static ImmutableList<String> getFilesToStage(MyOptions options) {
// Construct a throw-away runner with a copy of the Options to see
// which files it would have wanted to stage. This could be an
// explicitly-specified list of files from the MyOptions param, or
// the default list of files determined by DataflowPipelineRunner.
List<String> baseFiles;
DataflowPipelineOptions tmpOptions =
// Ignore the result; we only care about how fromOptions()
// modifies its parameter.
baseFiles = tmpOptions.getFilesToStage();
// Some value should have been set.
// Filter out any files that are too large to stage.
ImmutableList.Builder<String> filteredFiles = ImmutableList.builder();
for (String file : baseFiles) {
long size = new File(file).length();
} else {"Not staging large file " + file + ": length " + size
+ " >= max length " + MAX_STAGED_FILE_SIZE_BYTES);
/** Runs the processing pipeline with given options. */
public void runPipeline(MyOptions options)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// DataflowPipelineRunner can't stage large files;
// remove any from the list.
DataflowPipelineOptions dpOpts =;
// Run the pipeline as usual using "options".
// ...

How to open local bitcoin database

I am trying to extract data from local bitcoin database. As I know, bitcoin-qt is using BerkeleyDB. I have installed BerkleyDB from Oracle web site, and found there a DLL for .NET: libdb_dotnet60.dll. I am trying to open a file, but I get a DatabaseException. Here is my code:
using BerkeleyDB;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var btreeConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
var btreeDb = BTreeDatabase.Open(#"c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\blocks\blk00000.dat", btreeConfig);
Does anyone have examples how to work with a Bitcoin database (in any other language)?
What are you trying to extract? Only the wallet.dat file is Berkeley database.
Blocks are stored one after the other in the blkxxxxx.dat files with four bytes representing a network identifier and four bytes giving the block size, before each block.
An index for unspent outputs in stored as a leveldb database.
Knowing what type of information you are looking for would help.
There is library NBitcoin:
How to enumerate blocks:
var store = new BlockStore(#"C:\Bitcoin\blocks\", Network.Main);
// this loop will enumerate all blocks ordered by height starting with genesis block
foreach (var block in store.EnumerateFolder())
var item = block.Item;
string blockID = item.Header.ToString();
foreach (var tx in item.Transactions)
string txID = tx.GetHash().ToString();
string raw = tx.ToHex();
In .NET you could use something like BitcoinBlockchain that is available as a NuGet package at Its usage is trivial. If you want o see how it is implemented the sources are available on GitHub.
If you want to store the blockchain in a SQL database that you could query faster and in more ways that the raw blockchain you could use something like the BitcoinDatabaseGenerator tool available at