Substitution in grammar action code throwing bizarre "P6opaque" error - grammar

I have this action which overrides an action in another action class:
method taskwiki-prefix($/ is copy) {
my $prefix = $/.Str;
$prefix ~~ s:g!'|'!!;
make $prefix;
The substitution throws this error:
P6opaque: no such attribute '$!made' on type Match in a List when trying to bind a value
If I comment out the substitution, the error goes away. dd $prefix shows:
Str $prefix = " Tasks ||"
So it's just a plain string.
If I remove the :g adverb, no more error, but doing that makes the made value Nil and nothing shows up in the output for $<taskwiki-prefix>.made.
Looks to me like there is some bad interaction going on with the matches in the substitution and the action, if I were to guess.
Any fix?

This is another case of your previous question, Raku grammar action throwing "Cannot bind attributes in a Nil type object. Did you forget a '.new'?" error when using "make". As there, the make function wants to update the $/ currently in scope.
Substitutions update $/, and:
In the case of the :g adverb, a List ends up in $/, and make gets confused. I've proposed an improved error.
In the case of no :g, there is a Match in $/ and it is attached to that - however, it's no longer the Match object that was passed into the method
I recommend to:
Always have the signature of your action methods be ($/), so there's no confusion about the target of make.
When possible, avoid reparsing (which was the achieved solution mentioned in your own answer).
If you can't avoid doing other matches or substitutions in your action method, put them in a sub or private method instead and then call it.

Problem was solved by changing the the grammar to give me a cleaner output so I did not have to manipulate the $/ variable.


How do I capture default arguments with `|c`?

I've got this function here:
my #modifiers = <command option>;
sub triple(|c(Str:D $app1!, Str:D $app2!, Str:D $key! where .chars == 1, Str:D $mod where ($mod ~~ any #modifiers) = 'command' )) {
sub print_template(*#values) { done here...
The problem I'm having is if I call it without the 4th argument, with something like triple 'App1', 'App2', 'p';, the default $mod argument does not get passed on to the print_template argument.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
For full context, this is the toy program here:
TL;DR 1. An explanation of the problem. 2. A DRY solution. 3. The DRYest solution: a parameters-capture function.
An explanation of the problem
A call proceeds in two steps:
Construct a call, without knowing what routine will hear the call. This includes constructing a capture of the call arguments. This capture is already done and dusted, immutable, before step 2.
See what routine candidates there are that might bind to the call. Try to bind the capture to their signatures. Some parameters in a routine's signature might specify defaults in case an argument is missing.
So, given a capture c, you can't alter it to make up for any arguments that aren't in it, and Raku doesn't automatically create a new capture that pretends any arguments that aren't in it are now in it. Instead you're going to have to manually add the missing values.
A DRY solution
The string 'command' appears twice in the suggested solution in your answer.
One way to write a DRY solution is to use the whole capture, which will include all the passed arguments, and then append any parameters for which corresponding arguments were not passed. That is to say, instead of:
my \d = \(|c[0..2], c[3] // 'command');
write this:
my \d = \(|c, |($mod if not c[3]));
The DRYest solution: a parameters-capture function
Ultimately what your scenario calls for is a function which completely ignores the arguments used to call a routine and instead just creates a new capture consisting of all of a routine's parameters. Then one could just write, say:
That strikes me as pretty non-trivial. It would mean walking a routine's parameter data. This would presumably go via something like &?ROUTINE.signature.params. But &?ROUTINE is a compile-time variable and is relative to the current routine, so how do you get to that in a function you've called from the routine whose parameters you're interested in? And even if you can get to it, how do you get from compile-time parameter data structures to the run-time values that end up bound to the parameters? It's all way past my paygrade. It's perhaps a lot easier to do this sort of guts coding than it is in, say, the Perl world, where it means C coding, but still.
OK, based on responses in IRC, this does not appear to be possible. One suggested workaround:
sub triple(|c(Str:D $app1!,
Str:D $app2!,
Str:D $key! where .chars == 1,
Str:D $mod where ($mod ~~ any #modifiers) = 'command' )) {
my \d = \(|c[0..2], c[3] // 'command');
Another way to get to the same overall result (and probably the way I'd go) would be to split this out into a multi and dispatch based on the number of parameters. Here's one way that could look (with validation of the shared params moved to the proto:
my #modifiers = <command option>;
proto triple(Str:D, Str:D, Str:D $ where .chars == 1, $?) {*}
multi triple(|c($, $, $, Str:D $ where any #modifiers)) { print_template |c }
multi triple(|c($, $, $)) { print_template |c, 'command' }
sub print_template(*#values) {
# work done here
say triple 'App1', 'App2', 'p';

Variable re-assign method result if not Nil

Is there idiomatic way of applying and assigning object variable method call, but only if it's defined (both method and the result)?
Like using safe call operator .? and defined-or operator //, and with "DRY principle" – using the variable only once in the operation?
Like this (but using another variable feels like cheating):
my $nicevariable = "fobar";
# key step
(my $x := $nicevariable) = $x.?possibly-nonexistent-meth // $x;
say $nicevariable; # => possibly-nonexistent-meth (non-Nil) result or "foobar"
... And avoiding andthen, if possible.
Are you aware of the default trait on variables?
Not sure if it fits your use case, but $some-var.?unknown-method returns Nil, so:
my $nicevariable is default("fobar");
$nicevariable = $nicevariable.?possibly-nonexistent-meth;
say $nicevariable; # fobar
results in $nicevariable being reset to its default value;
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "using the variable only once in the operation". If Liz's answer qualifies, then it's probably the cleaner way to go.
If not, here's a different approach that avoids naming the variable twice:
my $nicevariable = "foobar";
This is a bit too cryptic for my tastes; here's what it does: If the method exists, then that's similar to¹ calling &method($nicevariable), which is the same as $nicevariable.method. If the method does not exist, then it's like calling Mu($nicevariable) – that is, coercing $nicevariable into Mu or a subtype of Mu. But since everything is already a subtype of Mu, that's a no-op and just returns $nicevariable.
[1]: Not quite, since &method would be a Sub, but basically.
Actually, that was over-complicating things. Here's a simpler version:
my $nicevariable = "foobar";
$nicevariable.=&{.?possibly-nonexistent-meth // $_}
Not sure why I didn't just have that to begin with…
Assuming the method returns something that is defined, you could do (if I'm understanding the question correctly):
my $x = "foobar";
$x = $_ with $y.?possibly-nonexistent-meth;
$x will remain unchanged if the method didn't exist (or it did exist and returned a type object).
As of this merge you can write:
try { let $foo .= bar }
This is a step short of what I think would have been an ideal solution, which is unfortunately a syntax error (due to a pervasive weakness in Raku's current grammar that I'm guessing is effectively unsolvable, much as I would love it to be solved):
{ let $foo .?= bar } # Malformed postfix call...
(Perhaps I'm imagining things, but I see a glimmer of hope that the above wrinkle (and many like it) will be smoothed over a few years from now. This would be after RakuAST lands for Raku .e, and the grammar gets a hoped for clean up in Raku .f or .g.)
Your question's title is:
Variable re-assign method result if not Nil
My solution does a variable re-assign method if not undefined, which is more general than just Nil.
Then again, your question's body asks for exactly that more general solution:
Is there idiomatic way of applying and assigning object variable method call, but only if it's defined (both method and the result)?
So is my solution an ideal one?
My solution is not idiomatic. But that might well be because of the bug I found, now solved with the merge linked at the start of my answer. I see no reason why it should not become idiomatic, once it's in shipping Rakudos.
The potentially big issue is that the try stores any exception thrown in $! rather than letting it blow up. Perhaps that's OK for a given use case; perhaps not.
Special thanks to you for asking your question, which prompted us to come up with various solutions, which led me to file an issue, which led vrurg to both analyse the problem I encountered and then fix it. :)

How to die on undefined values?

I am attempting to work with a hash in Raku, but when I put some fake values into it (intentionally) like
say %key<fake_key>;
I get
but I want the program to die in such occurrences, as Perl does, because this implies that important data is missing.
For example,
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all';
use autodie ':all';
my %hash;
print "$hash{y}\n";
as of 5.26.1 produces
Use of uninitialized value $hash{"y"} in concatenation (.) or string at line 8.
Command exited with non-zero status 255
How can I get the equivalent of use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all' and use autodie qw(:all) in Raku?
Aiui your question is:
I'm looking for use autodie qw(:all) & use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all' in Raku
The equivalent of Perl's autodie in Raku
Aiui the equivalent of use autodie qw(:all) in Perl is use fatal; in Raku. This is a lexically scoped effect (at least it is in Raku).
The autodie section in the Perl-to-Raku nutshell guide explains that routines now return Failures to indicate errors.
The fatal pragma makes returning a Failure from a routine automatically throw an exception that contains the Failure. Unless you provide code that catches them, these exceptions that wrap Failures automatically die.
The equivalent of Perl's use warnings 'FATAL' in Raku
Aiui the equivalent of use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all' in Perl is CONTROL { when CX::Warn { note $_; exit 1 } } in Raku. This is a lexically scoped effect (at least it is in Raku).
CONTROL exceptions explains how these work.
CONTROL exceptions are a subset of all exceptions that are .resume'd by default -- the program stays alive by default when they're thrown.
The Raku code I've provided (which is lifted from How could I make all warnings fatal? which you linked to) instead makes CONTROL exceptions die (due to the exit routine).
Returning to your current question text:
say %key<fake_key>; # (Any)
I want the program to die in such occurrences ...
Use either Jonathan++'s answer (use put, which, unlike say, isn't trying to keep your program alive) or Scimon++'s KeyRequired answer which will make accessing of a non-existent key fatal.
... as Perl does ...
Only if you use use warnings 'FATAL' ..., just as Raku does if you use the equivalent.
... because this implies that important data is missing.
Often it implies unimportant data is missing, or even important data that you don't want defined some of the time you attempt to access it, so both Perls and Raku default to keeping your program alive and require that you tell it what you want if you want something different.
You can use the above constructs to get the precise result you want and they'll be limited to a given variable (if you use the KeyRequired role) or statement (using put instead of say) or lexical scope (using a pragma or the CONTROL block).
You can create a role to do this. A simple version would be :
role KeyRequired {
method AT-KEY( \key ) {
die "Key {key} not found" unless self.EXISTS-KEY(key);
Then you create your hash with : my %key does KeyRequired; and it will die if you request a non existent key.
The simple answer is to not use say.
say %key<fake_key>;
# (Any)
put %key<fake_key>;
# Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
# Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something
# meaningful.
# in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
say calls .gist which prints enough information for a human to understand what was printed.
put just tries to turn it into a Str and print that, but in this case it produces an error.
Perl 5 warns, not dies, in this case. Perl 6 will do the same if equivalent code is used:
my %key;
print "%key<fake_key>\n"; # Gives a warning
Or, more neatly, use put:
my %key;
put %key<fake_key>;
The put routine ("print using terminator") will stringify the value, which is what triggers the warning about use of an undefined value in string context.
By contrast, say does not stringify, but instead calls .gist on the object, and prints whatever it returns. In the case of an undefined value, the gist of it is the name of its type, wrapped in parentheses. In general, say - which uses .gist underneath - gives more information. For example, consider an array:
my #a = 1..5;
put #a; # 1 2 3 4 5
say #a; # [1 2 3 4 5]
Where put just joins the elements with spaces, but say represents the structure and that it's an array.

Using a variable in a Perl 6 program before assigning to it

I want to assign literals to some of the variables at the end of the file with my program, but to use these variables earlier. The only method I've come up with to do it is the following:
my $text;
say $text;
$text = "abc";
Is there a better / more idiomatic way?
Just go functional.
Create subroutines instead:
say text();
sub text { "abc" }
UPDATE (Thanks raiph! Incorporating your feedback, including reference to using term:<>):
In the above code, I originally omitted the parentheses for the call to text, but it would be more maintainable to always include them to prevent the parser misunderstanding our intent. For example,
say text(); # "abc"
say text() ~ text(); # "abcabc"
say text; # "abc", interpreted as: say text()
say text ~ text; # ERROR, interpreted as: say text(~text())
sub text { "abc" };
To avoid this, you could make text a term, which effectively makes the bareword text behave the same as text():
say text; # "abc", interpreted as: say text()
say text ~ text; # "abcabc", interpreted as: say text() ~ text()
sub term:<text> { "abc" };
For compile-time optimizations and warnings, we can also add the pure trait to it (thanks Brad Gilbert!). is pure asserts that for a given input, the function "always produces the same output without any additional side effects":
say text; # "abc", interpreted as: say text()
say text ~ text; # "abcabc", interpreted as: say text() ~ text()
sub term:<text> is pure { "abc" };
Unlike Perl 5, in Perl 6 a BEGIN does not have to be a block. However, the lexical definition must be seen before it can be used, so the BEGIN block must be done before the say.
BEGIN my $text = "abc";
say $text;
Not sure whether this constitutes an answer to your question or not.
First, a rephrase of your question:
What options are there for succinctly referring to a variable (or constant etc.) whose initialization code appears further down in the same source file?
Post declare a routine
say foo;
sub foo { 'abc' }
When a P6 compiler parses an identifier that has no sigil, it checks to see if it has already seen a declaration of that identifier. If it hasn't, then it assumes that the identifier corresponds to a routine which will be declared later as a "listop" routine (which takes zero or more arguments) and moves on. (If its assumption turns out to be wrong, it fails the compilation.)
So you can use routines as if they were variables as described in Christopher Bottom's answer.
Autodeclare a variable on first use
strict is a "pragma" that controls how a P6 compiler reacts when it parses an as yet undeclared variable/constant that starts with a sigil.
P6 starts programs with strict mode switched on. This means that the compiler will insist on predeclaration of any sigil'd variable/constant. (By predeclaration I mean an explicit declaration that appears textually before the variable/constant is used.)
But you can write use strict or no strict to control whether the strict pragma is on or off in a given lexical scope, so this will work:
no strict;
say $text;
$text = "abc";
Warning Having no strict in effect (which is unfortunately how most programming languages work) makes accidental misspelling of variable names a bigger nuisance than it is with use strict mode on.
Declare a variable explicitly in the same statement as its first use
You don't have to write a declaration as a separate statement. You can instead declare and use a variable in the same statement or expression:
say my $text;
$text = "abc";
Warning If you repeat my $bar in the exact same lexical scope, the compiler will emit a warning. In contrast, say my $bar = 42; if foo { say my $bar = 99 } creates two distinct $bar variables without warning.
Initialize at run-time
The BEGIN phaser shown above runs at compile-time (after the my declaration, which also happens at compile-time, but before the say, which happens at run-time).
If you want to initialize variables/constants at run-time instead, use INIT instead:
say my $text;
$text = "abc";
INIT code runs before any other run-time code, so the initialization still happens before the say gets executed.
Use a positronic (ym) variable
Given a literal interpretation of your question a "positronic" or ym variable would be yet another solution. (This feature is not built-in. I'm including it mostly because I encountered it after answering this question and think it belongs here, at the very least for entertainment value.)
Initialization and calculation of such a variable starts in the last statement using it and occurs backwards relative to the textual order of the code.
This is one of the several crazy sounding but actually working and useful concepts that Damian "mad scientist" Conway discusses in his 2011 presentation Temporally Quaquaversal Virtual Nanomachine Programming In Multiple Topologically Connected Quantum-Relativistic Parallel Spacetimes... Made Easy!.
Here's a link to the bit where he focuses on these variables.
(The whole presentation is a delight, especially if you're interested in physics; programming techniques; watching highly creative wunderkinds; and/or enjoy outstanding presentation skills and humor.)
Create a PS pragma?
In terms of coolness, the following pales in comparison to Damian's positronic variable feature that I just covered, but it's an idea I had while pondering this question.
Someone could presumably implement something like the following pragma:
use PS;
say $text;
BEGIN $text = 'abc';
This PS would lexically apply no strict and in addition require that, to avoid a compile-time error:
An auto-declared variable/constant must match up with a post declaration in a BEGIN or INIT phaser;
The declaration must include initialization if the first use (textually) of a variable/constant is not a binding or assignment.

What is indirect object notation, why is it bad, and how does one avoid it?

The title pretty much sums it up, but here's the long version anyway.
After posting a small snippet of perl code, I was told to avoid indirect object notation, "as it has several side effects". The comment referenced this particular line:
my $some_object = new Some::Module(FIELD => 'value');
As this is how I've always done it, in an effort to get with the times I therefore ask:
What's so bad about it? (specifically)
What are the potential (presumably negative) side effects?
How should that line be rewritten?
I was about to ask the commenter, but to me this is worthy of its own post.
The main problem is that it's ambiguous. Does
my $some_object = new Some::Module(FIELD => 'value');
mean to call the new method in the Some::Module package, or does it mean to call the new function in the current package with the result of calling the Module function in the Some package with the given parameters?
i.e, it could be parsed as:
# method call
my $some_object = Some::Module->new(FIELD => 'value');
# or function call
my $some_object = new(Some::Module(FIELD => 'value'));
The alternative is to use the explicit method call notation Some::Module->new(...).
Normally, the parser guesses correctly, but the best practice is to avoid the ambiguity.
What's so bad about it?
The problems with Indirect Method Notation are avoidable, but it's far easier to tell people to avoid Indirect Method Notation.
The main problem it's very easy to call the wrong function by accident. Take the following code, for example:
package Widget;
sub new { ... }
sub foo { ... }
sub bar { ... }
sub method {
my $o = new SubWidget;
In that code, new SubWidget is expected to mean
Instead, it actually means
That said, using strict will catch most of these instances of this error. Were use strict; to be added to the above snippet, the following error would be produced:
Bareword "SubWidget" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 11.
That said, there are cases where using strict would not catch the error. They primarily involve the use of parens around the arguments of the method call (e.g. new SubWidget($x)).
So that means
Using Indirect Object Notation without parens can result in odd error messages.
Using Indirect Object Notation with parens can result in the wrong code being called.
The former is bearable, and the latter is avoidable. But rather than telling people "avoid using parens around the arguments of method calls using Indirect Method Notation", we simply tell people "avoid using Indirect Method Notation". It's just too fragile.
There's another issue. It's not just using Indirect Object Notation that's a problem, it's supporting it in Perl. The existence of the feature causes multiple problems. Primarily,
It causes some syntax errors to result in very odd/misleading error messages because the code appeared to be using ION when it wasn't.
It prevents useful features from being implemented since they clash with valid ION syntax.
On the plus side, using no indirect; helps the first problem.
How should that line be rewritten?
The correct way to write the method call is the following:
my $some_object = Some::Module->new(FIELD => 'value');
That said, even this syntax is ambiguous. It will first check if a function named Some::Module exists. But that's so very unlikely that very few people protect themselves from such problems. If you wanted to protect yourself, you could use the following:
my $some_object = Some::Module::->new(FIELD => 'value');
As to how to avoid it: There's a CPAN module that forbids the notation, acting like a pragma module:
no indirect;
The commenter just wanted to see Some::Module->new(FIELD => 'value'); as the constructor.
Perl can use indirect object syntax for other bare words that look like they might be methods, but nowadays the perlobj documentation suggests not to use it.
The general problem with it is that code written this way is ambiguous and exercises Perl's parser to test the namespace to e.g. check when you write method Namespace whether Namespace::method exists.