What's the difference between PyUno and PyUno Bridge? - pyuno

What's the difference between PyUno and PyUno Bridge? Or are they two names for the same thing?

I believe they are a bit different?
Reading the documentation for which I'll leave links below, I can conclude that Uno is the interface based component model of Apache OpenOffice, and it has a binding to it under the name of "Py-UNO", while PyUno Bridge is the connection that the UNO establishes with the Apache OpenOffice API when developing UNO components. Therefore PyUNO Bridge has been named as the process of using this PyUno model.


SUMO and OpenDS Integration using TraCI

I am looking at having SUMO as the mobility server and I would like to map an OpenDS vehicle object onto the SUMO simulation by interfacing with SUMO using TraCI. A human user would be interacting with OpenDS through a driving machine and the aim is to create a human-in-the-loop simulation. I would be looking at transmitting mobility information in a bidirectional manner between SUMO and OpenDS.
I am relatively new to this area and I was not able to find suitable references. I would appreciate pointers to any relevant documentation or projects.
Thanks in advance.
There are several projects coupling SUMO to driving simulators, the PARCOURS project has been described here, the rFPro solution here (also look at the proceedings), but unfortunately I do not know of any available open source implementation. Usually the couple using the TraCI interface with the most important command being vehicle.moveToXY which synchronizes the position of the user-driven vehicle with its counterpart in SUMO.

I'm a bit new to Modbus communications and am having a hard time figuring out what functions to use on the master's side of "free modbus"

I'm a bit new to Modbus communications and I've started reading about the "Free Modbus" library. Now, I understood how to use it to implement the slave side of the Modbus communications, but I just can't seem to find how to use the library on the master's side. For example, what function show I call on the master's side to read discrete input number 3 of slave 19 (for instance)?
Thank you in advance for the help.
By the way, I'm writing in C and am programming for a MSP430 microcontroller.
It's not stated directly on the website, but FreeMODBUS library supports only slave side. For example in the init function ( modbus.html#ga0">http://www.freemodbus.org/api/group_modbus.html#ga0 ) one of the parameters is "ucSlaveAddress" - address of your (slave) device.
The guy that created FreeMODBUS now works on commercial libs, and there's is a library for master mode - http://www.embedded-solutions.at/index.php/en/products/modbus-master

What are good libraries to create restful iPhone Apps with Django and Objective-C?

Our new iPhone project consists of a native app and a server it needs to communicate with. I'd like the server to be written in Python/Django.
The last time we created something similar, the server was in written in asp.net and it exposed relevant methods as a SOAP-based web service. This was very convenient, since we were able to generate almost all server communication code from the WSDL using http://sudzc.com/. Now I basically want to do the same, but with Django instead of asp.net. More specifically, I want to expose methods and objects over an API and I'd really like to have some automatic Objective-C code generation at the other end.
I've looked at a few libraries for Django that are supposed to expose RESTful APIs, and most people seem to recommend django-piston or django-rest-framework. Will either of them have a WSDL-style description that I can use to auto-generate ObjC-code, though? Is there another set of tools for achieving what I'm after that I should be investigating?
In my personal experience I don't know of anything that exists to generate client-side stubs in Objective-C for a REST service. However, there's a very good library called RESTKit that features a JSON or XML to object mapping layer, and nice features like CoreData integration and local caching. There are number of useful Stackoverflow questions on it.
So that can get you part of the way, since it will handle communication and object mapping. If you need to build code-generation, it could output code that sets up RESTKit's mapping structures.
Another REST client lib for iOS that I like a lot is LRResty, for its clean API, but it's lower level than RESTKit in that it doesn't have any built-in parsing/object mapping features.
In this similar stackoverflow question there's a link to something called wsdl2objc which sounds like it's in line with what you need on the iOS side (I've no personal experience with it, so ymmv, etc...)

API vs Toolkit vs Framework vs Library

My question is very simple, and I want a clear answer with a simple example.
What's the main difference between API, Toolkit, Framework, and Library?
I prefer following:
An API is an abstract description of how to use an application. For example, an API may describe the function syntax (declaration) of a chat server. i.e. login, publish_message, subscribe_messages. And, it describes any protocols to use the application. i.e. must login before sending or recieving messages, or clients are dropped after 2 minutes if not sending or receiving messages.
A library is an implementation of an API, it containes the compiled code that implements the functions and protocols (maintains usage state).
A toolkit is a set of libraries (API) and services grouped together to provide the developer with a wider range of possible solutions. For example, the Globus Toolkit provides services (such as File transfering, Job Subission and Scheduling) that a devleoper can install and start on their servers. They also provide API's to build applications that may use the services deployed in an integrated fashion. For example, the developer may build a program that uses the Job Submission API to communicate with the Job Submission Service.
A Framework is a set of guidelines that prevents inappropriate use or developement. The developer must contruct their applications within the rules and boundaries of the framework. This is done by forcing the developer to extend the current framework to develope new software. by extending the framework, you force adhearence to the framework.
I'm not saying these are completely correct, but its worked ok for me so far!
This has always been my understanding, you will no doubt see differing opinions on the subject:
API (Application Programming Interface) - Allows you to use code in an already functional application in a stand-alone fasion.
Framework - Code that gives you base classes and interfaces for a certain task/application type, usually in the form of a design pattern. (Though not always)
Library - Related code that can be swapped in and out at will to accomplish tasks at a class level
Toolkit - Related code that can be used to accomplish tasks at a component level.
Those terms sometimes are misinterchanged.
Similar posts, read:
What is the major difference between a framework and a toolkit?
Framework vs. Toolkit vs. Library
I prefer to call a library as an alias of module or namespace. Toolkit and A.P.I. is usually a set of libraries for a common task. Altought, A.P.I. is more used for Procedural Programming than Object Oriented Programming.

What is XPCOM? XPCOM vs COM?

I have trouble understanding XPCOM. How is it different from COM? What makes it cross platform?
Is it a framework with a set of libraries that you can use to do some jobs?
Also, does Component Object Model means every functionality is implemented in component so we can use it without knowing the detail implementation?
Can you someone help me understand this please?
I have trouble understanding XPCOM.
How is it different from COM?
XPCOM is Mozilla's own, cross-platform (hence the XP bit) version of COM.
What makes it cross platform?
It is implemented in a library that has been ported to many platforms by contributors to the Mozilla open-source project. You can build it or download a binary for any platform that you wish and, in the extremely remote possibility that you want to use it on a platform that is not already supported, it should be straightforward to port it yourself.
Also, does Component Object Model
means every functionality is
implemented in component so we can use
it without knowing the detail
Yes, spot on. The idea is for a language-independent framework that enables different components to communicate and interact, without requiring any special knowledge of the language that any particular component is implemented in. So javascript code can call C++ code, for instance.
This is achieved by components publishing well-defined interfaces, using a language called IDL (or, in XPCOM's case, XPIDL). These interfaces make use of well-defined types with mappings in each of the supporting languages. Every interface inherits from a common base interface, which provides standard methods for reference-counting and type-inference (called IUnknown in COM and nsISupports in XPCOM).
Can you someone help me understand
this please?
In terms of online resources, there are dedicated areas on both the MSDN (for COM) and the MDC (for XPCOM). If you want to really understand the motivation for COM and why it is the way it is, I recommend picking up Don Box's Essential COM. And of course, if you have any specific questions that need answering, you can always come here to ask them. :)