I have created an app in DocuSign and am following the instructions to get it set up here. I have created the integration key and secret key, and set my redirect uri to "http://localhost"
However, when I attempt to substitute these values into the url below, I only get an error
Here is a screenshot of the error I receive
As far as I can tell, these instructions simply don't work. Is there any alternative documentation for authenticating an app in DocuSign? Or is there something I am missing?
Thanks in advance for any help!
replace {callback} with some URL you want to be redirected with.
Then, go to the Apps and Keys page and find your IK and configure it by adding this URL in the list.
Wait 30 seconds
try again (make sure you updated your URL correctly)
Nevermind. I found a video that answered my question. The URL in the {callback} value needs to include the "http://" in order to work.
I am using React native and i have some short url's or redirect urls to some other url. So i want to get destination url. So check with two libraries
None worked for me as tall is using node. And 2nd one is old and giving me an error. So anyone have a solution to do it.
you don't need a library to do that, you can simply use XMLHttpRequest.
i created a snack : snack,
but only work with redirect URL not shorted ones like : shorturl.at/egzG4
Hope this helps you.
In my Pinterest app I have set the Redirect URI to https://my.site.com/pinterest/callback. When doing the redirection after authentication back to my site I append a sessionid so the query becomes https://my.site.com/pinterest/callback?sessionid=<string>. This doesn't seem to work as I get
The provided redirect_uri https://my.site.com/pinterest/callback?sessionId=YA6udv2FrdjjV8juij3U5oIBBP6RoEQWWUFNzSHKaHGGf3jRq10uJ2A0-R-eYB8LLwiBTbESEdGzMY0fhYI8d7gOe3kOoPuPS6c-mowaaJBDv0J8D2I does not match any of the registered redirect URIs."
In other apis like the Instagram one this is possible. Can anyone help with this? Thanks a bunch!
I have been stucking with this for two days. Basically, Pinterest doesn't support custom parameters like other websites do, for Pinterest you need to provide the EXACT callback url and it has to use https not http, and if you need to pass custom parameters they should be in state parameter.
From Pinterest docs
state: A value you define. This can be used to make sure that the redirect back to your site or app wasn’t spoofed.
See Authentication section at https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/api/overview/
I've been looking for this answer and the other pages didn't help me.
I'm trying to use the google drive api for php. I am trying to test on my local environment and receive this error.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob did not match a registered redirect URI
Request Details
Here is the page for the api:
The url is in
What am I doing wrong?
Looks like the current Google OAuth2 integration requires enabling
Contacts API
Google+ API
from the Google Developers Console for the associated Project. In my log I noticed errors liek 403, Access Not Configured. Please use ....
The redirect URI (where the response is returned to) has to be correct and exactly as you registered in the APIs console, and the error is indicating that you haven't done that or you haven't done it correctly.
To get the redirect URI from console:
Go to the console for your project and look under API Access.
Open Credentials section (in left side)
You should see your client ID & secret there, along with there is a
list of redirect URIs. If you want to change it or it was wrong,
click edit settings and modify.
Even if your redirect uri is properly set in the console, a lot of times, when you've recently changed settings in the google dev console, it will still tell you there's a redirect mismatch. It's a surprisingly common occurrence.
You can try...
Waiting; some have had luck with this, indicating that google takes some amount of time to register recent changes.
If you don't mind reconfiguring your app, creating a new client id in the google dev console tends to fix this problem with consistent results.
in my android application I want to use google places API. I logon to code.google.com/apis/console. When I'm trying to enabling access to places API it asks for Company url and organization. I don't have any website, So how do I use it?
I asked my friends, and give their url and name. Now it will show error message as Invalid website url. Please help me to enable the places API service
Not sure if you still care, but you probably just left out "http://" before the URL. This causes it to say "invalid website URL". Very annoying, I know.
The problem is in the URL. I omit the "http://" before the URL. Now it solved my issue
So I finally got a link in my facebook post using the properties parameters. I thought I could put my url scheme in there. But unfortunately it says it isn't a valid url, which makes sense. So I searched again for another solution. But everyone seems to be talking about fb:// and not their own app url scheme.
So I created this thread, hope somebody can help me.
Try using bit.ly (or some other URL shortener).
The last time I tried, bit.ly accepted any URI schema and just did a redirect. I've successfully used this in the past to work around inputs that expected either an HTTP or HTTPS schema.
Additionally, similar logic could be done on your own server if you prefer. Simply share a link to your own server on Facebook, and have your server side script do a 301 to whatever App specific URI you have.