Getting ParserError When trying to import ERC20Mintable - solidity

When I write
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract DaiTokenMock is ERC20{
The code compiles perfectly fine. However, I'm trying to import ERC20Mintable, in which case I get the error "ParserError: Source "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Mintable.sol" not found"
Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated!


I created a updatesite.nsf from updatesite.ntf template and trying to import a feature

I created a updatesite.nsf from updatesite.ntf template and trying to import a feature and I get an error says "LS2J Error: Java constructor failed to execute in (#304)..." And a long message. Notes and Domino are 12.0.02 both 64 bit...Need help in this . Why am I getting this error ? Nothing in Activity logs either in the updatesite.nsf.
The developer tried to create a JAR and trying to import it the Feature into the updatesite,nsf database and it errors out as above. It should import as I am expecting.

I have some issue when I try to use pyttsx3

When I run the code, it doesn't give an error and doesn't say anything. I checked the speaker and everything is fine
Here my code:
import pttsx3
speak = 'Hello world'
saying = pyttsx3.init()
import pttsx3 <--- Missing y in the library, working properly after add it
import pyttsx3

How to import ErrorUtils in React Native

RN version: 0.50
Testing on Android, haven't tested on iOS
I am trying to use ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler as described in this github issue:
However, what is not clear from the issue is how to import ErrorUtils. It's not in the react documentation:
Previously, in RN 0.41, I was able to import ErrorUtils with import ErrorUtils from "ErrorUtils"; However, in 0.50 I am getting a red react popup with the following message when I try to import ErrorUtils like this:
com.facebook.react.common.JavascriptException: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at 'http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=android&dev=true&minify=false' failed to load.
I've also tried import { ErrorUtils } from 'react-native'; but it doesn't seem to exist there. The error is:
Cannot read property 'setGlobalHandler' of undefined
How do I properly import ErrorUtils in RN 0.50?
ErrorUtils is a global variable, therfore it doesn't need to be imported. You can verify this with console.log(global.ErrorUtils)
However it is exported as module anyways (here). The comment there also has more information why it is done this way.
You can import the module like this:
import ErrorUtils from 'ErrorUtils';
For anyone on RN61+, you should no longer import the module as you will experience the following error in the running metro bundler:
Error: Unable to resolve module `ErrorUtils`
Instead, just use the module without importing as this is a global variable, as stated by leo
I did created a global.d.ts to define a global variable,
interface Global {
ErrorUtils: {
setGlobalHandler: any
reportFatalError: any
getGlobalHandler: any
declare var global: Global
then, at where you are trying to use it, simply

From Odoo8 to Odoo11: rmanage report_sxw

I update my Odoo8 to an Odoo11. Then I try to reinstall a custom module named probespoke ( ) that I sent to you to reproduce the issue. This module use an old module named report which was use until Odoo10.
You can see in that it is import line 2
from import report_sxw
and then use line 292
class pb_orders_products_report_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):
I don't find much information about how to get around this issue.
Maybe there is a solution here ( but as I am still a beginner in Odoo developpement, I don't really understand what they are doing.
Does someone has an idea?
Thank you very much.

jpod error, where is the FileLocator?

I am trying to evaluate the jPod PDF library, the import line:
says it cannot be resolved. I have jPod.JAR and iscommon.jar, What other JARs do I need to get the FileLocator?