How to upgrade from Optaplanner 8.17 to 8.18 or 8.19 - optaplanner

I have an optaplanner project which was working fine on 8.17.0.Final, but trying to upgrade to 8.18.0.Final or 8.19.9.Final results in the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Constraint Streams requested via constraintProviderClass (class v2.constraints.AuctionConstraintProvider) but the supporting classes were not found on the classpath.
Maybe include org.optaplanner:optaplanner-constraint-streams dependency in your project?
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryFactory.decideMultipleScoreDirectorFactories(
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryFactory.buildScoreDirectorFactory(
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverFactory.buildScoreDirectorFactory(
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverFactory.<init>(
at org.optaplanner.core.api.solver.SolverFactory.create(
at org.optaplanner.core.api.solver.SolverManager.create(
at v2.WhitespaceServiceKt.main(WhitespaceService.kt:25)
at v2.WhitespaceServiceKt.main(WhitespaceService.kt)
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I don't see any notes in the changelog on migration, and it appears like the optaplanner-examples don't have anything special in their imports. I tried adding the optaplanner-constraint-streams project to my pom.xml, but that didn't fix anything either. Is there a new method for choosing an implementation of constraint streams? Where would I find information on this?
For reference, here are the relevant sections of my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
output of mvn dependency:tree --batch-mode | grep optaplanner:
[INFO] +- org.optaplanner:optaplanner-core:jar:8.19.0.Final:compile
[INFO] | +- org.optaplanner:optaplanner-core-impl:jar:8.19.0.Final:compile
[INFO] | +- org.optaplanner:optaplanner-constraint-streams:jar:8.19.0.Final:compile
[INFO] | \- org.optaplanner:optaplanner-constraint-drl:jar:8.19.0.Final:compile
[INFO] +- org.optaplanner:optaplanner-test:jar:8.19.0.Final:test

If I had to guess, you are building an uberjar, and that uberjar does not include the META-INF/services files that are bundled in the optaplanner-constraint-streams JAR. This leads to OptaPlanner no longer being able to discover the CS implementation, which is now dynamically loaded.
I am not familiar with the assembly plugin, but the maven-shade-plugin configuration would have needed the following extra config to make this work:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
This answer suggests a solution for the assembly plugin:


xvfb parallel run on same node inside Jenkins [duplicate]

looking for help to execute cucumber 7 in parallel. My project is serenity with cucumber and java. In this link it is showing that it is possible to run but tried different combination and looks like I missed something.
Here is my pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
To execute:
I add same tag to multiple feature files and run through command line: mvn clean verify -Dtags="#regression"
Expected: Open multiple browsers at the same time to execute test faster
Find the solution for parallel execution with cucumber 7 and serenity junit 4. Below pom.xml is tested and working to execute parallel. According to this pom.xml to execute two ways:
locally - add to your runner in tags tag you want to run and then execute this command mvn clean verify
mvn clean verify -Dtags="#yourtagHere"
Working pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- <forkCount>${parallel.tests}</forkCount>-->
#Yuri I had similar issue and it required to use the 3.0.0-M3 failsafe plugin version. After that the tests started to run in parallel.
Did you run the tests remotely in parallel? Eg. Jenkins? I had issue to run them in parallel on Jenkins. The tests are randomly failing... I use xvfb plugin...
The issue was focus related. The tests lose focus in the browser window in case multiple tests are running on the same machine.
I moved the tests to run in headless mode and this it fixed the issue. I can now run 6 threads in parallel on the same machine without any random failure issue.

Where to put file when using org.springframework.boot?

I'm getting error trying to use local XSD file in changelog.xml (new security feature was introduced in ver 4.8)
Failed to read schema document 'dbchangelog-4.12.xsd', because 'file'
access is not allowed due to restriction set by the
accessExternalSchema property.
I know, that I need to create file in the liquibase directory with
but the question is: where to put this file and how to make it work if liquibase is not installed on my Mac computer?
I created this file and placed it in every folder of my project, but it does not work.
Docker container builds this way:
mvn clean install -f pom.xml
docker build -t ${APP}:${VER} --build-arg APP=${APP} --build-arg VER=${VER} --build-arg JARSRC=${JARSRC} -f Dockerfile .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- when running failsafe integration tests, we do not want to run regular unit tests-->
<!-- for int tests, remove H2 so #SpringBootTest and #DataJpaTests don't switch the db -->
Since this is a new feature, we need a PR to investigate. Please submit a bug report.

Create Serenity's index.html when clicking on Run/Debug in IntelliJ

I have created a testing project. I would like to use Serenity. It seems it is working fine (told by fancy "Test Passed" messages). My goal is to create index.html serenity report by running Run/Debug option and not using mvn clean verify.
this is what I have in pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
Is there any option to do this? Maybe by using "Edit Configurations..." option.
You can add to run Maven goal that would generate the report in Before launch section of Run/Debug Configuration.
I found a way to do it. This is for someone who would need something like this in the future.
In MAVEN Projects Execute Maven Goal and insert -T4 serenity:reports -Dserenity.reports=single-page-html. This should create report after Run/Debug . Be careful you need to do it after every run. This should be done automatically somehow thought.

serenity maven project running without executing test and showing blank report

I am trying to run serenity with Maven. Its running and showing success but actual test is not running and report is showing blank. I've attached my proj and POM in attachment. Please helpenter image description here
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>serenity practise</name>

Compile JasperReports jrxml with scriptlet dependency in same project via Maven

I have a report project that gets compiled, packaged, and included in a war. I use the jasperreports-maven-plugin to compile the JasperReports templates in the report project. I have an issue with a circular dependency where one of the templates requires a scriptlet class in the same project, but the scriptlet class does not get compiled before the reports and I get a ClassNotFound exception during compilation. Is there a way to compile the class first before the templates or some other workaround besides declaring a system dependency to a previously compiled version of the jar?
Here is my pom:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- use this if you have a report dependency at compile time -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<!-- not used but necessary to avoid an unexpected compiletion exception
An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.6.0_04). Please file a bug at
the Java Developer Connection ( after
checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include your program and the following
diagnostic in your report. Thank you.$CompletionFailure:
class file for javax.persistence.CascadeType not found -->
Thank you,
This might be a tad late, but I think you could try to bind the execution of the jasperreports-maven-plugin to a later maven build phase.
By default it runs at the generate-resources phase, at which time the java classes have not yet been compiled.
Check out the paragraph below the code box on this page.