Warning: getOperatorList - ignoring errors during "GetOperatorList: page 0" task: "r: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'X')" - vue.js

In relation to this post:
After upgrading from revit 21 to 22 in my company, we can no longer view anything else than the default 3D model in our forge viewer. Initially, i thought the issue arose due to this warning:
"Deprecated API usage: No "GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc" specified.".
However, i got that same message in the console of a working implementation i made today, leading me to believe that it has nothing to do with this warning at all.
However, i also see another warning:
"Warning: getOperatorList - ignoring errors during "GetOperatorList: page 0" task: "r: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'X')"."
I have tried creating a new nuxt app on Node version 14.9.0, implemented a forge viewer in accordance with the official v7 documentation, and the bug is no longer present.
I then tried to mimic that in my actual production app where the problem exists, by running it on Node version 14.9.0 instead of 10.0.0, getting rid of my entire forge implementation and implemented a simple viewer like above. That did not solve the problem, and i still see above warnings in the console.
The warning is thrown in pdf.worker.jss, which is loaded in via "webpack://adsk/node_modules/#adsk/pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.jss".
I hope someone has a suggestion.


Cannot find "stateless_validation.h" after calling CreateShaderModule() in Vulkan

I have tried to setup Vulkan validation layers, and after running vulkaninfoSDK.exe indeed have multiple validation layers, but I get a message in VS Code "unable to open 'stateless_validation.h': Unable to read file 'c:\j\msdk\build\vulkan-validationlayers\repo\layers\stateless_validation.h".
This message is very strange to me, as I do not even have a folder "j" on my c drive, and have in fact installed Vulkan somewhere on a completely different drive. I am running Windows, the MSVC compiler, have installed the latest Vulkan SDK from LunarG, and have set the environment variable "VK_LAYER_PATH" as recommended here: https://vulkan.lunarg.com/doc/view/ but indeed, the folder I have installed the SDK to does not contain a "stateless_validation.h".
My call stack is 3 functions in VkLayer_khronos_validation.dll: "StatelessValidation::validate_struct_pnext", then "StatelessValidation::PreCallValidateCreateShaderModule,", then "vulkan_layer_chassis::CreateShaderModule" called from my own function.
I notice the file "stateless_validation.h" is on the Github repo here: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-ValidationLayers but I would think downloading the SDK would be enough.
How can I solve this?
It seems that the error was an exception thrown inside the actual validation layer source code itself, and was due to the pNext member of my VkShaderModuleCreateInfo structure instance I was passing to vkCreateShaderModule being uninitialized.
Simply setting this to nullptr solved my issue. It seems that since the exception was thrown from inside the dll itself, my exception handling code was not catching it, which confused me.

New angular 8 project gives many console errors

I've begun receiving a lot of errors in the console. This didnt impede development on a previous project for a while, but once it started causing premature exits I decided to see what a brand new project gave me. The same errors exist.
- Websocket handshake failed: 'Connection' header is missing.
- Invalid host/origin header
- [WDS] Disconnected!
- Uncaught typeError: ___ is not a function
I'm completely at a loss on what to do for these errors, but it doesnt seem to be a code issue. maybe some libs or packages are not playing well?
any insight is helpful!

VueJS Watcher not initializing correctly on Safari 12+

I run into a Problem with vueJS at version 2.6.11 and Safari version 12 and 13.
On some pages of the webapp the vue watchers are not initalizing correctly, appearently because of a race-condition inside the vue initalization.
The error results in, that on some pages of the Webapp, none of the v-if bindings and stuff like this works anymore.
Currently on version 2.6.11 i even do not get an error. Luckily on an older version (don't remember exactly which one it was), i got an console error which leaded me to:
this.getter.call(vm, vm);
in vue/src/core/observer/watcher.js:106
with the error string does not match the expected pattern
setting breakpoints to this part of the code, when the exception appeared, and running this.getter.call(vm, vm); again using the browser console, results in a working page after the rendering is finished. So it seems to be because of a race-condition i guess ?
This part of the code is called multiple times during the app initalization.
this.getter is using the function function (){e._update(e._render(),n)} (minified), when the error appears.
Anyone encountered the same issue, and/or knows a fix for this problem ?

Angular 5 / Sentry error reporting shows error source reference in bundled js

I have applied Sentry.io error reporting in an Angular 5 project using Raven-js. Everything works fine and I get the error reports.
The problem is that the reported error location is provided using the bundle.js file references which is very hard to find in the actual project.
For e.g.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at e.logOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:26440)
at e.phoneOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:25883)
at t.handleEvent_12 (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:488537)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:311586)
at HTMLAnchorElement.r (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:666890)
Now this reference is not useful to locate the error.
Is there something that I missed in the sentry setup or this is how it actually shows the error?
Seems like Sentry can't find your source maps. If your site is public, Sentry will try to get the spurce maps automatically. Otherwise you can upload the source maps yourself.
The usage of source maps works out of the box for a deployed app. Sentry tries to fetch the source maps through the public internet and thus cannot fetch them on localhost.
If your source maps aren't public (e.g. out of security concerns), then you need to upload them manually like described here: https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/sourcemaps/availability/#uploading-source-maps-to-sentry .

Icinga2 object ApiUser is unknown

I need help understanding an error why I'm seeing an error.
The feature api is already enabled with the correct ApiListener object, and Api logs are being updated in /var/lib/icinga2/api/log/current .
But I'm getting this error when I restart icinga2:
Error: Error while evaluating expression: The type 'ApiUser' is unknown: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf: 1:0-1:20
I'm running version r2.3.10-1 of Icinga2 on Ubuntu.
Can someone explain what the problem is?
You are probably mixing the current snapshot packages with the released stable versions. The 'ApiUser' object is part of the upcoming Icinga 2 v2.4 release and only available in git master (and therefore snapshot packages as well as docs). The stable 2.3.x tree does not have that kind of configuration object type and therefore bails out with an error.
Remove that file or its content, you don't need it for 2.3.x.