WolframAlpha API: invalid appid - api

I have signed up for the Wolfram Alpha Developer Platform and created an app. The appID that I received for this app works fine when querying the spoken results API but if I try to query the fast query recognizer API (providing that same appID to the API call) I receive
"error": 1,
"msg": "Invalid appid"
I don't understand why my appID works with one API but not with another one! I have tried creating another app (which gave me a second appID) but that appID triggers the same error.
Any ideas what might be going on? Maybe the fast query recognizer API requires you to be a paying customer (which I am not at this point)?
Thanks for helping!


AWS APIGateway "Missing Authentication Token"

I have been working on AWS APIGateway and I had created one by following one of the youtube videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UxiV5sUlcA). I tested the URL using postman and https://reqbin.com/ and it seems to be working (GET).
What I did then is requested EMFIT to send test data to the URL I created, he got back to me and was told that there is a" "message": "Missing Authentication Token" '.
I feel like the GET method is not enough for a third party to send test data to the URL I provided him. (missingauthenticationpicture here are the methods and resources I created) When I tested in postman with POST method (if that is the correct method in order for emfit to send test data), it shows the error above.
Am I missing a method in order for the third party to send test data? Any guidance is greatly appreciated. I am fairly novice and I am learning via feedbacks and some videos.

Google Home "Couldn't update the setting. Check your connection.'

So this type of error is being reported on a lot of community boards over the course of the last year with no acceptable answer we could find. We have just started our journey integrating with Google Home and created a Home Automation Action and we are getting a similar error …
insertId: "10wvnj2fyb1thy"
logName: "projects/bitdog-home-f69bd/logs/actions.googleapis.com%2Factions"
Show matching entries
Hide matching entries
Add field to summary line
receiveTimestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.939975519Z"
resource: {
labels: {
action_id: "SMART_HOME_SYNC"
project_id: "bitdog-home-f69bd"
version_id: ""
type: "assistant_action"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "SYNC: Request ID 742344561631232315 failed with code: OPEN_AUTH_FAILURE"
timestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.931998358Z"
This shows on Google Home app as "Couldn't update the setting, check your connection"
The OAuth service logs show a successful account linking and a successful refresh_token request. Google does not attempt a SYNC call to the Action handler from what we can tell.
We have other systems using the OAuth server and they are working well and we are little lost on how to proceed to debug this issue. We created a support ticket today but I don't feel confident that we will get meaningful help.
We have also tried using the Google Home app on Android and iOS. We have tried changing the default browser from Chrome to Firefox. Nothing has changed the outcome. We also made sure that our access_token was in JWT format to see if google was sensitive to token size or format and nothing worked. We even made sure that the Google Home app user matched the user logged into the browser.
I did get it working. It was already working with an Amazon Echo Skill but it seems that Google's implementation (OpenAuth) is a bit more strict. I changed my access_token from a proprietary encrypted token format to a legit signed JWT token. I also removed expires_in from the response and it started working, not sure if it was the access_token JWT token format or removal of expires_in. I'm happy I can move on. If I get a chance, I will test to see which change made it work and comment here again.
Thank you.
To anyone with this problem–
I had to take multiple steps to resolve this issue, which are not clearly outlined in any documentation.
As per Google support:
Please adjust your account linking implementation from implicit to auth code flow then perform test again.
On the documentation for OAuth account linking, it says there are two methods of authentication: implicit and auth code. Apparently, only the auth code flow works for smart home.
I am using the Actions on Google Node.js library. While poking through the documentation, I found that:
[The SYNC request fulfillment] should return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
The problem is that I was doing a database operation (which took time), so I couldn't simply return a value when it was ready; I had to return a Promise insead, then fulfill that promise later.
Hopefully this is helpful to anyone stuck on this reoccurring issue! Basically, check your auth flow and make SYNC is returning a valid JS object on time.
I was facing the same issue from last 2 weeks and was wonder when saw it is a 3 steps problem.
Check your SYNC intent is properly parsed
Incorrect Response Structure (Verify here-Smart Home SYNC Data Validator)
Device Response time-out should be less than 5 sec.
You can check Link
My problem started when I connected by Sonoff Bridge.
So I got it working by removing my 'Sonoff Bridge' and connecting it to Google Home. (All mu light are now working). Added the Bridge again to Sonoff and using IFTTT to connect to my Bridge

AppInventor: Fusion Tables SQL query UPDATE

I'm using fusion tables with an android app that I'm developing in AppInventor, and I had a question about the SQL Query for updating a row.
Now, before I ask the question, I will let you know that I would have included some screenshots of my blocks-editor code, but my boss told me I had to keep the app 100% closed source, so I can't provide any. Hopefully I'm not being too vague.
Anyways, I set a FusionTablesControl query using the "make text" block and the Google API UPDATE query, but when I send the query on my test device (Samsung Galaxy Player 5), the overlaying "Fusion Tables" load screen pops up for only a split second (it normally shows for 2 or 3 seconds). When I check the tables, there has been no change.
I think syntax is still a potential problem because when I typed the encoded URL into google chrome's address bar, it still didn't update the table. Here is the basic syntax of what I typed into the address bar.
The decoded URL after the "sql=" part is:
UPDATE tableID SET (Column1=data1, Column2=data2, Column3=data3, Column4=data4) WHERE ROWID = 'rowID'
Any help would be appreciated.
Also, is it possible to set Google's API response to CSV instead of JSON?
This does not work like that, because you did not use authentication. More about that see here:
Identifying your application and authorizing requests
Every request your application sends to the Fusion Tables API needs to
identify your application to Google. There are two ways to identify
your application: using an OAuth 2.0 token (which also authorizes the
request) and/or using the application's API key. Here's how to
determine which of those options to use:
If the request requires authorization (such as a request for an
individual's private data), then the application must provide an OAuth
2.0 token with the request. The application may also provide the API key, but it doesn't have to. If the request doesn't require
authorization (such as a request for public data), then the
application must provide either the API key or an OAuth 2.0 token, or
both—whatever option is most convenient for you.
To access a fusion table with App Inventor, you have 2 possibilities:
use the built-in fusiontable control blocks, how to set up everything for App Inventor please see the Pizza Party tutorial
use the web component with authentication, for details see here

Google Simple API key stopped working

I'm using Python/Twisted to do asynchronous HTTP calls to the Google+ API. Our client app passes over the user's access_token and we do an API call to...
... where %s and %s are being filled with a valid access_token and (supposedly) valid Simple API Key, respectively.
Everything was working beautifully yesterday. Today I continued to work on the unit tests for this when the API suddenly started returning:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "keyInvalid",
"message": "Bad Request"
"code": 400,
"message": "Bad Request"
usageLimits, keyInvalid... Okay, I get it. I've seemingly hit the usage limits and they have invalidated API keys coming from this account. Except, I haven't...
The "Courtesy Limit" is supposed to be "10,000 requests/day", yet I've only made a couple hundred calls (according to Google's own usage graphs), and I am still seeing "0% used" on the quotas tab.
I would have brought this to Google directly, but they seem to have dropped their Developers Google Group in favor of a Google+ discussion that doesn't actually receive any responses.
Any help or guidance is extremely appreciated. Thanks!
The answer was quite simple! You can't send both the access_token and the key in the same API call. If you use the access_token you're authenticating the API call as the user, if you use your projects Simple API Key you're authenticating as yourself. If you use both, the call fails.
Just so we are clear, you are using your key from your Google API Console page? On there you should see a tab for "API Access" near the top left hand corner of the page. Make sure that the API Key you are using is your Key for browser apps (with referers) Key, otherwise it won't work.
At any rate, an API Call for me looks like this:
You should be able to make at least one API Call per day without a valid Key.
This took me quite a long time to figure out, so hope to save some time to someone else :)
Take a look at thi spost, by google staff (in 2012..) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-ajax-search-api/HuKhXfsoMQc
Sorry for the delayed response. This error (which we're working on improving the descriptiveness of) also occurs when you have a
restriction on your key (e.g. locked to a specific referer or IP
address). Please confirm that if you've set such a restriction in the
APIs Console, that the referer or IP address that you're making the
requests from. Pay special attention to any wildcards used on the
referer - for instance, if you use *.abc.com, it won't work if your
request comes from "yoururl".
also would have been great if google team fixed this issue! :)
In my case - I just had to wait few minutes because it was short time after updating my API KEY. Whenever you create a new key or update it on YT developer console. YT has up to 15 mins to make all the changes on their side
In my case I had a parameter named Key, so it thought that was an actual key, just renamed the parameter.

Flickr API: API key keeps getting invalid?

I’ve a Flickr which I’m using to upload pictures from my phone and all images are public. On my blog I want to retrieve all the images to show and for that I’ve first tried to create an application to get my API key. I’m using the Flickr API flickr.people.getPublicPhotos. This API service is said to not require authentication and putting it all together I end up with this call:
The problem is that every around 10 hours I fails and returns the error message a:3:{s:4:"stat";s:4:"fail";s:4:"code";i:100;s:7:"message";s:31:"Invalid API Key (Key not found)";}
I tried to create the API call when logged in to Flickr and also with not logging in and in both cases I get the error message. It’s like the API key expires or stops working. Have a missed something on Flickr about the API key or what could cause this? It is really frustrating to renew the URL twice at day.
Thank you
- Mestika
If I read the docs correctly, the &api_sig query string parameter is constructed using an authentication token, one that eventually expires. Remove that parameter (= do not sign your API request) and I think you'll be OK.
Mestika's comment seems correct. I was getting the same problem when using the API explorer. If you use your accounts API, or go in and create a new app, then use the API given for that, then the key doesn't change every few hours.
The url to request a key is:
I got the same problem.
This is how i solved it:
removed the auth_token and the api_sig parameters
replaced the api_key value with an app key
Hope this helps.
i met this issue before. with new api key, only accept https request.
Let's change your url to: https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.people.getPublicPhotos&api_key.....
I am sure it will be work right know.