There is a section in the Vue Formulate documentation that describes how to override the label slot of the FormulateInput component. Similarly, I would like to overwrite the default slot in order to customize it, but it seems it does not work. Is there a special way to overwrite it? Is it even possible to override the default slot?
Link to the FormulateVue documentation
I created a vue component based on MapBox, which is restricted in initializations before it costs money and that is perfectly fine. But I want to reduce reinitializations of my map component for their and my sake.
That's why I thought if it is possible to define the component once, pass in some properties and then handle the state via vuex.
Right now, I'd have to import my component and add the data like this:
:componentOptions="{ drawingEnabled: toggleMapDrawing, activeLayers: activeMapLayers, activeMarkerGroups: [] }"
#loaded="onMapLoaded" #selectedMarkers="onSelectedObjects"/>
The componentOptions are being watched, so the component changes its state accordingly.
My ideas/approaches so far were the following:
I thought about adding the snippet above to the root vue file, but that won't help since I want to place the map component dynamically and not statically before the rest of the page content.
Passing a rendered vue component into a variable and appending that later would be a bit too hacky, if it is even possible.
Using slots, but from what I've seen in the docs, it's not possible to use a slotted component from a parent component in a child like this.
The best idea that has come to my mind was to define the actual MapBox variable (which I suppose triggers the API for initialization) and then save that globally using the store or something. But since that will immediately append the component to a DOM element that will be specified in the options, so I'd have to store that somehow, too.
The initialization of the map happens in the mounted hook of the component and looks like this:
const baseOptions = {
accessToken: process.env.MAPBOX_TOKEN,
container: 'map',
style: process.env.MAPBOX_STYLE_URL,
minZoom: 10,
maxZoom: 20,
zoom: 13,
bearing: 150,
pitch: 50
} = new mapboxgl.Map(Object.assign(baseOptions, this.mapOptions))
if (! { throw new Error('Could not create map. Make sure the token is valid.') }
I might be wrong, maybe there's a better way or maybe this whole idea might be garbage, but hopefully it's not. Also please note that I'm not using the vue-mapbox module, because it's not being maintained anymore.
I'm thankful for any ideas and hints :)
You may use <KeepAlive>, a built-in component available in both Vue2 (docs) and Vue3 (docs).
Basically it ensures that a component tagged with keep-alive will only be mounted once. So in your case, you can place the map wherever you want, and the Map will only be initialized once in its mounted hook.
If you need to utilize the moment that your Map gets "focused" or "activated" so to say, then you can utilize the activated and deactivated hooks.
Why you cannot use KeepAlive.
There is an obvious and logical limitation. As long as the parent is alive and mounted, the component's children that are being kept-alive will stay alive. But if the keep-alive component's parent gets unmounted, then all the children will be unmounted aswell even if they were being kept alive. This is all very obvious but I just felt like pointing it out.
So, in your use case, you want a component (the <Map> component) to be globally kept-alive after its first initialization. I suggest you cache the map element itself and store it in the store. Then on every <Map> component onBeforeMount (Composition API) or beforeMount (Options API) hook, manually check if the element is cached, if it is then insert the cached map from the store, otherwise initialize the map.
i'm trying to make a banner component to use as SimpleBannerComponent, but i need to override only in a specific slot/section on homepage.
In another pages I will use the default component.
How can I do that?
Thanks for your time.
The best way is to create a new CMS component only for that specific slot/section on homepage, because once you update a component, all its instances will also be updated everywhere.
Documentation on how to create and map a new component can be found on Spartacus Documentation Site.
I would like to pass data when navigating from one route to another, but the data shouldn't be shown to the user in the URL, as it is with route parameters.
Instead, I want the data to stay "hidden" from the user, since, in my case, I want to pass an authentication key (which is pretty long and shouldn't necessarily be shown to the user).
Is this achievable using router.push()?
What I think I would do to solve this, is to define props, just below where you define your path, you can add props to it. See: Passing props to Route Components
Essentially you define what do you want to pass, an object, a value, whatever you need. And within your router-view component, you bind the prop that you want to pass.
For example:
: is shorthand for v-bind
<router-view :props-name-defined-in-router="value"></router-view>
Remember to use the proper casing in Vue.js See: Component name casing in templates
Additionally, I think this other question seems to fit your needs.
Passing props to Vue.js components instantiated by Vue-router
I am trying to override the .Select-control css component in react-select.
I want to set a custom height (the default is 36px) so it will look more closely to my other input fields
I have tried to add my own className prop as suggested in the docs however it does not seem to work and just pushes everything down (which makes sense since it's the wrapper for the component)
Is it possible to override the component itself?
I just started working with react-select and ended up overriding the components to bring the elements in line but also had success with passing in my own classes.
.Select-control {
height: 32px
I noticed that some of the css selectors can be pretty specific so referencing the css file helped to make sure I overrode the included styles. If you're using ES6 syntax I think you need to import your css after importing the react-select css in order to override.
Hope that helps
I'm working on styling the breadcrumb module.
Am I able to remove this class: RadSiteMap? I'd like to add my own styles to it.
I'm not sure you can remove that particular class, because I believe it is automatically generated by the control as it renders (you'd have to inherit from it and override this behavior, and even then I'm not sure it's possible).
your best bet is to use CSS to override that class properties. What you can do however, is use an external template ( which will allow you to change the default CSS styles applied to the control (for breadcrum it has a wrapper class of "sfBreadcrumbWrp" and label class of "sfBreadcrumbLabel"
These are defined right in the template and can be changed as needed.
I hope this is helpful!