Problem with installing tensorflow on Raspberry pi-Error:Tensorflow is not a supported wheel on this platfrom - tensorflow

I tried to install tensorflow on my raspberry pi using the instructions on this link:
I faced the error below:
These are some information you may need to help me solving this error:
OS:Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye)
Python 3.9.2
pip 22.0.4
Do you have any idea how I can solve this error and install tensorflow completely?


Can anyone give me a comprehensive guide to installing tensorflow-federated on M1 Mac?

i followed the instructions given by the official tf documentation, but i just cannot resolve the various problems encountered.
Did anyone have the experience installing tff on m1 mac and can show me your overall process?
conda create -n federated python=3.8
conda activate federated
pip install --upgrade tensorflow_federated
everything seems to be fine according to the terminal output, however,
import tensorflow_federated as tff
i got a RunTimeError:
RuntimeError: This version of jaxlib was built using AVX instructions, which your CPU and/or operating system do not support. You may be able work around this issue by building jaxlib from source.
how to resolve this?

Unable to install Keras and Tensorflow in R

I have been trying to install both tensorflow and keras in Rstudio with no succes, always having the same error.
Many thanks in advance.
This is my code:
Error in tensorflow::install_tensorflow(method = match.arg(method), conda = conda, :
Unable to install TensorFlow on this platform.Binary installation is only available for 64-bit platforms.
I am running a 64 bit platform, I dont understand how to fix this.

Installing tensorflow 1.9 on raspberry pi*addressed by modifying code to work with tf 2

updated code to work with tensorflow 2.4 to get around issue
I'm trying to install Tensorflow 1.9 on a Raspberry Pi as it is a requirement of the code I want to run. It installs fine on my Macbook using pip install tensorflow==1.9.0, but on the Pi I get the error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.9.0 (from versions: 0.11.0, 1.11.0, 1.12.0, 1.13.1, 1.14.0)
No matching distribution found for tensorflow==1.9.0
I'm using a Conda (miniconda3) environment with Python 3.6.
Would using Ubuntu Desktop instead of Raspberry Pi OS work maybe? Or is there perhaps a way to build it from
You need to install python version 3.6 or other compatible versions in conda. Tensorflow does not work on versions higher than 3.8 and has identified issues with some other versions. I recommend using python 3.6 through conda. You will also probably need to move the
files from anaconda3\Library\bin to anaconda3/DLLs. You can find more details about this issue if you run into it here.
Hope this answers your question!
To install Tensorflow on Raspberry Pi run:
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev
and then
pip3 install tensorflow
You can also compilte TensorflowLite and use if you wish. The compile TensorflowLite on RPi refer this link

tensorflow-windows installation with CPU support only through python3.5

Trying to install Tensorflow in windows7 with CPU support only.
The installation was successful using a native pip, as instructed in tensorflow site. But i am not able to validate the installation. It is generating an error message instead of printing Hello, Tensorflow.
error showing- tf is not defined,.
sees is not defined.
the screenshot of the error: [1]:
py -m 3.6 pip install tensorflow
The lack of AVX instruction in CPU can cause this error.
Try this wheel for python3.6

bazel failing to install tensorflow with this error java installation could't find/access rt.jar in /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle

While trying to install tensorflow with gpu on my ubuntu 16.04 box with python 3.5 and cuda 7.5 and cudann 5.1, on configuring I am getting below error. Can some one suggest how to fix this?
Error seen
By the way tried with lower version of bazel aswell 0.3.2 but still no help. Seems this has been reported by more people... Need google to resolve this issue with Bazel or tensorflow.